[1] In this fourtéenth and last yeare of king Henries reigne, Fabian. The k. mea [...] to haue made a iournie a|gainst the Infidels. a councell was holden in the white friers in London, at the which, among other things, order was taken for ships and gallies to be builded and made readie, and all other things necessarie to be prouided for a voiage which he meant to make into the holie land, there to recouer the citie of Ierusalem from the Infidels. For it gréeued him to consider the great malice of christian princes, that were bent vpon a mischéefous purpose to destroie one another, to the perill of their owne soules, rather than to make war against the enimies of the christian faith, as in con|science (it séemed to him) they were bound. He held his Christmas this yeare at Eltham,The king is vexed with sicknesse. being sore vex|ed with sicknesse, so that it was thought sometime, [page 541] that he had beene dead: notwithstanding it pleased God that he somwhat recouered his strength againe, and so passed that Christmasse with as much ioy as he might.