[1] [2] [3] [4] This yeare about Midsummer, Fabian. Iusts in Smithfield. were roiall iusts holden at London in Smithfield betwixt the sene|schall of Heinault, and certeine Henewers challen|gers, and the earle of Summerset, and certeine Eng|lishmen [page 536] defendants.Owen Glen|douer endeth his life in great miserie. The Welsh rebell Owen Glen|douer made an end of his wretched life in this tenth yeare of king Henrie his reigne, being driuen now in his latter time (as we find recorded) to such miserie, that in manner despairing of all comfort, he fled into desert places and solitarie caues, where be|ing destitute of all releefe and succour, dreading to shew his face to anie creature, and finallie lacking meat to susteine nature, for méere hunger and lacke of food, miserablie pined awaie and died. This yeare Thomas Beaufort earle of Surrie was made chan|cellor, Anno Reg. 11. Officers made. and Henrie Scroope lord treasuror. A parle|ment began this yeare in the quindene of saint Hi|larie, in which the commons of the lower house exhi|bited a bill to the king and lords of the vpper house,A pa [...]lement. conteining effect as followeth.