[1] The Persies with this answer and fraudulent ex|cuse were not a little fumed, insomuch that Henrie Hotspur said openlie: Behold,The saieng of the L. Persie. the heire of the relme is robbed of his right, and yet the robber with his owne will not redeeme him. So in this furie the Persies departed, minding nothing more than to depose king Henrie from the high type of his roial|tie, and to place in his seat their cousine Edmund earle of Mar [...]h, whom they did not onlie deliuer out of captiuitie,

The conspi|racies of the Persies with Owen Glen|douer.

An indenture tripartite.

but also (to the high displeasure of king Henrie) entered in league with the foresaid Owen Glendouer. Héerewith, they by their deputies in the house of the archdeacon of Bangor, diuided the realme amongst them, causing a tripartite inden|ture to be made and sealed with their seales, by the couenants whereof, all England from Seuerne and Trent, south and eastward,A diuision of that which they had not. was assigned to the earle of March: all Wales, & the lands beyond Seuerne westward, were appointed to Owen Glendouer: and all the remnant from Trent northward, to the lord Persie.