[figure appears here on page 847]
Edward the ſe|conde.
[2] About ye 12. day of October,A Parliamẽt at
Northamp|ton. a Parliamẽt was holdẽ at Northamptõ, in the which
it was or ordei|ned by the kings appointmẽt, that ye coine of hys father
K. Edward ſhould be ſtil currãt, notwith|ſtãding the baſeneſſe thereof, as
ſome reputed it, & therfore it was moued in ye Parliament to haue
it diſanulled. Alſo, order was taken for the burial of his fathers corpſe,
whiche was ſolemnely con|ueyed frõ Waltam, and broughte to Weſtmin|ſter ye
27. day of October folowing, wher wt al fu|neral pomp it was
enterred. Moreouer, at ye ſame Parliament, a marriage was concluded betwixt
ye Earle of Cornewall Peers de Gaueſton,Peeres de
Ga|uaſton mar|ried. & the daughter of Gilbert de Clare
Erle of Glouceſter, which he had by his wife the Counteſſe Ioane de Acres
ye kings ſiſter, which marriage was ſolẽni|ſed on all hallowen day next
The K. paſ|ſeth ouer into Fraunce. 1308
[1] The VV [...] Sir [...] we [...] [...] and thuſt to de [...] Continuation of N [...]. Triuet.There was ſuch praſe and throng of people at this Coronation, that a Knighte called Sir Iohn Bakewell, [...]as Blackwell, was thruſt to death.
[1] On the daye of the circumciſion this yeare, a great tempeſt of thunder and lightning beganne about euen long time, that cõtinued the moſt part of the night following.
[1] On Wedneſday after the Epiphany, the Knightes templers in England were apprehen|ded all in one day by the kings commaundement, vpon ſuſpition of haynous crimes and great en|ormities by them practiſed, cõtrary to the articles of the Chriſtian fayth.The order taken, for the apprehenſion of the tẽplers. The order of their appre|henſion was on this wife, the King directed hys writtes vnto al and euery the Sherifes of Coun|ties within ye Realm, yt they ſhuld giue ſummo|nance to a certayne number of ſubſtanciall per|ſons Knightes or other men of good accompt, to be afore them at certayne places within their go|uernementes, named in the ſame writtes, on the ſunday the morrowe after the Epiphanie then neere enſuing, and that the ſayde Sherifes fayle not to be there the ſame daye in their owne per|ſons, to execute that whiche in other writtes to them directed, and after to be ſent, ſhould be con|teyned. The date of this writte was the fiftenth of December.
[1] The ſecond writ was ſent by certaine Chap|laynes, in whiche the Sherifes were commaun|ded vppon the opening of the ſame, forthwith to receyue an othe in preſence of the ſayde Chap|laynes, to put in execution all that was therein conteyned, and not to diſcloſe the contents to a|ny man, till they had executed the ſame with all expedition, and therewith to take the like othe of thoſe perſons, whome by vertue of ye firſt writte, they had ſummoned to appeare afore them. In other writte there was alſo framed and ſente by the ſame Chaplaines, by the which, the ſaid She|rifes wer cõmanded to attach by their bodies, al ye templers within ye precinct of their gouernemẽts, & to ſeiſe al their lands and goodes into the Kings hãds, togither with their writings, charters, dedes and miniments, & to make thereof a true Inuen|torie & Indenture, in preſence of the warden of ye place, whether he were brother of that order, or a|ny other, in preſence of honeſt men being neygh|bors, of which Indẽture, one part to remain in ye cuſtody of the ſayd Warden, & the other with the Sherife, vnder his ſeale that ſhould ſo make ſea|ſure of the ſayd goodes: and further, that the ſayde goodes and chatels ſhould be put in ſafe cuſtody, and that the quicke goodes and cattaile, ſhould be kept and found of the premiſſes as ſhoulde ſeeme moſt expediente, and that their landes and poſ|ſeſiõs ſhould be manured and tilled to ye moſt cõ|moditie.
[1] Further, that the perſons of the ſayde Tem|plers being attached in manner as before is ſaid, ſhoulde bee ſafely kepte in ſome competent place out of theyr owne houſes, but not in ſtraight pri|ſon, but in ſuch order, as the Sherifes might bee ſure of them to bring them foorth when he ſhould be cõmanded, to be found in ye meane time accor|ding to their eſtate of their owne goodes ſo ſeiſed, and hereof, to make a true certificate vnto ye trea|ſorer & Barõs of ye eſchecker, what they had done cõcerning ye premiſſes, declaring how many of ye ſaid tẽplers they had atached, wt their names, and what lands and goodes they had ſeaſed, by vertue of this precept: the date of theſe two laſt writtes [page 849] was from Biſlet the .xx. of December, and the returne thereof to be made vnto the Exchequer, was the morrow after the Purification There were writtes alſo directed into Irelande, as wee haue there made mẽtion and likewiſe vnto Iohn de Brytaine Earle of Richmonde, Lorde War|den of Scotlande, and to Euſtace de Coteſbache Chamberlaine of Scotlande, to Walten de P [...]|derton Iuſtice of weſt Wales, and to: Hugh Aldigh [...]e alias Audley Iuſtice of north Wales, to Robert Hollande Iuſtice of Cheſter, vnder like fourme and maner as in Irelande wee haue expreſſed.
[1] The malice whiche the Lordes had concey|ued agaynſt the Earle of Cornewal ſtill encrea|ſed, the more in deede through the high bearing of him, being now aduaunced to honour. For being a goodly gentleman and a ſtoute, he woulde not once yeelde an ynche to any of them, which wor|thily procured him great enuie amongſt the chie|feſt Peeres of all the realme, as ſir Henrie Lacie Earle of Lyncolne, ſir Guy Earle of Warwike, and ſir Aymer de Valence Earle of Pembroke, the Earles of Glouceſter, Hereforde, Arundell; and others, which vpon ſuch wrath and diſplea|ſure as they had conceyued againſt him, thought it not conuenient to ſuffer the ſame any longer, in hope that the kings minde might happely hee altered into a better purpoſe, being not altogither conuerted into a venemous diſpoſition, but ſo that it might be cured, if the corrupter therof were once baniſhed from him.
[1] Herevpon they aſſemble togither in the Par|liament time, [...]. VVelſ. [...]inuation [...]ime. at the new Temple, on Saterday next before the feaſt of Saint Dunſtan, and there ordeyned that the ſayde Pierce ſhoulde abiure the realme and depart the ſame on the morrow after the Natiuitie of Saint Iohn Baptiſt at the fur|theſt, and not to returne into the ſame againe at any tyme then after to come.
[1] To this ordinance, the king (although againſt his will) bycauſe he ſawe himſelfe and Realme in daunger, gaue his conſent, and made his let|ters Patents to the ſayde Earles and Lordes, to witneſſe the ſame. The tenour of which let|ters here enſueth.
[1] NOtum vobis facimus per praeſentes, quòd amo|do vſ ad diem dominus Petrus de Gaueſton regnum noſtrum eſt abiuratus & exiturus, videli|cet in craſtino Natiuitatis Sancti Iohannis Baptiſtae proximo ſequenti: Nos in quantum nobis eſt nihil faciemus, nec aliquid fieri permittemus, per quod exilium dicti domini Petri in aliquo poterit impe|dui, vel protelari, quin ſecundum formã à pral tis, comitibus, & baronibus regni noſtri, ordinatam, & per nos libero conſenſu confirmatam, plenariè per|ficiatur. In cuius rei teſtimonium has lateras noſtras fieri fecimus patentes. Datum apud VVeſtm xvij. die Maij. Anno regni noſtri primo.
[1] Theſe letters were read, heard, and allowed in the preſence of all the Noble men of this lande, the day and yeare aboueſayd,
[1] The Archbiſhop of Canterburie being lately returned from Rome, where he had remayned in exile in the late deceaſſed kings dayes for a cer|taine time, did pronounce the ſayd Pierce accur|ſed, if he taried within the Realme longer than the appoynted tyme, and likewiſe all thoſe that ſhoulde ayde, helpe, or mainteyne him, and lyke|wiſe if he ſhoulde at any time hereafter returne a|gaine into the lande.
[1] To conclude, this matter was ſo followed, An. Reg. 2. The Earle of Cornwal ba|niſhed the Realme. that at length he was conſtrayned to withdrawe himſelfe to Briſtow, and ſo by ſea as a baniſhed man to ſaile into Ireland.
[1] [2] The king being ſore offended herewith, as he that fauored the Erle more than that he could be without his companie,The kings fa|uor towardes the Earle of Cornewall. threatned the Lords to be reuenged for this diſpleaſure, and ceaſſed not to ſende into Irelande vnto Pierce, comforting him both with friendly meſſages, and rich preſentes,Polidor. and as it were to ſhewe that hee ment to reteyne him ſtill in his fauour, Fabian. The Earle of Cornwal depu+tie of Ireland. Hen Marle. he made him ruler of Ire|lande as his deputie there. The Lordes percey|uing the kings affectiõ, and that the treaſure was ſpent as lauiſhly as before, thought with them|ſelues that it might be that the king woulde both amende his paſſed trade of life, and that Pierce being reſtored home, woulde rather aduiſe hym thereto, than follow his olde maners, conſidering that it might be well perceyued, that if he conti|nued in the encouraging of the king to lewdneſſe, as in tymes paſt he had done, he could not thinke but that the Lordes woulde bee readie to correct him, as by proufe he had nowe tryed their mea|nings to be no leſſe.
[1] Herevpon to retaine amitie,
1309 An. reg. 3. Hen. Marle.
[1] In the fourth yeare of king Edwarde was a Councell holden at London agaynſt
the Tem|plers,
An. reg. 4. The addition to Triuet.
[1] The king this yeare fearing the enuie of the Lordes agaynſt Pierce de Gaueſton,The Earle of Cornwal pla|ced in Bam|bourgh caſtel. placed him for his more ſafetie in Bambourgh Caſtell, bea|ring the Prelates and Lordes in hande, that hee had committed him there to priſon for theyr [page 850] pleaſures.
[1] This yeare alſo there were ordinances made for the ſtate and gouernment of the Realme, by the Prelates, Earles and Barons, which were confirmed with the ſentence of excomunication agaynſt all them that ſhould goe about to breake the ſame. The king neither allowed of them, nor obſerued them, although he had confirmed them with his ſeale, and ſent them to all Cathedrall Churches and Counties, to be regiſtred in per|petuall memorie thereof.
