[1] We find, that he was taken with his last sicke|nesse, Fabian. while he was making his praiers at saint Ed|wards shrine, there as it were to take his leaue, and so to procéed foorth on his iournie: he was so sudden|lie and greeuouslie taken, that such as were about him, feared least he would haue died presentlie, wher|fore to reléeue him (if it were possible) they bare him into a chamber that was next at hand, belonging to the abbat of Westminster, where they laid him on a pallet before the fire, and vsed all remedies to reuiue him. At length, he recouered his spéech, and vnder|standing and perceiuing himselfe in a strange place which he knew not, he willed to know if the chamber had anie particular name, wherevnto answer was made, that it was called Ierusalem. Then said the king;

Lauds be giuen to the father of heauen, for now I know that I shall die heere in this chamber, according to the prophesie of me declared, that I should depart this life in Ierusalem.