[1] [2] [3] [4] About the same time, Iohn Prendergest knight,Sir Iohn Prendergest restored to the kings fauour is sent to sea. being restored to the kings fauour, with thirtie ships scowred the seas, tooke good prises of wine and vitels, which reléeued the commons greatlie. Amongst o|ther enterprises, he landed vpon the sudden at Craal on the faire day, tooke the towne, and robbed the faire, so as they that were come thither to sell their wares, had quicke vtterance and slow paiment. King Hen|rie vnderstanding that the French king by setting on of the duke of Burgognie in pursuing the contra|rie faction,The duke of Clarence sent to aid ye duke of Orleance had besieged the citie of Burges (as before yée haue heard) determined with all spéed to aid the duke of Orleance, & so about the feast of the Assump|tion [page 540] of our ladie, he sent ouer an armie of eight hun|dred men of armes, and nine thousand archers, vnder the leading of his second sonne the duke of Clarence accompanied with Edward duke of Yorke, Tho|mas earle of Dorset, and diuerse other noble men and worthie capteins. They landed in the Baie de la Hogue saint Wast, in the countrie of Constantine. The Englishmen swarmed like bées round about the countrie, robbing and spoiling the same.