[1] Polidor.The king in deede was lewdly ledde, for after that the Earle of Cornewall was returned into Englande, he ſhewed himſelfe no chaungeling (as writers do affirme,) but through ſupport of the kings fauour, bare himſelfe ſo high in his do|ings, which were without all good order, that he ſeemed to diſdaine all the Peeres and Barons of the realme. Alſo after the olde ſort he prouoked the king to all naughtie rule and riotous demea|nor, and hauing the cuſtodie of the kings Iewels and treaſure, he tooke out of the Iewelhouſe a ta|ble, and a paire of treſtels of golde, which he deli|uered vnto a marchant called Aymerie de Friſco|balde,Caxton. commaunding him to conuey them ouer the Sea into Gaſcoigne. Thys table was iud|ged of the common people, to belong ſometime vnto king Arthure, and therefore men grudged the more that the ſame ſhoulde thus be ſent oute of the Realme.
1311 Rich. South. An. reg. 5.
[1] The Erle of Cornewall lay at Rokeſbourgh, and the Earle of Glouceſter at Norham to de|fend thoſe parties.
[1] After Candlemaſſe, the King ſent the Earle of Cornewall, with two hundred men of armes to Saint Iohns towne, beyond the Scottiſh ſea, who receyued to the kings peace all thoſe that in|habited beyonde that Sea vp to the Mountains. The king lay ſtill at Berwike, but the Earles of Glouceſter and Warren after the beginning [...] Lent rode into the foreſt of Selkyrke, and recey|ued the Foreſters and other the inhabitants th [...] to the kings peace.
[1] In this fifth yere of the kings raigne, but ſom|what before this preſent, in the yeare .1310. Henry Lacie Earle of Lyncolne gouernor of England in the kings abſence departed this life, in which place the Earle of Glouceſter was choſen go|uernour, and therefore hee returned nowe [...] Englande.
[1] This Earle of Lyncolne was vailed in the new worke at Pauls. Lying on his death bed, be requeſted (as was reported) Thomas erle of Lã|caſter that had maried his daughter, that in any wiſe he ſhould ſtand with the other Lords in de|fence of the common wealth, and to maintein his quarel againſt the Earle of Cornwall, which re|queſt Erle Thomas faithfully accompliſhed: for by the purſute of him, and of the Earle of War|wike chiefly, the ſayd Earle of Cornwall was at length taken and beheaded (as after ſhal appeare)
[1] Some write that king Edward the firſt vpon his death bed, charged ye Erles of Lincolne, War|wike, and Pembroke, to foreſee that the foreſayde Pierce returned not again into England, leaſt by his euill example hee might enduce his ſonne the Prince to lewdneſſe, as before hee had alreadye done.
[1] Thomas Erle of Lãcaſter came toward Ber|wike to do homage to the king for the Erledome of Lincolne fallen to him in right of his wife, now after the deceaſſe of hir father the late Earle of Lincolne. But he was councelled not to goe forth of the Realme to the king, ſo that thervpon roſe no ſmall diſpleaſure, & great doubt leaſt there would haue followed ciuil warres about it. Ne|uertheleſſe, at length the king was perſwaded to come ouer the water vnto Hagerſton foure my|les diſtaunt from Berwike, and there receyued homage of the Earle, & ſo they continued friends, and for that tyme departed aſunder in louyng maner.
[1] The Lords perceyuing the miſchief that day|ly followed and encreaſed by that naughtie man (as they tooke it) the Erle of Cornwal,Fabia [...]. Hen. M [...] aſſembled at Lyncolne, and there tooke counſaile togyther, and concluded eftſoones to baniſh him out of the Realme, and ſo therevpon ſhortly after, about Chriſtmaſſe (as ſome write) or rather as other haue, within the quindene of Saint Michaell, Ri. Saith. The Earle [...] Com [...]wall [...]+niſhed into Flaunders. he was exyled into Flaunders ſore agaynſte the Kings wyll and pleaſure, who made ſuche ac|count of him, that (as appeared) hee coulde not bee quiet in mynde withoute hys companye, and therefore about Candlemaſſe hee eftſoones reuo|ked hym home.12 [...] But hee beryng nothing at al amended of thoſe hys euill manners, rather [page 851] demeaned himſelf worſe than before he had done, namely towardes the Lordes, agaynſt whome vſing reprochfull ſpeech, hee called the Earle of Glouceſter baſtarde, the Earle of Lyncolne late|ly deceaſſed burſten belly, the Earle of Warwike the blacke hounde of Ardern, and the Earle of Lancaſter churle. Such Lordes and other more that were thus abuſed at thys Erle of Cornwals handes, determined to bee reuenged vpon him, and to diſpatch the realme of ſuch a wicked per|ſon: and therevpon aſſembling their powers to|gither, [...]er Fo [...]. [...]. VValſ. came towardes Newcaſtell, whither the king from Yorke was remoued, and now hea|ring of their approch, he got him to Tynmouth, where the Queene lay, and vnderſtanding there that Newcaſtell was taken by the Lordes, hee leauing the Queene behinde him, tooke ſhipping, and ſayled from thence with his dearely beloued familiar the Earle of Cornewall, vnto Scar|bourgh, where he left him in the Caſtell, and rode himſelfe towardes Warwike. The Lordes hea|ring where the Earle of Cornewall was, made thither with all ſpeede, [...] Earle of [...]newall [...]n. and beſieging the Caſtell, at length conſtrayned theyr enimie to yeeld him|ſelfe into theyr handes, requyring no other con|dition, but that he might come to the kings pre|ſence to talke with him.
[...] kings re| [...] for his [...] The king hearing that his beſt beloued fami|liar was thus apprehended, ſendeth to the Lords, requiring them to ſpare his life, and that he might bee brought to his preſence, promiſing withall that he woulde ſee them fully ſatiſfied in all their requeſtes agaynſt him.The Earle of Pembrokes ſure to the o|ther Lordes. Wherevpon the Earle of Pembroke perſwaded with the Barons to graunt to the kings deſire, vndertaking vpon for|feyture of all that he had, to bring him to the king and backe againe to them, in ſuch ſtate and con|dition as he receyued him. When the Barons had conſented to his motion, he tooke the Earle of Cornwall with him to bring him where the king lay, and comming to Dedington, left him him there in ſafe keeping with his ſeruants, whi|leſt he for one night went to viſite his wife, lying not farre from thence.
The ſame night it chaunced, that Guy Erle of Warwike came to the ſame place where the Earle of Cornewall was left, and taking him from his keepers, brought him vnto Warwike, where incontinently it was thought beſt to put him to death, but that ſome doubting the kings diſpleaſure, aduiſed the reſidue to ſtay, and ſo they did, till at length an auncient graue man amõgſt them, exhorted them to vſe the occaſion nowe of|fred, and not to let ſlip the meane to deliuer the realme of ſuch a daungerous perſon, that hadde wrought ſo much miſchiefe, and might turne them all to ſuch perill, as afterwardes they ſhould not be able to auoyde, nor finde ſhift howe to re|medie it. And thus perſwaded by his wordes,Continuation of Triuet. they cauſed hym ſtreyght wayes to bee brought forth to a place called Blacklowe,Gauers heath, or Gauerſuch. The Earle of Cornwall be|headed. otherwiſe cal|led by moſt wryters, Gauerſl [...]y heath, where he had his head ſmitten from his ſhoulders, the .xx. day of Iune being Tueſday.
[figure appears here on page 851]
[...] kings [...]eance.When the king had knowledge hereof, hee was wonderfully diſpleaſed with thoſe Lordes that had thus put the ſayde Earle vnto death, making his vowe that he would ſee his death re|uenged: ſo that the rancour which before was kindled betwixt the king and thoſe Lords, began now to blaſe abrode, and ſpred ſo farre, that the king euer ſought occaſion howe to worke them diſpleaſure.
This yeare, the .xlij. of Nouember,
An. reg. 6. King Edwarde the third born
King Edwarde now after that the foreſayde [page 850] Peers
Gaueſton the Earle of Cornwall was dead,Polidor.
nothing reformed his maners, but as one that deteſted the counſail and
admonition of hys Nobles, choſe ſuch to be about him, and to be of his
priuie counſaile which were knowne to be mẽ of corrupt and moſt wicked
liuing (as the writers of that age report it) amongſt theſe were two of the
Spencers,The Spencers. Hugh the father, and
Hugh the ſonne, which were notable inſtruments to bring him vnto the liking
of all kind of naughtie & euill
rule. By the counſaile therfore of theſe Spencers, he was wholy led
& gouerned, wherewith many were much offẽded, but namely Robert the
arch|biſhop of Canterbury, who foreſaw what miſ|chiefe was like to enſue:
and therefore to prouide ſome remedie in tyme,
A Parliament.
But nowe to our purpoſe. About the ſame tyme,
Continuation of Triue. 1313
Alſo William the Archebiſhop of Yorke de|ceaſſed,Polidor. and one William Melton ſucceeded him the .xlij. Archbiſhoppe that had gouerned that Sea.
This Archbiſhop Meltõ, though he was moſt ſtudious of things of things perteyning to religi|on, beſtowing almoſte his whole time about the ſame, yet neuertheleſſe hee was not forgetfull of that which belonged to the aduauncement of the cõmon welth and therfore being at London vpõ a time, Simon the elect Biſhop of Whitherne came to York that he might be cõſecrated of him:The [...] Whi [...] [...] Yorke [...] Biſhop [...] [...]e [...]. wherefore this Archb. gaue commaundement to Iohn the Biſhop of Carleil to conſecarte the ſaid Simon, and in his.ame to receyue of him hys othe of obedience, which cõmaundement the ſayd Biſhop of Carleil did duely execute.
[1] The King & Queene this yeare in May went ouer into France,
C [...] of T [...]
Tho. VV [...]
[1] In Iuly the king returned backe from hys iourney into Fraunce,An. Reg. Records [...] and landed at Sandwich the Monday before the feaſt of S. Margaret, ha|uing diſpatched his buſineſſe with the French K. in good and honorable maner, for his landes and Countrey of Gaſcoigne.
[1] About this ſeaſon, Maurice Fitz Thomas,
Hen. M [...]
[1] In this meane time, while Robert Bruce re|couered the moſt part of all
1 [...]14 The [...] Rob [...]
