[1] [2] After the king, accordinglie as séemed to him goo [...], had ransomed and punished by gréeuous fines th [...] ci|tizens of Yorke (which had borne armour o [...] their archbishops side against him) he departed [...] Yorke with an armie of thirtie and seuen thousa [...] fighting men, furnished withall prouision nec [...]sarie, mar|ching northwards against the earle of Northumber|land. At his cõming to Durham, [...]e lord Hastings, the lord Fauconbridge,The lords ex|ecuted. sir Io [...]n Colleuill of the Dale, and sir Iohn Griffith [...]eing conuicted of the conspiracie, were there be [...]aded. The earle of Nor|thumberland, hearing [...]at his counsell was be|wraied, and his confe [...]rats brought to confusion, through too much [...] of the archbishop of Yorke, with thrée hundred [...]orsse got him to Berwike. The king comming [...]orward quickelie, wan the castell of Warkewoor [...].The earle of Northumber|land. Wherevpon the earle of Northum|berland, [...] thinking himselfe in suertie at Ber|wike, [...] with the lord Berdoise into Scotland, where t [...]ey were receiued of Dauid lord Fleming.