[1] [2] This yeare after the Epiphanie, the archbishop of Canturburie called the cleargie of the prouince of Canturburie to a conuocation in Paules church at London, A cõuocation at S. Paules in London. to choose sufficient persons that might go vnto the generall councell, appointed to be kept at Pisa: herevpon were chosen Robert Halom bishop of Salisburie,Ambassadors appointed to go to the coun|cell at Pisa. Henrie Chichleie bishop of saint Da|uid, & Thomas Chillingden prior of Christes church in Canturburie. The king before this had sent am|bassadors vnto pope Gregorie, and also to the cardi|nals; to wit, sir Iohn Coluill knight, and maister Nicholas Rixton clearke, with letters, signifieng the gréefe he had conceiued for the inconuenience that fell in the christian common-wealth thorough the schisme;The contents of the kings letters to the pope. and withall putting the pope in remem|brance what mischéefe and destruction of people had chanced by the same schisme. These and the like mat|ters, to vtter what desire he had to haue an vnitie in the church, he declared frankelie in his letters direc|ted to the pope, so as it might appeare to the world, how soberlie and modestlie he sought to induce the pope to procure peace & concord in the church. ¶ Cer|teine collections of which letters (as I find them in Thomas Walsingham) I haue here set downe in com|mendation of this king so excellentlie minded. Abr. Fl. out of Thom. Wals. Hypod. pag. 159.