[1] King Edwarde to be reuenged hereof,The king England [...]+ſeth [...] lande. with a mightie armie brauely furniſhed, and gorgeouſly apparelled, more ſeemely for a triumph, thã meet to encounter with the cruel enimie in the field, en|tred Scotland, in purpoſe ſpecially to reſcue the Caſtel of Sterling, as then beſieged by the Scot|tiſhmen. But at his approching nere to the ſame, Robert Bruce was redie with his power to giue him battail. In the which king Edward nothing doubtful of loſſe, had ſo vnwiſely ordred his peo|ple, and confounded their rankes, that euen at the firſt ioyning, they were not onely beaten downe and ouerthrowne, by thoſe that coped with them at hande, but alſo were wounded with ſhotte a farre off, by thoſe their enimyes which ſtoode be|hinde to ſuccour theyr fellowes when need requi|red,The En [...] men c [...] ſo that in the ende the Engliſhmen fledde to ſaue their liues, and were chaſed and ſlaine by the Scottes in great number.
[1] The king eſcaped with a fewe aboute him,The king
eſcaped. in great danger to haue beene either taken or ſlaine.
Many were drowned in a little riuer called Ba|nokeſborne,The [...] Ba [...]
neare to the which the battayle was foughten. There were ſlain of
noblẽ men, Gilbert Erle of Gloceſter, Robert Lord Clifford, the lord Giles
Argẽtine, the L, Pain Tiptoſt, ye L. Wil. [...]
[page 853] The Lorde Reginalde Daincourt, the Lorde Edmond of
Mauley the kings ſtewarde, with o|ther Lordes and Barons to the number of
.xlij. and of knightes and Baronets, to the number of lxvij.
The great [...]ughter of [...]gliſhmen.
[...]bian. [...]eſden.
[...]iont to [...] and [...]at. Paris.
[1] The king of Englande hauing eſcaped from this battayle, which was fought on
Midſommer day in the yeare aforeſayd, came to Yorke, where he helde a
Councell of his Lordes,
An. reg. 8. A cou [...] hol|den at Yorke.
[1] Alſo the Scottiſh men aduaunced highly in their mindes for the late gotten
1315 The Scottes in Irelande.
[1] The Iriſhmen being put in great feare here|with, aſſembled togither, and ioyned themſelues with ſuch Engliſhmen as lay there in garniſons, [...]he Lorde [...]mingham. ouer the which the Lorde Iohn Bermingham as deputie had the chiefe charge. Thus being ioy|ned togither, they make earneſt reſiſtance againſt the attempts of their enimies, in defence of the Countrey. And ſo by that meanes they warre & fight one agaynſt another, with great ſlaugh|ter on both ſides, the Scottiſhmen on their part doing their beſt to obteyne the gouernment of the Countrey, hauing alreadie obteyned no ſmall portion therof, and created Edward Bruce king there, and the Iriſhe men on the other part, en|forcing their whole endeuor to beate the enimye backe, and to ridde him out of the Countrey. But at length the inuincible obſtinateneſſe of the I|riſhmen preuayled, through ayde of the Engliſh men (as after it ſhall appeare.) But in the meane while as ſome Engliſhe Chronicles make men|tion, [...]eat ſlaugh| [...] of Scottes Irelande. there died of the Scottes in theſe warres to the number of thirtie thouſand, and aboue fiftene thouſande Iriſhmen.
[1] The Scottes not onely thus inuaded Ire|lande,Ri. Southwel. but alſo they continued theyr rage againſt Englande.The Biſhop|rike of Durhã ſpoyled by the Scottes. For the ſame yeare about the feaſt of Peter and Paule, they enter into the Biſhopryke of Durham, and ſpoyle the Countrey vnto Har|tilpoole, which towne they robbed of all the goods which they there founde, the Inhabitants being fled with theyr ſhippes to the ſea.
[1] About Maudelentyde following,
An. reg. 9. Robert Bruce inuadeth Eng|lande. Carleil be|ſieged.
[1] The .xj. day after theyr comming thither, when they had aſſayed all their
force and pollicie to win the Citie, and ſaw themſelues nothing to preuayle,
but to loſe theyr men and trauayle, they [page 854] rayſed
their field, & returned into Scotland with diſhonor,
The ſiege [...]yſed. Iohn de Mur|rey taken.
[1] Great raine.This yeare there fell exceeding greate raine, and abundaunce of wette, in the Monethes of Iuly and Auguſt, that the huſbandmen of the Countrey, could not get nor inne that ſmall crop which then ſtoode on the grounde, and that which they inned, yeelded not the hoped quantitie, as when it came to the threſſhing it well appea|red.Iohn of El|tham borne. On the day of the Aſſumption of our Lady, Iohn the kings ſeconde ſonne was borne at El|tham.
[1] A knight of Lancaſhire called ſir Adam Ba|niſter, rayſed warre in this .ix. yeare of king Ed|wardes raigne, agaynſt his Lorde the Earle of Lancaſter, but about the feaſt of Saint Martyn he was taken and beheaded.
[1] Alſo this yeare, Edwarde le Bruce brother to the king of Scottes, entred
into the North parts of Vlneſter with a great armie, vpon the day of S.
Auguſtine in May, and afterwardes burnt Dundalke,
Hen. Marle.
Dundalk burnt
[1] Moreouer in the battaile of Comeran in Vl|neſter,The battaile of Comeran. Richard Erle of Vlneſter fled, and ſir Ri|chard Bourgh, & ſir Iohn Mandeuile, and ſir A|lane Fitz Waren were taken priſoners.
[1] The Caſtell of Norbourgh was alſo taken, and at Kenlis in Meth the Lorde Roger Morti|mer was diſcomfited by the foreſayde Edwarde Bruce, and many of the ſayde Sir Rogers men were ſlaine and taken.
[1] Alſo in this .ix. yeare of king Edwards raigne, before Chriſtmaſſe a blaſing ſtarre or comet ap|peared in the north part of the Element, by the ſpace of a moneth togither,A blaſing ſtar. Dearth and death. and after followed dearth, and death, (as after ſhall appeare.)
The deceaſe of Guy Earle of Warwike.
[1] About Mydſommer the Scottes entred eft|ſoones into Englande,
Rich. South.
[1] At their comming to Richmont, the Gentle|men of the Countrey that were got into the Ca|ſtell to defende it, compounded with the enimies for a great ſumme of money, to ſpare the towne and countrey about it, without doing further do|mage thereto at that iourney.
[1] The Scottes hauing receiued the money [...]+ned their march towarde the weſt partes, an [...]neying .lx. miles, came to Fourneys, burnin [...] the Country there aboutes, and tooke away [...] them all the goodes and priſoners, both men [...] women which they might lay handes o [...], [...] returned, reioyſing moſt of ſuch yron as the [...] got in that iourney, for they had great w [...] Scotland of that kind of metall in thoſe day [...]
[1] The death by reaſon of the vnſeaſonable [...] ther in the ſommer and harueſt laſt paſt, A [...] [...] The [...] ſ [...] creaſed, for that which with much adoe w [...] [...]+ned, after when it came to the proufe, yeelde [...] [...] thing to the value of that which in ſheafe i [...] [...]+med to conteyne, ſo that wheat and other g [...] was at a ſore price before, now was it enha [...] to a farre higher rate, the ſcarcitie therof be [...] great, that a quarter of wheate was ſolde fo [...] [...] which was a great price, if we ſhall conſi [...] it alley of money then currant.
[1] Alſo by reaſon of the murraine that fel a [...] catel, beefes & muttons wer vnreaſonably [...].
[1] About this ſeaſon, the Lord Hẽrie Bea [...] a man of high valiancie and noble corage, [...] gottẽ togither a power of men, entred into [...]|land, and after hee had taken great boo [...]
[...] ſpoyles in the Countrey,
The l [...]
[1] The diſpleaſure of theſe miſhaps was [...]|ſed with the naughtie and bold preſumption of ſir Gilbert Middleton knight,Lewes [...] me [...] [...] by Sir G [...] Midd [...] who being offended ye maſter Lewes Beamont was preferred vnto the Biſhops ſea of Durham, and Henrie St [...] put from it, that was firſt elected and after diſpla|ced by the kings ſute made vnto the Pope,Caxton. [...] the ſayd Lewes Beaumont and his brother Hẽ|rie on Wingleſdõ Moore nere vnto Darington, leading the Biſhop to Morpath, and his brother the Lorde Beaumont vnto the Caſtell of Miſ|ford, and ſo deteyned them as priſoners, till they had redeemed their libertie with great ſummes of money. And herewith the ſaide ſir Gilbert being aduaunced in pride,Sir Gil [...] Midd [...] procl [...] himſelf [...] proclamed himſelfe Duke of Northumberlande, and ioyning in friendſhippe with the Scottiſhe king Robert Bruce, cruelly deſtroyed the Countie of Richmont.
[1] With ſuch trayterous partes William Fel|tõ, and Thomas Heton, being not a little ſtirred, firſt wan by force the Caſtel of Mytford, and af|ter apprehended ſir Gilbert Middleton, with his companion Walter Selbie, and ſent them vp to London, where ſhortly after they were drawne, hanged and quartered.
[1] Some write that the ſayde ſir Gilbert was put to death for robbing two Cardinals, to wit,Garce [...] and F [...] Cardi [...] and Lucas Gancellino the Popes Chancellour, and Lucas de Fliſco, that were ſent frõ Pope Iohn the .xxij. [page 855] to conſecrate the foreſayde Lewes Be [...] Biſhop of Durham, [...] VValſ. and to entreate a peace be|twixt the Realmes of Englande and Scot|lande, and alſo to make an agreement betwixt the king and the Earle of Lancaſter. The which being mette with vppon Wigilſdon M [...]ried Yorkeſhire by the ſayde Gylbert, [...]an. [...]n. were robbed of ſuch ſtuffe and treaſure as they brought wyth them, but yet eſcaped themſelues and came to Durham, [...]dor. and from thence ſente Meſſengers vnto Robert Bruce, to perſwade him to ſome agreement. But whereas he woulde not condiſ|cende to any reaſonable conditions of peace at that time, they determined to goe into Scot|lande to talke with him themſelues: but before they came to the Borders, King Robert who iudged it not to ſtande with hys profite to haue any peace in that ſeaſon, ſent certayne of his peo|ple to forbid the Cardinalles the entrie of hys Realme.
[1] [...] curſe pro+ [...]ced a| [...]ſt the [...]es.The Cardinals being thus iniuriouſly hand|led, pronounced the Scottes by theyr legantine power accurſed, and enterdyted theyr whole Realme. And bycauſe they ſawe nothing leſſe than anye hope to doe good with king Robert touching any compoſition or agreement to bee had, they returned againe to the Pope wythoute any concluſion of that for the which they were ſent.
