[1] [2] [3] This yeare at London, the earle of Arundell ma|ried the bastard daughter of the king of Portingale, the king of England and the quéene with their pre|sen [...] honoring the solemnitie of that feast, which was kept with all sumptuous roialtie, the morrow after saint Katharins daie. ¶And on the daie of the Con|ception of our ladie, the ladie Philip king Henries daughter was proclamed quéene of Denmarke, Norwaie, and Sweden, in presence of such ambassa|dors, as the last summer came hither from the king of those countries, to demand hir in marriage for him, and had so trauelled in the matter, that finallie they obteined it. Abr. Fl. out of Thom. Walsin. Roiston bur|ned. ¶On the daie of the translation of saint Martine, the towne of Roiston was on fire. This yeare the first of March a parlement began, which continued almost all this yeare: for after that in the lower house they had denied a long time to grant to any subsidie:A parlement. yet at length, a little before Christmasse, in the eight yeare of his reigne they granted a fifteenth to the losse and great damage of the communaltie, for through lingering of time,A fiftéenth grãted by [...]he temporaltie. the expenses of knights and burgesses grew almost in value to the summe that was demanded.