[1] [2] The duke of Orleance hauing leuied a mightie ar|mie, The duke of Orleance be|s [...]geth towns in Gascoigne. had besieged the townes of Burge and Blaie in Gascoigne, meaning with force to win the same; but so it fortuned, that for the space of eight wéekes togi|ther, there passed not one daie without tempest of raine, snow, and haile, mixed with winds and light|nings, which killed aswell men as cattell, by reason whereof he lost (as was reported) six thousand men, so that he was constreined to breake vp his camps from before both those townes, and to get him awaie with dishonor, for all his brags and boasts made at his first comming thither.Henrie Paie [...] valiant sea man. The sametime, Henrie Paie and certeine other persons of the fiue ports, with fiftéene ships, tooke an hundred and twentie poises, which laie at anchor in and about the coast of Britaine, laden with iron, salt, oile, & Ro [...]hell wines.