[1] [...]ch. Southw.After that Edwarde Bruce hadde atchieued ſuch enterpriſes in other partes of Irelande, as in the laſt yeare ye haue heard, he went vnto Fe|nath, and [...]o Skeres in Leyniſter, and there the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice Edmonde Butler roſe a|gaynſt hym, with the Lorde Iohn Fitz Tho|mas; that was after Earle of Kildare, Sir Ar|nolde Power, and diuerſe other, with a great ar|mie. But by reaſon of diſcorde that chaunced a|mongſt them, they ſcaled theyr armie, and de|parted out of the fielde on the .xxvi. daye of Fe|bruarie.
[1] Edwarde Bruce then burned the Caſtell of Leys & after returned into Vlneſter, he beſieged the Caſtell of Knockfergus, and ſlue Thomas Mandeuile, and his brother Iohn, at a place cal|led Down, as they came thither out of England. After this the foreſayde Edwarde returned into Scotlande.
[1] In this ſeaſon vyttayles were ſo ſcant and deare, [...]itifull [...]e. and wheate and other grayne brought to ſo high a price, that the poore people were con|ſtrayned through famine to eate the fleſhe of hor|ſes, [...]. VValſ. [...]bian. dogges, and other vile beaſts, which is won|derfull to belieue, and yet for default there dyed a great multitude of people in diuerſe places of the land. Fourepence in breade of the courſer ſort would not ſuffice one man a day. Wheate was ſold at London for foure Markes the quarter and aboue. Then after this dearth and ſcarcitie of vit|tayles [...] and mortalitie of people, ſo that what by w [...] of the Scottes,A ſore morta|litie of people. and what by this mortalitie and [...]th, the people of the l [...] were wonderfully waſted & conſumed.
[1] Edwarde Bruce before the feaſt of Eaſter re|turned againe into Irelande, with the Earle of Murrey and other noble mẽ of Scotland, hauing with them a great armie, and beſieged the Caſtel of Knockfergus, and after they were to another Caſtell where they tooke a Baron priſoner: and there Edwarde Bruce lay for a ſeaſon. Alſo Ri|chard erle of Vlneſter lay in Some Maries Ab|bey by Dublyn, where the Maior and co [...] of the Citie tooke him, & put him in priſon with|in the Caſtel of Dublin. They alſo ſlue his men, and ſpoyled the Abbey.
[1] [2] After this the foreſayd Edwarde Bruce went to Li [...]erike after the feaſt of Saint Mathew the Apoſtle, and there ſoiourned till Eaſter was paſt, and in the meane while Roger de Mortimer the kings deputie arriued at Waterford with a great armie, by reaſon whereof Edwarde [...] Bruce for feare departed,Iohn Fi [...] Tho|mas Earle of Kildare. & got him into the vttermoſt parts of Vlneſter, and Iohn Fitz Thomas was made Erle of Kildare. Alſo O [...]eoner of Connaigh, and many other Iriſhe men of Connagh and Meth were ſlaine neare to Iury by the Engliſhmen of thoſe parties. There was a great ſlaughter alſo made of the Iriſhmẽ neare vnto Thiſtildermote, by the Lord Edmond Butler, & an other alſo at Baliteham of Omorth by the ſame Edmonde. The Lord deputie deliuered the Erle of Vlneſter out of priſon,1317 & after Whitſuntide baniſhed out of Meth ſir Walter Lacie, & ſir Hugh Lacie, gy|uing their lãds away frõ them vnto his knights, and they went ouer into Scotlãd with Edward Bruce, who returned thither about that time.Crokeſden.
[1] The death ſtill encreaſed as by ſome wryters it ſhould appeare.
[1] In the .xj. yeare of king Edwarde the ſecond his raigne,
An. reg. 11.
Ri. Southwel.
1318 Berwike be|trayed to the Scottes.
[figure appears here on page 856]
An. reg. 12. Additions to Triuet. The king and the Earle of Lãcaſter made friends.
[1] About the feaſt of the Natiuitie of our Ladie, the two Cardinals which were yet remaining in England, ſent forth cõmaundements vnto al the prelates & prieſts within the realme, that three ti|mes in euery ſolemne Maſſe,Robert Bruce pronounced accurſed. they ſhould denoũce Robert Bruce that called himſelf king of Scot|land accurſed with all his counſailers & fautors, and on the behalfe of the Pope, they depriued him by denunciation of all honor, and put al his lands vnder interdiction, diſabling all their children to the ſecond degree that held with him, to receiue or take vpõ thẽ any eccleſiaſtical function. They de|denounced alſo all the Prelates of Scotland and men of religion, exempt, and not exempt, excom|municate and accurſed.
[1] Hen. Marl.The Lord Roger Mortimer returned again into England, and Alexander Bicnor was made chiefe Iuſtice of Irelande.
[1] Alſo Edward Bruce, wt ſir Walter, & ſir Hugh Lacie, bringing with them a great armie retur|ned out of Scotland, and arriued at Dundalke, on the day of S. Calixt the Pope. But neare to the ſame place, ſir Iohn Brimingham, Richarde Tute, Tho. VValſ. Continuation of Triuet. & Miles of Verdon, with a power of 1324. men encountred them and ſlue the ſaid Edwarde le Bruce, and aboue the number of .8200. men, or as other haue, but .5800. The ſayd [...] Birmingham brought the heade of E [...] Bruce ouer into England, and preſented it to the king. Whervpon the king in recompence of hys ſeruice, gaue vnto him the Erledome of [...]ord [...] to hold to him & his heyres Males, & the Ba [...] of Athied to him and his heyres generall.
[1] About this ſeaſon or ſomewhat before, [...] Midſommer (as Southwell hath) a naughtie [...]|low called Iohn Poydras, (or as ſome [...] haue Ponderham) a Tanners ſonne of Ci [...] comming to Oxford, and there thruſting h [...] into the kings hall that ſtood without the [...], gaue forth that he was ſonne and right he [...] of king Edwarde the firſt, and that by meanes of a falſe nurſe he was ſtolen out of his cradle, and this Edward the ſeconde being a Carters ſonne was brought in and layde in his place, ſo that [...] by reaſon thereof was afterwards hardly [...] and brought vp in the north part of Wales.
[1] At length being layd for, he fled to the C [...] of ye white Friers in Oxforde, truſting there to be ſafe through ye immunitie of the place, bicauſe K. Edward the firſt was their founder. But whẽ he could not keepe his tongue, but ſtill fondly vtt [...] his folly, and ſtood in his opinion, ſo that great [...]|mor thereof was rayſed, he was at length [...] out of that Church, and caried to Northampton, where he was there arraigned, condemned, and had forth to a place in the Countrey called thẽ copped Oke, where he was drawne, hanged, and as a traytor bowelled,
[1] At the houre of his death he cõfeſſed, that in his [page 857] houſe he had a ſpirite in likeneſſe of a cal, whiche amongſt other things aſſured him that he ſhould be king of England.
[...]tid [...]
[...]n. reg. 13.
The King deſirous to bee reuenged of the Scottes, made preparation to [...]i [...] a mightie ar|mie, and for want of ſufficient numbers of men in other
places towardes the North partes, the king cauſed muche people to come vnto
him [...]nto of the South and Eaſt partes of the realme, a|mongſt the which the
citie of London was con|ſtrayned to finde at their coſtes and charges two
hundred men, ſending them to Yorke, where the generall aſſembly of the armie
was made. From thence after hee had receyued his menne from ſundrie Countreys and good Townes of hys
[...]e king go| [...] Berwike he went to Berwike, and layde ſiege to the Towne.
In which meane tyme the Scots being aſſembled, came to the borders, paſſed
by the Engliſh hoſte, and entring into Englande, came in ſecrete wiſe downe
into the marches of Yorke [...] and their [...] the people and robbed [...]e [...] in m [...] cruell wife.The Scottes come into the parties of
Yorke. Wherefore the Archbi|ſhop of Yorke incoming in time of ſuch
neceſſitie to doe his indeuour in defence of hys Countrey, aſſembled [...] he power as he could gette we|ther, of Clearkes, Monkes, Ch [...]ons and other ſpirituall men of the Church, w [...] huſbandmen and ſuch [...]her vnapt people for the war [...] and thus with a great number of menne, and [...] where lyke ordiſ [...] Chu [...],Auesburie.
[...] togither with the Biſhop of Eli [...] then Lorde Cha [...]+cellour, came forth agaynſte the S [...]tes, and re|counted with them at a place called Mitton vp|on Suale,
the .vij. day of October. Hereas the Engliſhmen paſſed ouer the water of
The diſcomfi|ture of Mittõ vpon Suale.
[figure appears here on page 857]
[...] Dirre| [...]as ran| [...]d two [...]code, [...]eth hath [...]as ſhort| [...]er made [...]p of [...]ch.
[1] The king of England enformed of this [...]|throw giuen by the Scots to the Northren men, he brake vp his ſiege inc [...] ma [...]y, and returned to Yorke.
[1] Thus a [...] the kings [...] by one meanes or other qua [...]ed and came but to euill the ce [...]e,Polidor. [...]o that the Engliſh nation began to grow in con|tempt by the [...] g [...] [...] of ye prince, the which as one o [...] of thẽ eight way, raſhly and with [...] good a [...] mẽ order his doings, which thing to grieued the no [...]le men of the realme, that they [...] day and night by that [...]ea [...] they might procure him to lo [...] better to his [...] [page 858] duetie which they iudged might well be brought to paſſe,The enuie of the Lordes to|wardes the Spencers. his nature being not altogither euill, if they might finde ſhift to remoue frõ him the two Spencers, Hugh the father, and Hugh the ſonne, who were gotten into ſuch fauor with him, that they onely did all things, and without them no|thing was done, ſo that they were nowe had in as great hatred and indignation, both of the Lordes and cõmons, as euer in tymes paſt was Peers de Gaueſton the late Earle of Cornwall. But the Lords minded not ſo much the deſtruc|tion of theſe Spencers, but that the king ment as much their aduauncement, ſo that Hugh the ſon was made high Chamberlain of Englande, con|trarie to the mind of all the noble men, by reaſon whereof hee bare himſelfe ſo hautie and proude, that no Lorde wythin the lande myght agayne ſay that which in hys conceyte ſeemed good.
1320 Additions to Triuet.
[1] A tenth of the Eccleſiaſtical liuings grãted to the king.Alſo this yeare the Pope graunted to the king of Englande the tenth of Eccleſiaſticall reue|nues for one yeare, as before that time he hadde likewyſe done.
