[1] Thom. Wals. Hall. Moreouer, the kings eldest sonne Henrie alreadie created (as heire to his father, and to the crowne) prince of Wales, duke of Cornewall, and earle of Chester, was also intituled duke of Aquitaine: and to auoid all titles, claimes, and ambiguities, there was an act made for the vniting of the crowne vnto king Henrie the fourth,The crowne intailed. and to the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten, his foure sonnes, Henrie, Tho|mas, Iohn, and Humfrie, being named, as to whom the right should descend successiuelie by waie of in|taile, in case where heires failed to any of them. By force of this act king Henrie thought himselfe firme|lie set on a sure foundation, not néeding to feare any storme of aduerse fortune. But yet shortlie after he was put in danger to haue béene set besides the seat, by a conspiracie begun in the abbat of Westmin|sters house, which, had it not béene hindred, it is doubt|full whether the new king should haue inioied his roi|altie, or the old king (now a prisoner) restored to his principalitie. But God (of whome the poet saith,

—humana rotat
Instar volucris pulueris acti
Turbine celeri mobilis aurae)
had purposed a disappointment of their coniuration, and therefore no maruell though the issue of their la|bours were infortunat by their flattering hope.