[1] The king returning foorth of Yorkeshire, determi|ned to go into Northwales, to chastise the presump|tuous dooings of the vnrulie Welshmen, who (after his comming from Shrewesburie,The Welsh|men molest the English subiects. and the marches there) had doone much harme to the English subiects. But now where the king wanted monie to furnish that enterprise, and to wage his souldiers, there were some that counselled him to be bold with the bishops, and supplie his want with their surplusage. But as it fortuned, the archbishop of Canturburie was there present, who in the name of all the rest boldlie made answer, that none of his prouince should be spoiled by anie of those naughtie disposed persons;It was spo|ken like a prelat. but that first with hard stripes they should vnderstand the price of their rash enterprise. But the king neuerthe|lesse so vsed the matter with the bishops for their good wils, that the archbishop at length to pleasure him, calling the cleargie togither,A tenth leuied of the clear|gie. got a grant of a tenth, towards the kings necessarie charges.