[1] At the same instant, there chanced such a tempest of wind, thunder, and lightning, that the highest part of the roofe of that church was blowen downe, and the chancell was all to shaken, rent, and torne in pée|ces. Within a small while after, eight of those greie friers that had practised treason against the king,E [...]ght friers executed. were brought to open iudgement, and conuicted were drawen and headed at London; and two other suffe|red at Leicester, all which persons had published king Richard to be aliue. Owen Glendouer, according to his accustomed manner, robbing and spoiling within the English borders, caused all the forces of the shire of Hereford to assemble togither against them, vnder the conduct of Edmund Mortimer earle of March.The earle of March taken pr [...]soner in ba|t [...]ll by Owen Glendouer. But cõming to trie the matter by battell, whether by treason or otherwise, so it fortuned, that the English power was discomfited, the earle taken prisoner, and aboue a thousand of his people slaine in the place. The shamefull villanie vsed by the Welsh|women towards the dead carcasses, was such, as ho|nest eares would be ashamed to heare, and continent toongs to speake thereof. The dead bodies might not be buried, without great summes of monie gi|uen for libertie to conueie them awaie.