[1] In the beginning of March,The earle of Kent sent to the sea. the king sent Ed|mund Holland earle of Kent with an armie of men imbarked in certeine ships of warre vnto the sea, bi|cause he had knowledge that diuerse rouers were wafting about the coasts of this land, and did much hurt. When the earle had serched the coasts, and could meet with no enimie abrode, he was aduertised bye|spials, that the pirats hearing of his comming to sea, were withdrawne into Britaine: wherefore the said earle intending to be reuenged on them, whome he sought, directed his course thither, and finding that they had laid vp their ships in the hauens, so as he could not fight with them by sea,Briake in Britaine as|saulted by the Englishmen. he lanched out his boates, and with his fierce souldiers tooke land, and manfullie assaulted the towne of Briake standing by the sea side. They within stoutlie defended them|selues, dooing their best to repell the Englishmen, with throwing darts, casting stones,The earle of Kent woũde [...] to death. and shooting quarels; in which conflict the earle receiued a wound in his head, so that he died thereof within fiue daies after.