[1] [2] An. reg. 14. Caxton.About this ſeaſon, Pope Iohn being enfor|med of the great deſtruction and vnmerciful war whiche the Scottes made vppon the Engliſhe men, and namely for that they ſpared neyther Churche nor Chapell, Abbey nor Priorie, hee ſent a general ſentence vnder his Bulles of leade vnto the Archbiſhop of Canterburie and Yorke, appoynting them that if Robert le Bruce the Scottiſhe king would not recompence king Ed|warde for all ſuch harmes as the realme of Eng|lande had by him ſuſteyned, and alſo make reſti|tution of the goodes that had beene taken out of Churches and Monaſteries,Scots eftſones accurſed. they ſhoulde pro|nounce the ſame ſentence agaynſt him and hys complices. Whervpon when the Scots tooke no regard to the Popes admonition, the Archbiſhop proceeded to the pronouncing of the foreſaid ſen|tence, ſo that Robert Bruce, Iames Dowglas, & Thomas Randulf Erle of Murrey, and al other that kept him companie, or thẽ in any wiſe main|teyned, were accurſed throughout England eue|rie day at Maſſe three tymes. But this nothing holpe the matter, but put the king and the realme to great coſt and charge, and in the meane ſeaſon the commons of the Realme were ſore oppreſſed by ſundrie wayes and meanes, dyuerſe of them loſt theyr goodes and poſſeſſions, beeyng taken from them vpon ſurmiſed and foyned quarelles, ſo that many were vtterly vndone, and [...] ſingular and myſordered perſones [...] [...]+naunced.
[1] After the Epiphattie, [...] when the tr [...] [...] betwixt the two realmes of England and [...]+land, R [...] [...] The [...] an army of Scots entred England [...] into the Biſhoprike of Durham. The [...] Murrey ſtayed at Daringtõ, but Iames D [...]+glas and the ſteward of Scotland went [...] waſte the country, the one towards [...] Cleueland, and the other towards Rich [...] [...] they of the Countie of Richmont (as [...] had done) gaue a great ſumme of money to haue their countrie from inuaſion.
[1] The Scottes that time remayned [...] Englande by the the ſpace of fiftene [...] more. The Knightes and Gentlemen of [...] North partes, came vnto the Earle of L [...] that lay the ſame tyme at Pomfret, [...] goe foorth with him to giue the enimies [...] if hee woulde aſſyſt them: But the Earle [...]+med that he had no luſt to fyght in defence [...] Prince, that ſought to oppreſſe hym wrongful|ly, (as he tooke it) and therefore he diſſembled [...] matter, and ſo the Scots returned at their ple|ſure without encounter.
[1] [2] [3] [4] About this ſeaſon,Th [...] V [...] the L. William de [...] that in the marches of Wales enioyed di [...] [...] poſſeſſions to him diſcended from his a [...] but through want of good gouernment [...] behind hand, offred to ſel a certaine portion of his lands called Gowers lande lying in the [...] there, vnto diuerſe noble men that had their [...] adioyning to the ſame, as to the Earle of Here|forde, and to the two Lorde Mortime [...] the vn|cle and nephew, albeit the L. Mowbray that had maried the onely daughter and heyre of the Lord Bruce, thought verily in the ende to haue [...] as due to his wife by right of inheritance. But at length (as vnhap would) Hugh Spen [...] [...]|ger Lord Chamberlaine, coueting that [...] by|cauſe it lay nere on eche ſide to other lands that he had in thoſe parties) found ſuch meanes [...] the kings furtherance and helpe,The [...] cauſe [...] va [...] [...] and [...] that he [...] a|way with the purchaſe, to the great di [...] of the other Lordes that had bene in hande to [...] Hereby ſuch hartburning roſe agaynſt th [...] [...]+cers, that vpon complaint made by the [...] Hereforde vnto the Earle of Lancaſter, of [...] preſumptuous dealing, by ruling all [...] a|bout the King as ſeemed beſt to theyr [...] it was thought expedient by the ſayde [...] that ſome remedie in tyme (if it were [...] ſhoulde be prouided. Whervpon the ſaid Erle of Lancaſter and Hereford, with the Lordes [...] Tuchet, Rog. Clifford, Gofelin [...] Ro [...] Bernſfield, ye .ij. Mortimers, Rog othe [...] Rog. ye nephew W. de Sully, W. [...] Can [...] [page 859] Iohn Gifford of Brimeſfielde, & Henrie Tieys, all Barons, the which with diuerſe other Lords, Knights, and men of name, aſſembling togither at Shierborne in Elmedone, ſware eche of them to ſtande by other, till they had amended the ſtate of the realme. But yet notwythſtanding thys theyr othe, the moſte part of them afterwardes forſaking the enterpriſe, ſubmytted themſelues to the king. Neuertheleſſe, whether for that the King by a Proclamation ſette forth the .xvj. of March, had commaunded (as ſome write) that the Lords Mowbray, Clifford, and Deieuille for diſobeying to make their perſonal appearance be|fore him, ſhould auoyd the land within ten dayes next enſuing, or for that they ment with all ſpeed to put theyr enterpriſe in execution, we finde that the Earle of Hereforde, the Lordes Mortimer, the vncle and nephew, the lord Roger Damorie, the Lorde Iohn Mowbray, the Lorde Hugh Audley, and his ſonne named alſo Hugh, the Lorde Roger Clifforde, the Lorde Iohn Gifford of Brimeſfielde, the Lorde Morice Berkcley, the Lorde Henrie Tieys, the Lorde Iohn Matra|ners, with many other that were allied togither, hauing the conſent alſo of the Erle of Lancaſter, on the Wedneſday next after the feaſt of the in|uention of the Croſſe, [...]e Lordes [...]e armes vp| [...] them a| [...]ſt the [...]cers. hauing with them to the number of .viij.C. men of armes .v.C. hoblers, & ten .M. men on foote, came with the kings Ba|ner ſpred vnto Newport in Wenloks lãd, where they tooke the caſtel that belonged vnto the Lord Chamberlain Hugh Spencer the yonger. [...]ey inuade [...] Spencers [...]des. They alſo toke Kaerdy, Kerſilly, Lantriſſane, Taluan, Lamblethian, Kenefegis, Neoth, Druſſcian, and Diuenor, part of his men which in the foreſayde places they found, they ſlue, as ſir Iohn Iwain, & ſir Mathew de Gorges, knightes, with .xv. other of his men that were Welchmen: part they tooke, & put them in priſon, as ſir Raufe or Randulf de Gorges being ſore wounded, ſir Philip Ioyce, ſir Iohn de Friſſingfielde, ſir Iohn de Dunſtable, William de Dunſtable, and many other, of the which the moſt part were put to their raunſome.
[1] They tooke, ſpoyled, and deſtroyed ſo much in value of his goodes as amounted vnto two thou|ſande pounde. They tooke vp in ſuche debts as were owing to him in thoſe parties, to the ſumme of three thouſand pounds, and of his rentes to the value neare handes of a thouſande pounde. They burnt .xxiij. of his Manours which he hadde in thoſe parties of Wales, with his Barnes, and did what hurt they coulde deuiſe burning or ta|king away all his writings and euidences.
[1] After they had remayned .xv. dayes there, they came into England with the like force & diſorder inuading his caſtels, manors, and poſſeſſions, ſo that the domage which they did here vnto the ſaid L. chamberlain, amounted to the value of ten .M. poundes.
[1] The king aduertiſed of their doings,The king ſen|deth to the Lordes. ſent vnto them the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, & the Lorde Bartholmew de Badeliſmere Lord Steward of his houſe, to requeſt them to deſiſt and leaue of from ſuch their outragious doings, and comming to the Parliament which he had alredy ſummo|ned, they might put in theyr complaynts & grie|uances, and he would ſee that they ſhould haue iuſtice, according as equitie ſhould require.The Lord Ba|deliſmere re|uolteth to the ſide of the Barons. The lord Badeliſmere forſaking the king became one of the cõfederacie with the barons, & ſo the Archb. was glad to returne alone, leauing the ſaide Ba|deliſmere behinde him, who ſent the king worde by the Archb, that til they had expulſed the Spen|cers out of the realme, they woulde not giue ouer their enterpriſe.
[1] [2] On S. Barnabies day they came to a manor of Hugh Spencer the father called Faſterne, in the Countie of Wiltſhire, and ſpoyled the ſame with diuerſe and many other Manors, aſwell in Wiltſhire, as elſe where, to witte, in Glouceſter|ſhire, Dorſetſhire, Hamſhire, Barkſhire, Oxford|ſhire, Buckinghamſhire, Surrey, Cãbridgeſhire, Huntingtonſhire, Leyceſterſhire, Lincolnſhire, Cheſſhire, and Warwikeſhire, making ſuch ha|uoke of all ſuch goods or cattel as belonged to the ſaid Hugh Spencer the father, yt he was thought to be endomaged to the value of, xxx.M. pounds, burning his houſes, beating, mayming & raunſo|ming his men, and not contented to ſpoyle thoſe places which belonged to him, but hearing that in the Abbey of Stanley he had layde vp money, and euidence, they brake into that Abbey, & tooke out thereof .M. pounds in ready coine, beſide e|uidences & writings, to the endomaging of him to the value of .vj.M. poundes, and likewiſe en|tring into the kings caſtel of Marleburgh where the ſayde Hugh Spencer the father had layde vp in wooll to the number of .xxxvj. ſackes, they tooke the ſame and other of his goodes, as well in plate as apparell, to the value in all of ſixe thouſande poundes. And they did not onely ſpoyle the poſ|ſeſſions, houſes, goodes, and cattayles of the two Spencers, whereſoeuer they coulde heare that the ſame were to bee founde, but alſo they vſed the like diſorder againſt all ſuch as were knowne to bee friendes or well willers, to eyther the fa|ther or ſonne, ſending Commiſſions vnto ſuch as ſhoulde ſee the ſame executed to the moſt ex|tremitie.
[1] Finally, after they had ſatiſfied their deſires in ſuch riotous ſort, they rayſed the people,The Barons rayſe the peo|ple and come in armes to|wardes the Parliament. and conſtrayned them to ſweare to be of their accord, and ſo came forward with the like force towards the Parliament that was ſummoned to be holdẽ at London three weekes after Midſommer. At their comming to Saint Albons, they ſent the [page 860] Biſhops of London, Saliſburie, Elie, Hereford, and Chicheſter,They ſend to the king. to the King with their humble ſute in outwarde apparance, though in effect and verie deede more preſumptuous than was requi|ſite. Their chiefe requeſte was that it myght pleaſe his highneſſe to put from him the Spen|cers, whoſe counſaile they knew to be greatly a|gaynſt his honour, and hereof not to faile if hee tendered the quiet of his realme.
