[1] [2] [3] [4] The lord Graie.The lord Reginald Graie of Ruthen, by reason of his manour of Ashleie in Norfolke couered the tables, and had for his fees all the tableclothes, as well those in the hall, as else-where, when they were taken vp; notwithstanding a petition exhibited by sir Iohn Draiton to haue had that office.Great sp [...]s. The same lord Graie of Ruthen, bare the kings great spurs before him in the time of his coronation by right of inheri|tance, as heire to Iohn Hastings earle of Penbroke. Iohn erle of Summerset,The second sword. by the kings assignement bare the second sword before him at his coronation, albeit that the said lord Graie of Ruthen by petition exhibited before the lord steward demanded the same office, by reason of his castell & tower of Penbroke, and of his towne of Denbigh. Thomas earle of A|rundell cheefe butler of England,The earle of Arundell. obteined to exer|cise that office the daie of the coronation, and had the fées thereto belonging granted to him, to wit, the goblet with which the king was serued, and other things to that his office apperteining (the vessels of wine excepted) that laie vnder the bar, which were ad|iudged vnto the said lord steward, the said earle of A|rundels claime notwithstanding.