[1] This yeare, the eight day of Aprill deceassed the lord Thomas Beauchampe earle of Warwike. In the moneth of March appeared a blasing starre,

The earle of Warwike de|parteth this life.

A blasing starre.

first be|twéene the east part of the firmament and the north, flashing foorth fire and flames round about it, and lastlie, shooting foorth fierie beams towards the north, foreshewing (as was thought) the great effusion of bloud that followed, about the parts of Wales and Northumberland. For much about the same time, Owen Glendouer (with his Welshmen) fought with the lord Greie of Ruthen, comming foorth to de|fend his possessions, which the same Owen wasted and destroied: and as the fortune of that daies worke fell out, the lord Greie was taken prisoner,The lord Greie of Ru|then taken in fight by Owẽ Glendouer. and ma|nie of his men were slaine. This hap lifted the Welshmen into high pride, and increased merue|louslie their wicked and presumptuous attempts.