[1] King Henrie being aduertised of the Frenchmans couert meanings, and also of the wauering minds of the Gascoignes, sent Thomas Persie earle of Worcester with two hundred men of armes, and foure hundred archers into Guien, to aid and assist sir Robert Knols, his lieutenant there. The chiefest capteines that accompanied the earle in this iournie were these: first, his nephue sir Hugh Hastings, sir Thomas Colleuill, Polydor. Froissard. sir William Lisle, Iohn de Graillie base sonne to the capitall de Boeuf, sir Wil|liam Draiton, sir Iohn Daubreticourt: also there went with him the bishop of London, and master Richard Doall or Dolleie.The earle of Worcester sent into Gas|coigne. The earle at his arriuall so wiselie intreated the noble men, so grauelie per|suaded the magistrats of the cities and townes, and so gentlie and familiarlie vsed and treated the com|mons, that he not onelie appeased their furie and ma|lice, but brought them to louing and vniforme obei|sance, receiuing of them othes of obedience, & loiall fealtie, which doone, he returned againe into Eng|land with great thanks.