[1] [2] The messengers returning to the earle of West|merland, shewed him what they had heard & brought from the archbishop. When he had read the articles, [page 530] he shewed in word and countenance outwardly that he liked of the archbishops holie and vertuous intent and purpose, promising that he and his would prose|cute the same in assisting the archbishop, who reioi|sing hereat, gaue credit to the earle, and persuaded the earle marshall (against his will as it were) to go with him to a place appointed for them to commune togither. Here when they were met with like num|ber on either part, the articles were read ouer, and without anie more adoo, the earle of Westmerland and those that were with him agréed to doo their best, to see that a reformation might be had, according to the same.