[1] Their requeſtsThey alſo required letters patents of him, con|teyning a generall pardon for the indempnitie of themſelues, and all thoſe that had beene in armes with them, ſo as they ſhould not be impeached by the king for any tranſgreſſions paſt or preſent, in time hereafter to come.
[1] The king herevnto anſwered, that as con|cerning Hugh Spencer the father, he was abrode on his buſineſſe beyonde the ſeas,The kings anſwere. and that Hugh the ſonne was on the ſea for the ſafe keeping of the cinque portes, as by his office he was bounde, and that they ought not by any right or cuſtome to be baniſhed, before they haue made anſwere to the crymes obiected agaynſt them. He added fur|ther, that their requeſt wanted foundation of law and reaſon. And if it might bee proued that the Spencers had in any wiſe offended agaynſt the ſtatutes and ordinances of the land, they were al|wayes readie to make their anſwere as the lawes of the realme ſhould require. Laſtly he added this with an othe, that he would not be forſworne cõ|trary to that which at his coronation he had takẽ vpon him by othe, through graunting letters of peace and pardon to ſuch notorious offenders in cõtempt of his perſon and to the trouble and diſ|quieting of the whole realme.
[1] The Barons vpon knowledge had what an|ſwere the king had made to their requeſts, forth|with got them to armor, and with a great power of men of armes & other, came to the Parliament which the K. had ſummoned to begin at Weſtm. three weekes after midſõmer.Fabian. Caxton. Their retinue were apparelled in a ſute of Iakets or coates of colors demie, partie yellow and greene, with a bande of white caſt ouerthwart. By reaſon whereof that Parliament long after was called the Parliamẽt of white bands.
[1] The order which the lord Ma [...] of Lon|don tooke.Then to ſee the kings peace kept within the ci|tie, the Maior cauſed a .M. men well armed to watch dayly in diuerſe wardes, & at diuerſe gates of the Citie, which watch began at foure of the clo [...]e in the morning, and ſo continued till ſixe at night, and then as many were appoynted to the night watch, cõtinuing the ſame till the houre of fiue in the morning. And for the more ſuretie that this night watch ſhould be wel & ſufficiently kept two Aldermen were aſſigned nightly to ride about the citie with certaine officers of the town, to ſee the watchmen well and diſcreetly guided. The gates were ſhut at .ix. of the clocke, and [...]|ned againe at .vij. in the morning. Alſo euery Ci|tizen was warned to haue his armor by him, that he might bee readie vpon any occaſion when hee ſhould be called.
[1] [2] [3] But neuertheleſſe the Barons being come in forcible wiſe (as ye haue heard) vnto this Parlia|ment, they conſtrayned the Earle of Richmont,Mat. VV [...] Arundell, Warren, and Pembroke, to agree vn|to their purpoſe, and likewiſe ſome of the Biſhops they compelled through feare to take an othe to ioine with them in their purpoſe, for the expulſing of the Spencers out of the realme, and ſo cõming al togither before the king, they publiſhed certain articles againſt the ſaid Spencers,The S [...] baniſhed [...] the dece [...] the la [...] both the father and ſonne, wherevpon they made an awarde that they ſhoulde be diſinherited and baniſhed the land during their liues, if by the king and conſent of all the Lordes in Parliament aſſembled, they ſhould not be reſtored. They had day and place appoyn|ted where to paſſe forth of the lande, to witte at Douer, and not elſe where, betwixt the day of his award made, and the feaſt of the decollatiõ of S. Iohn baptiſt, that day to be counted for one. Di|uerſe articles (as before is ſayd) were layde to the charge of thoſe Spencers. Amongſt other things it was alledged,A [...] with the [...] the Sp [...] that Hugh Spẽcer the ſonne be|ing on a time angrie and diſpleaſed with the K. ſought to allie and confederate himſelf with the Lord Gifford of Brimeſfield, & the lord Richard Gray, to haue conſtrayned and forced the King by ſtrong hand to haue followed his will & plea|ſure. Moreouer it was alledged that the ſayde Spencers, as wel the father as the ſonne, had cau|ſed the king to ride into Gloceſterſhire to oppreſſe and deſtroy the good people of his lande, contrarie to the forme of the great Charter.
[1] Alſo where the Erle of Hereford, and the Lord Mortimer of Wigmore had gone agaynſt one Thlewillin Bren, that had rayſed a rebellion a|gainſt the king in Glamorgãſhire, whiles ye lãds of the erle of Glouceſter were in the kings hands, the ſame Thlewillin yeelded himſelf to the ſaid Erle, and to the Lord Mortimer, who brought him to the king, vpõ promiſe that he ſhould haue the kings pardon, and ſo the king receyued him. But after that the ſayde Erle & Lord Mort [...]er were out of the lande, the Spencers taking to thẽ royall power, tooke the ſayd Th [...]willin and led him vnto Kardif, where after yt the ſaid Hugh Spẽcer the ſon had his purpartie of ye ſayd erle of Glouceſters lands, he cauſed the ſayd Thlewillin to be drawne, headed and quartered, to the diſcre|dite of the king, and of the ſayde Earle of Here|forde and Lorde Mortimer, yea and contrarie to the lawes and dignitie of the crowne.
[1] [2] The ſayd Spencers alſo counſelled the K. to foriudge ſir Hugh Audley, ſon to the Lord Hugh [page 861] Audley, and to take into his handes his Caſtels and poſſeſſions. They compaſſed alſo to haue at|teynted the Lorde Roger Damorie, that thereby they might haue enioyed the whole Erledome of Glouceſter. Theſe and other Articles of miſde|meanour in the Spencers were exhibited to per|ſwade the king and others, that they were vnpro|fitable members in the common wealth, and not worthie of thoſe places they occupied.
[1] After that their diſinheriting and baniſhment was concluded in maner as before is ſayde, the Erle of Hereforde and other the Lordes that had proſecuted the quarell agaynſt them, came before the king and humbly on their knees beſought him of pardon of all things which they had commit|ted agaynſt him or agaynſt his lawes or agaynſt any other perſon in the purſute of the ſayd Spen|cers. The king being brought into a ſtrayte, durſt not but graunt to all that which they requeſted, eſtabliſhing the ſame by ſtatute.
[1] The king go| [...]h to Can| [...]erburie.The Parliament being thus ended, the king and Queene went to Canterburie, there to viſite the ſhrine of Thomas Becket ſometyme Archbi|ſhop there.
[1] The king from thence went to the Ile of Te|uet, that he might there meete with his deare and welbeloued counſaylour Hugh Spencer the yon|ger, whome he hadde of late ſent in Ambaſſade to the French king, and nowe being returned by Sea into thoſe partyes, [...]e commeth [...] take with [...]e Lord cham [...] [...]erl [...]. he was deſyrous to ſee hym, that hee myght haue conference with him: and ſo comming togither, they ſpent certayne dayes in commoning of ſuch matters as they thought good.
[1] The king calling to him the Mariners of the cinque portes, committed to them the cuſtodie of the ſayde Hugh, who for a time kept him with them in their ſhips, and the king ſayling alongſt the coaſt to Porcheſter, conferred with him of many things.
[1] From Porcheſter the king ment to returne vn|to London, there to meete the Queene, who in hir returne from Canterburie woulde haue lodged one night in the Caſtell of Lordes, which the L. Bartholmew de Badeliſmere late Stewarde of the kings houſe had by exchaunge of the king for other landes, and now taking part with the Ba|rons, had left his wife and children with other of his friendes and treaſure in the ſame Caſtell.
[1] [2] Thoſe that were put in truſt with keeping this Caſtell,The Queene not ſuffred to lodge in the Caſtell of L [...]edes. would neyther permit Queene nor other to enter there without expreſſe commaun|dement from their Lord and maiſter, and ſo they ſignified not onely to the Queenes ſeruants that came before to make prouiſiõ for hir, but alſo, de|clared the ſame to hirſelfe cõming thither in per|ſon. This chaunced verie vnluckily for the Ba|rons: for where the Queene had euer ſought to procure peace, loue and concord betwixt the king and his Lordes, ſhee tooke ſuch diſpleaſure with this deniall made to hir for one nyghtes lod|ging in that Caſtel, that vpon hir grieuous com|playnt ſent to the king, hee forthwith rayſed a mightie armie out of Kent and Eſſex, frõ the fiue portes, and of the Londoners, and hauing with him his brethren, Thomas Earle Marſhall, and Edmond Erle of Kent. Alſo the Erles of Rich|mont, Pembroke, Arondle, & Athol, he haſted thi|ther, & layd ſiege aboute the Caſtel,The king be|ſiegeth the ca|ſtell of Leedes. conſtreyning thẽ within by all meanes that might be deuiſed.
[figure appears here on page 861]
[1] [...]e Lordes [...] with a [...] raiſe [...] ſiege.In the meane time, at the ſute of the Lorde Badeliſmere, the Earle of Hereforde, and other Lords of the confederacie, came with a greate power vnto Kingſton, about the feaſt of Simon and Iude, and there ſtaying certaine dayes for ſome of their companie that were to come vnto them, they ſent vnto the king the Archb. of Cant. and the B. of London with the Erle of Pẽbroke, [page 862] requiring him to remoue his ſiege, till by Parlia|liament ſome order might be taken: but the king would not giue eare to their ſute, but continued his ſiege till the caſtell was yelded to him.The caſtell of Leedes yelded For thoſe that were at Kingſton cowardly leauing theyr enterpriſe, came not forwarde but returned backe againe.
[1] They that were within the caſtel hauing ſim|ply ſubmitted themſelues to the king, cauſed .xij. or .xiij. of them to ſuffer death. Amongſt other was one Walter Culpepper,Walter Cul|pepper exe|cuted. reckened for the chiefe of them that defended the Caſtell agaynſte the king. The wife of the Lorde Badeliſmere, wyth his nephewe Bartholmewe de Burwaſhe was ſent to the Tower of London, but his ſiſter was ſent to Douer Caſtell, there to remaine in ſafe keeping.
[1] The Caſtell of Leedes being thus yeelded to the king, hee entred the ſame on Alhallowen day, and ſhortly after the caſtell of Chilham was deliuered, and the caſtell of Tunbridge left voyde by them that had it in keeping.
