[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Iohn lord Latimer, although he was vnder age,The lord La|timer. for himselfe and the duke of Norfolke, notwithstan|ding that his possessions were in the kings hands, by his atturnie sir Thomas Graie knight, claimed and had the office of almoner for that daie, by reason of certeine lands which sometime belonged to the lord William Beuchampe of Bedford. They had a towell of fine linnen cloth prepared, to put in the siluer that was appointed to be giuen in almes; and like|wise they had the distribution of the cloth that coue|red the pauement and floors from the kings chamber doore, vnto the place in the church of Westminster where the pulpit stood. The residue that was spread in the church, the sexten had. William le Uenour,William l [...] Uenour. by reason he was tenant of the manor of Liston, clai|med and obteined to exercise the office of making wafers for the king the daie of his coronation. The barons of the fiue ports claimed,The barons of the cinqu [...] ports. and it was granted them, to beare a canopie of cloth of gold ouer the K. with foure staues, & foure bels at the foure corners, euerie staffe hauing foure of those barons to beare it: also to dine and sit at the table next to the king on his right hand in the hall the daie of his coronation, and for their fees to haue the forsaid canopie of gold, with the bels and staues, notwithstanding the abbat of Westminster claimed the same. Edmund cham|bers claimed and obteined the office of principall lar|derer for him and his deputies, by reason of his ma|nour of Skulton, otherwise called Burdellebin Skulton, in the countie of Norfolke. Thus was eue|rie man appointed to exercise such office as to him of right apperteined, or at the least was thought requisit for the time present. On mondaie then next insuing, [page 511] when the states were assembled in parlement, order was taken, that by reason of such preparation as was to be made for the coronation, they should sit no more till the morow after saint Edwards daie. On the sundaie following, being the euen of saint Ed|ward, the new king lodged in the Tower, and there made fortie & six knights of the Bath, to wit: thrée of his sonnes,Knights of the Bath. the earle of Arundell, the earle of War|wike his sonne, the earle of Stafford, two of the earle of Deuonshires sonnes, the lord Beaumont, the lord Willoughbies brother, the earle of Staffords bro|ther, the lord Camois his sonne, the lord of Maule, Thomas Beauchampe, Thomas Pelham, Iohn Lut|trell, Iohn Lisleie, William Haukeford iustice, William Brinchleie iustice, Bartholomew Rach|ford, Giles Daubenie, William Butler, Iohn Ash|ton, Richard Sanape, Iohn Tiptost, Richard Fran|cis, Henrie Persie, Iohn Arundell, William Strall, Iohn Turpington, Ailmer Saint, Edward Ha|stings, Iohn Greislcie, Gerald Satill, Iohn Arden, Robert Chalons, Thomas Dimocke, Hungerford, Gibethorpe, Newport, and diuerse other, to the num|ber of fortie and six.