[1] [2] [3] About foure years before this, he burnt the towne of Peples on the market daie, causing his men to meat the cloathes which they got there with their bowes, & so to sell them awaie, wherevpon the Scots named him Robert Mendmarket.By what oc|casion he came by that sur|name. Shortlie after his returne from the sea now in this eleuenth yeare of king Henries reigne, he made a road into Scotland by land, hauing with him his nephue yoong Gilbert Umfreuill earle of Angus (commonlie called earle of Kime) being then but fourtéene yeares of age,The earle of Angus Um|freuill cõmon|lie called erle of Kime. and this was the first time that the said earle spread his banner. They burnt at that time Iedwoorth, and the most part of Tiuidale. This yeare there died of the bloudie flix in the citie of Burdeaux fourtéene thou|sand persons,1411 Anno Reg. 12. A great death by the flix. and so sore raged that disease in Gas|coigne and Guien, that there wanted people to dresse their vines, and presse their grapes.