[1] [2] [3] [4] The Scots in time of the late parlement, taking occasion of the absence of the northerne lords, and al|so by reason of great mortalitie that afflicted the nor|therne people that yeare, inuaded the borders, tooke the castell of Warke,The castell of Warke taken by the Scots. Sir Thom. Greie. that was assigned to the safe kéeping of sir Thomas Greie knight, who then was at the parlement, as one of the knights of the shire, by meanes of whose absence, the enimies the sooner (as is to be thought) obteined their desire, and so kept that castell a certeine time, and finallie spoi|led it, and ouerthrew it to the ground. Besides all this, they did manie other mischeefes in the countrie, to the vndooing of manie of the kings subiects.The death of the duke of Norffolke. This yeare Thomas Mowbraie duke of N [...]ffolke died in exile at Uenice, whose death might haue béene wor|thilie bewailed of all the realme, if he had not béene consenting to the death of the duke of Glocester. The same yeare deceassed the duchesse of Glocester, tho|rough sorrow (as was thought) which she conceiued for the losse of hir sonne and heire the lord Humfrie,The duch [...]s of Glocester deceass [...]. who being sent for foorth of Ireland (as before ye haue heard) was taken with the pestilence, and died by the waie.