[1] The king thus beſturring him, came into Eſ|ſex, and ſeaſed into his handes the landes of the Lorde Badeliſmere, and likewiſe the landes of ſuch as were his mainteyners, friends, and fauo|uourers, of the which ſuch as he coulde meet with he put in priſon, and herewith ſummoned an ar|mie to meete him at Cirenceſter aboute Saynt Lucies day the Virgin. And then about Saint Andrewes tide he came to London, where the Archbiſhop of Cãterburie had called a prouinciall Councell.
[1] The lord chã|berl [...]ne yeel|deth himſelfe to the lawe.The ſame time Hugh Spencer the ſon being lately come from the ſea, yeelded himſelfe priſoner to the kings warde, beſeeching the king that hee might haue right miniſtred to him, concerning the wrongs and iniuries to him done by the Ba|rons in maner as before ye haue heard, ſpecially for the award which in Parliamẽt they had pro|cured to be enacted agaynſt him, the errors com|mitted in the proceſſe wherof he beſought the king that he might bee admytted to ſhewe: as firſt in that they made themſelues Iudges: ſecondly in that he was not called to anſwere: thirdly, for that the ſame awarde was made without the aſ|ſent of the Prelates, who are Peeres of the Par|liament as well as the temporall Lordes: fourth|ly, in that the ſayde Barons had no recorde in theyr purſuyte, vpon the cauſes conteyned in that awarde: fifthly, in that the awarde was made agaynſt the fourme of the greate Charter of Franchiſes, wherein is conteyned that none ſhal be foreiudged nor deſtroyed but by lawfull iudge|ment of his Peeres, according to the lawe of the lande.
[1] Further he alledged that it was to bee conſi|dered, howe the ſayde Barons and great menne beeing ſummoned to come in due maner vnto that Parliament, they came in forcible wyſe with all theyr powers.
[1] A like petition was likewiſe exhibited on the behalfe of Hugh Spencer the father, for redreſſe to be had of the wrongs and loſſes, which in like caſe he had ſuſteyned.
[1] The king fauouring ynough the cauſes and petitions of the Spencers,An. reg. [...] graunted theyr re|queſts, and deliuered the petitions vnto the Arch|biſhop of Canterburie and his ſuffraganes,The king [...]+keth the [...]+nious of [...] Pa [...] the which the ſame time were there aſſembled in their prouincial Councell aforeſayd, requiring to haue their aduiſe and opinions therein.
[1] He likewiſe requeſted of the Earles and Ba|rons that were then with him, and of the coun|ſaylours in lawe, what they thought of thys matter.
[1] [2] The Prelates vpon deliberation had, decla|red, that in their opinion, the ſayde awarde as touching the diſinheriting and baniſhing of the Spencers, the father and ſonne, was erroneous,The d [...] of the pre [...] and not rightly decreed, and for themſelues they denyed that they eyther dyd or coulde thinke it reaſon to conſent therevnto, and therefore they required that it might be repealed, and the kings brother Edmonde Earle of Kente,The [...]+tion of the E [...]s. Iohn de Brytayne Earle of Richemonte, Aymer de Valence Earle of Pembrooke, and Edmonde Earle of Arundell, then being in preſence of the king, and likewiſe of the foreſayde Prelates, af|firmed that the ſayd awarde pronounced againſt the Spencers was made contrarie to lawe and right, and therefore as the Prelates requeſted, that the ſame might be repealed. And further the ſayde Earles alledged, that the aſſent which they gaue in the ſayde awarde, was for doubte of the vnlawfull force which the Barons brought vn|to the ſayde Parliament when they made that a|warde, and for that the ſayde Earles that nowe were with the king, had counſayled him to ſuffer the ſayd award to paſſe, for feare of the ſayd force, they confeſſed they had done euill, and beſought him of pardon for their offences in ſo doing. The king thus hauing cauſed ye Prelates, Erles, Ba|rõs, and lawiers there preſent to vtter their iudge|ments in maner aforeſayd, he iudicially reuoked and quite diſanulled the proceſſe of the ſayde award, made as wel touching the baniſhment, as the diſinheriting of the Spencers, and reſtored them to his peace and alleageaunce, and to theyr former eſtates in all conditions, as they enioyed the ſame before the making of the ſayde awarde, notwithſtanding certaine letters to the contrarie of the Erle of Lancaſter, and other Lordes of hys faction, which for the approuing & ratifying of the ſaid proceſſe they directed vnder their ſeales to the king as yet remayning at London.
[1] [page 863] They wrote alſo to the Prelates, Iuſtices, and Barõs of the Exchequer, to induce the king to giue his aſſent to that whiche in the tenor of their letters was conteyned. The Erle of Here|ford,The Barons a|gain get to [...]mor. the Lord Roger Mortimer of Chirk, and the Lord Roger Mortimer of Wigmore, entring the marches of Wales, came to Glouceſter, and tooke that Citie. The Caſtell was alſo deliuered vnto them by the Coneſtable thereof.
[1] The king hauing his people comming dayly vnto him, whereby his armie was hugely intrea|ſed, aboute the feaſt of Saint Nicholas hee ſette forth from London, and with him there wente his brother Edmonde Earle of Kent, Iohn Erle of Richmont, Edmonde Earle of Arundell, and many other great Lordes, and Barons. The Queene with hir children he left in the Tower of London,
[1] The Lorde [...]aint Iohn.The Lorde Iohn de Saint Iohn comming to ſubmit himſelfe vnto the king, at the interceſ|ſion of diuerſe noble men, with much ado had his pardon at length graunted him.
[1] The king paſſing forward ſeaſed into his hãds the townes, caſtels, manors, & goods of them that were agaynſt him. But in the meane time the L. Henrie de Thies,The Lorde [...]ys. with certaine other that were entred into Glouceſterſhire (hearing that a great multitude of people was aſſembled oute of the Country at Cirenceſter by the kings commaun|dement) came thither and chaſed them home to their houſes, [...]ceſte [...]. putting them in feare of their liues, if they ſhould offer to reſiſt him.
[1] [2] The K. wri| [...]th to the erle [...] Lancaſter.The king comming to Crikelade after the feaſt of S. Lucie the virgin, wrote to the Erle of Lancaſter an anſwere of his letters which he had receyued from him at London, modeſtly repro|uing [figure appears here on page 863] him, for that hee had ſo grieuouſly and vn|dutifully reproched him, without reſpecte had to his royall eſtate, and alſo preſumed to aſſigne him day within the which he ſhould reform thoſe things which he miſliked in him, as if he were his ſubiect and vnderling: and beſide this was nowe ioined with his aduerſaries againſt him, where on his behalf ther had bin no let nor ſtay at any time, but that they might be friends & remaine in quiet togither.The king kee|peth his Chriſt+maſſe at Crike+lade. From Crikelade the king went to Ci| [...]enceſter, where he helde the feaſt of Chriſtmaſſe, the erles of Norffolk, Pembroke, Surrey, and o|ther great Lordes cõming thither to ioyne theyr powers with his.Earles that came to the king to Crike|lade. Thither came alſo a greate ſtrength of footmen, part of the which vnder the leading of one Robert Aquarij, a right famous captain tooke the caſtell of Bromfield, thoſe that had the keeping of it fleeing forth of it.
[1] The king comming to Worceſter about New yeares tyde,1322 cauſed the walles of the Citie to be repayred, committing the cuſtodie thereof vnto William de Longchampe.
[1] After ye Epiphanie he paſſed on ye South ſide of Seuerne towards Shrewſburie, where at his cõ|ming thither he was honourably receyued by the burgeſſes that came forth is meet him in armor, & ſo cõueyed him into their towne being ſtrongly fenced.
[1] In this meane time the Scottes now that the truce was ended,The Scots in|uade Northã|berlande. entring with a ſtrong power in|to England, deſtroyed all the countrey to New|caſtell vpon Tine with fire and ſworde.
[1] [2] The Welchmen with their captaine Griffin Loitis toke ye caſtels in Wales which were kept by the people of the L. Mortimer the elder.Caſtels taken by the Welch|men. They tooke alſo the caſtels of Mole, Chirk, and Olono, the kepers wherof cõming vnto ye K. to Shrewſ|burie ſubmitted themſelues to him, who ſhortly after ſẽt thẽ to the tower of Lõdon. The L. Hugh Audley the elder, ye L. Iohn de Haſtings & diuerſe other cõming in, & ſubmitting thẽſelues to the K. were likewiſe cõmitted toward, The L. Roger Damorie entring into the citie of Worceſter de|ſtroied al yt which the K. had appointed to be done about the fortificatiõ therof. The erle of Lãcaſter lying at Pomfret, & hearing of al this buſineſſe,The Earle of Lancaſter wri|teth to the Earle of Here|ford. wrote to the erle of Hereford, & other lords yt were with him, that they ſhould make haſt to come to him at Pomfret, promiſing frõ thenceforth to bee their generall & leader. The Erle of Hereford re|ioyſing at theſe newes, togither with al thoſe that were about him, leauing Glouceſter and all other ſtrẽgthes which they held in thoſe parties, ſet for|ward to paſſe through the middeſt of the realme,The Earle of Hereford cõ|meth to ioyne with the Earle of Lancaſter. ſpoiling by the way mens cattel & goods very diſ|orderly, & ſo came through to the erle of Lãcaſter.
[1] The king getting into his handes al the Ca|ſtels of his aduerſaries in thoſe parties, went to Hereford, where he was honorably receyued of the Cleargie and Citizens. His army encreaſed dayly, many comming in vnto him, that before durſt not for feare of his aduerſaries.
[1] The B. of Hereford was ſharply checked by|cauſe he had taken part with the kings enimies.
[1] [page 864] The king ſent from hence the Lorde Iohn Haſtings into Southwales, to take in his name the ſeyſme of the Caſtels belonging to the Erle of Hereforde, the Lord Roger Dammorie, and the Lorde Hugh Spencer the yonger, which the Barõs had the laſt yere got into theyr hands: all which being now taken to the kings vſe, were furniſhed with faythfull garniſons. The K. after this comming to Gloceſter, condemned the She|rife of Hereforde to be hanged, for that he had ta|ken part againſt him with the Barons. The L. Maurice Berkley came to the king to Gloceſter,The lord Berk+ [...]ley ſubmit|teth himſelf to the king ſubmitting himſelfe to the kings pleaſure. After this the king came by Weſton vnder edge to|wards Couentree, where he had appointed aſwel ſuch as he had lately licenced to depart to theyr homes to refreſh themſelues for a tyme,T [...] [...] as alſo diuerſe other, to aſſemble with their powers to g [...] with him from thence agaynſt his aduerſaries. The day of this aſſemble was the Frydey next after the firſt Sunday in Lent.
