[1] After that the foresaid iudgement was declared with protestation by sir William Thirning iustice,The earle of Salisburie his request. the earle of Salisburie came and made request, that he might haue his protestation entered against the lord Morlie, which lord Morlie rising vp from his seat, said, that so he might not haue; bicause in his first answer he made no protestation, and therefore he was past it now. The earle praied day of aduisement, but the lord Morlie praied that he might lose his ad|uantage, sith he had not entered sufficient plee a|gainst him. Then sir Matthew Gournie sitting vn|derneath the king said to the earle of Salisburie,Sir Mathew Gournie. that Forsomuch as at the first day in your answers, ye made no protestation at all, none is entered of re|cord, and so you are past that aduantage: and there|fore asked him if he would saie any other thing. Then the earle desired that he might put in mainprise,The earle of Salisburie mainprised. which was granted: and so the earle of Kent, sir Rafe Ferrers, sir Iohn Roch, & sir Iohn Draiton knights, mainprised the said earle bodie for bodie. For the lord Morlie all the lords and barons offred to vndertake, and to be suerties for him; but yet foure of them had their names entered, that is to saie,The lord Morlie main|prised. the lords Wil|loughbie, Beauchampe, Scales, and Berkelie: they had day till the fridaie after to make their libell.