[1] About this season, the duke of Orleance,The duke of Orleance his challenge. brother to the French king, a man of no lesse pride than hau|tinesse of courage, wrote letters to king Henrie, ad|uertising him, that for the loue he bare to the noble feats of chiualrie, he could imagine nothing either more honorable or cõmendable to them both, than to meet in the field each part with an hundred knights and esquiers, all being gentlemen, both of name and armes, armed at all points, and furnished with speares, axes, swords, and daggers, and there to fight and combat to the yeelding; and euerie pers [...]n, to whome God should send victorie, to haue his [...]iso|ner, & him to ransome at hi [...] pleasure, offering [...]|selfe with his companie to come to his citie of An|gulesine, so that the king would come to the lands of Burdeaux, and there defend this challenge.