[1] [2] Iohn duke of Burgogn [...] [...]auing obteined licence to besiege Calis,The duke of Burgognie prepareth to besiege Ca|lis. prepared a [...] [...]rmie of six thousand men of armes, fiftéene hundred [...]rosbowes, & twelue thousand footmen, the which being [...]sembled, and all necessarie prouision readie at saint [...]mers, he was by the French king countermanded, [...] not suffered to proceed anie further in that weightie enterprise. And this was thought to be partlie the ca [...]se of the malice that he conceiued against the duke o [...] Orle|ance,The chéefe [...] of the ma|lice betwixt the dukes of Burgognie & Orleance. supposing that through him (enuieng his g [...]rie) he was thus disappointed of his purpose. Whi [...]t such dooings were in hand betwixt the English and French, as the besieging of Marke castell by the earle of saint Paule, and the sending foorth of the English fléet, vnder the gouernance of the lord Tho|mas of Lancaster, and the earle of Kent, the king was minded to haue gone into Wales against the Welsh rebels, that vnder their chéefteine Owen Glendouer, ceassed not to doo much mischéefe still a|gainst the English subiects.