[1] The French king perceiuing he could not bring his purpose about, neither by inuading England, nor by practising with the Gascoignes,Ambassadors from the French king. sent a solemne ambassage into England, requiring to haue his daughter the ladie Isabell, sometime espoused to king Richard, restored to him againe. King Henrie gent|lie receiued those that were sent to him about this message, and for answer, promised to send his com|missioners vnto Calis, which should further com|mune and conclude with them. Abr. Fl. out of Fabian, pag. 304. ¶ This séemeth disso|nant from the report of Fabian deriued out of Gag|wine. For he saith that Charles hearing of the sup|pression of K. Richard, sent 2 of his houshold knights into England, requiring king Henrie the fourth, then newlie made king, to send home his daughter Isabell, latelie married vnto king Richard, with such dowrie as with hir was promised. In dooing of which message king Henrie tooke such displeasure, that he threw the said two knights in prison; where through one of them (named Blanchet) died in England, and the other called Henrie, after great sicknesse retur|ned into France: wherefore if Fabian plaie not the fabler, those that were sent on the said message were not gentlie receiued of king Henrie; vnlesse to be cast in prison and discourteouslie dealt withall stand countable for beneuolence & gentle interteinment. But to remit this and the like variances among wri|ters to such as can reconcile them, let vs returne to the storie.