[1] The king from Couentree went to Merinol, and there lodged in the Abbey for his more caſe,Williã S [...] writing to William Sutton vnder Coneſtable of Warwike Caſtle, commaunding him to her attendãt on the Sherife of Warwikeſhire, in hel|ping him to watche the entryes and iſſues,Ken [...] holden ag [...] the king. to and from the Caſtell of Kenilworth that was h [...] agaynſt him.
[1] In the meane tyme certaine of the Lords that were gone to the erle of Lãcaſter beſieged Ti [...]|hill caſtel .xv. dayes togither, but preuayled not.Ti [...]l ca [...] beſieged.
[figure appears here on page 864]
[1] [2] Letters inter|cepted.There were letters intercepted about the ſame time, which a meſſenger brought forth of Scot|lande, three cloſed and three open, for there were ſixe in all. The king ſent them to the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, who by his cõmaundement pub|liſhed thẽ in open audience at London. The firſt was cloſed with the ſeale of the Lorde Thomas Randulf Erle of Murrey, Lord of Annandale & of Man, Lieutenant to Robert le Bruce king of Scotland, which conteyned a ſafeconduct for ſir Thomas Topeliue chaplaine, & one to be aſſoci|ate with him to come into Scotland, & to returne frõ thence in ſafetie. The ſecond was ſealed with the ſeale of ſir Iames Dowglas for a like ſafecõ|duct for the ſame perſons. The third was cloſed with the ſeale of the ſayd Erle of Murrey for the ſafeconduct of the Lord Iohn de Mowbray, & the Lord Iohn de Clifford, and .xl. horſes with their pages for their ſafe comming vnto the ſaid Earle into Scotlande, and for their abiding there & re|turning backe.King Arthure a name [...]fe [...]ed of purpoſe. The fourth was cloſed with the ſeal of Iames Dowglas, directed to king Ar|thure. The fifth was cloſed with the ſeale of Ia|mes Dowglas directed to the lord Rauf Neuill. The ſixt had no direction, but ye tenor therof was this: You ſhall vnderſtand my Lord,The [...] [...]e of the l [...]. that the cõ|munication before hãd had is now brought to ef|fect: for the Earle of Hereford, the Lordes Roger Damorie, Hugh de Audley the yonger, Barthol|mew de Badeliſmer, Roger de Clifforde, Iohn Gifford, Henry Teys, Thomas Manduit, Iohn de Willington, & all other are come to Pomfret, and are readie to make you good aſſurance, ſo that you will performe couenant with them, to wit for your cõming to ayde vs, & go wt vs into Eng|land & Wales, to liue and die with vs in our qua|rel. We therfore beſech you to aſſigne vs day and place, where we may meet, & we will be readie to accompliſh fully our buſineſſe: and we beſeeche you to make vs a ſafeconduct for .xxx. horſes, that we may in ſafetie come to your parties.
[1] The king when ſuch Erles and Lordes as he had licenced for a time were returned (his brother the Earle of Norffolke excepted) & that the moſt part of thoſe mẽ of war were aſſẽbled yt had ſum|monce,Record. T [...] although diuerſe came not at all, about ye [page 865] firſt Sundaye in Lent, he ſet forwarde towardes his enemies, hauing with hym to the number of ſixtene hundred men of armes on horſe backe,The K. ſetteth forward to|wards his enimies. and footemen innumerable, wyth this power paſſing [figure appears here on page 865] forthe towardes his aduerſaries, [...]de a [...]lamation. he cauſed procla|mation to bee made, that he was readie to receiue all men to his peace, that woulde come and ſub|mit themſelues, thoſe excepted whiche had bene at the ſiege of Tickhill Caſtell, or at the taking of the citie of Glouceſter, or at the inuaſion made vppon his men at Bridgenorthe.
[1] [2] At his comming to a litle village called Cald|well, [...]on vpon [...]. he ſent afore him certaine handes to Bur|ton vpon Trent, where he ment to haue lodged: but the Earles of Lancaſter and Herford, the Lordes Roger Damorie, Hughe Audeley the yonger, Iohn de Moubraye, Barthlomewe de Badeliſmere, Roger de Clifforde, Iohn Gifford de Bremeſfielde, Henry Tyes, and many other, being gotten thither before, kept the Bridge, and aſſailing the Kynges people whiche hee had thus ſent before, ſome of them they ſlewe, and ſome they wounded, ſo defending the bridge, that none coulde paſſe, and by reaſon that the waters, and ſpecially the riuer of Trent through abundaunce of raine that was lately fallen, were reyſed, there was no meane to paſſe by the fourdes, whervpon the Kyng was conſtreyned to ſtaye the ſpace of three dayes, in whiche meane time, the Earles and theyr complices fortified the bridge at Bur|ton, wyth barriers and ſuche like defences, after the maner of warre, but the kyng at length vpon deliberate aduiſe taken bow to paſſe the riuer, or|deyned,Earle of [...]y. [...]ue [...]ture [...]ichmore. that the Earle of Surrey wyth certaine armed men, ſhulde goe ouer by a bridge that was a three miles diſtant from Burton, that he might come vppon the backes of the enemies, as they were fighting with thoſe that ſhulde aſſaile them a frounte.Earles of [...]mont and [...]broke. The Erles of Richemonde and Pen|broke were appoynted to paſſe by a fourde, which they had got knowledge of, wyth three hundreth horſemen in complete armour, and the Kyng wyth his brother the Earle of Kent ſhoulde fol|lowe them, wyth the reſidue of the army,Robert Aqua|rie. ſauing that Robert Aquarie or Waters, wyth certayne bandes of footemen was commaunded to aſſaile the bridge, whiche hee did very manfully, cau|ſing the archers and croſſebowes to annoy them that kept it, ſo as hee might drawe the whole power of the enemies that wayes, till the Kyng and the Earles were paſſed by the fourde:The K. paſ|ſeth by a fourde. But after that the Earles of Lancaſter and Hereforde wyth theyr complices, hearde that the King was paſſed with his army,The Earles of Lancaſter and Hereford flee, and ſet fire in the Towne. they came forth with theyr people into the fieldes, and put them in order of battaile: but perceyuing the great puiſſaunce whiche the Kyng had there readie to encounter them, wythout more a doe they fledde, ſetting fyre in the towne, and leauing all theyr victuales and other thynges behinde them. The Kynges people comming ſpeedely forwarde, and entring the towne, quenched the fyre, and fell to the ſpoyle of ſuche thynges as the enimies for haſt had lefte behinde them. The Kyng kept nothing to hym|ſelfe, but onely a fayre cup that belonged to the Earle of Lancaſter, a peece eſtemed to be of ſome greate valewe.
[1] The ſame night beeyng Wedneſday,The K. com|meth to Tur|burie. the K. came to Tutbury, and lodged in the Caſtel, ſen|ding forth the next day with all ſpeede, letters to the Sherif of Derbiſhire and Nottinghamſhire, aduertiſing him, both of the ſucceſſe hee hadde a|gainſt his enimies, and withall, pronouncing thẽ and all their adherents, Rebels and Traitors to hym and hys Realme, and that for ſuche they ſhould be reputed, taken, and vſed. And therefore hee commanded in the ſame letters or writtes, vpon forfeiture of all that the ſaid Sherife might [page 866] forfeit, he ſhoulde purſue the ſaid Rebels, that is, the Earles of Lancaſter and Hereford, the Lords Roger Damorie, Hugh Audeley ye yonger, Iohn de Mowbray, Bartholmewe de Badeliſmere, Roger de Clifforde, Iohn Gifforde de Brimeſ|field, Henry Tieys, and all and euery other per|ſon or perſons that were of their confederacie, or in their companies,Hue and crie. cauſing hue and crie to bee reiſed vpon them, in what part ſoeuer they might be heard of, and in all places where the ſaid She|rife ſhould thinke it expedient, and to enioyne and ſtraightly commaund all and ſingular perſons, the ſaide Rebels and enimies to purſue, take and arreſt, and them to deliuer vnto the ſaid Sherife, and that ſuche as were not able to purſue them, yet with hand or horne, they ſhould leuie hue and crie againſt them, in payne that being found ne|gligent herein, to be accompted for fauourers and adherentes to the ſaide Rebels and traitors, and that the ſaid Sherife ſhould therevpon apprehend them, and put them in priſon.
[1] The writte was dated at Tutburie the ele|uenth of March, and the like writtes were direc|ted, and ſente forth to all other Sherifes through the Realme, and likewiſe to the Biſhop of Dur|ham, and to the Iuſtice of Cheſter.
[1] [2] Beſide this, hee directed alſo other writtes to ye ſaid Sherifes and others, that although he hadde bin conſtreyned to paſſe in forcible wiſe through diuers parties of his Realme, and the marches of Wales, to ſuppreſſe the malitious Rebellion of diuers his ſubiects, and that as yet, hee was con|ſtreyned to continue his iourney in ſuche forcible wiſe, neuertheleſſe, his pleaſure was, that ye peace ſhould be maynteyned, and kept throughout hys Realme, with the ſtatutes, lawes, and cuſtomes inuiolated, and therfore he commaunded the ſayd Sherifes, that they ſhoulde cauſe the ſame to bee proclaymed in places where was thoughte moſt expedient,Proclamati [...]s ma [...]le for the peace to bee kepte. as wel within liberties as without, in|hibiting that any maner of perſon, of what ſtate or condition ſoeuer he was, vpon pain that might fall thereon, to attẽpt any thing to the breache of peace but that euery mã ſhuld ſeeke to mainteine & preſerue ye peace and tranquilitie of the people, with the ſtatutes, lawes & good cuſtomes of the land, to the vttermoſt of his power: this alwayes obſerued, that ye Rebels whereſoeuer they myght be found, ſhoulde be arreſted, and cõmitted to ſafe cuſtody. The date of this writte was at Tutbu|rie aforeſaid ye twelfth of March.The Lorde Damorie de|parted this life. The L. Roger Damorie lay ſicke in his bed ye ſame time in the priorie of Tutburie, who after he had heard what iudgement ye K. had pronounced againſt him, de|parted this life within two dayes after. But the Erles of Lancaſter and Hereforde, with other in their cõpany that fled frõ ye diſcomfiture at Bur|ton, loſt many men and horſes in their fleeing a|way, by reaſon of ſuch purſute as was ma [...]+ter them. Diuers of them that had take [...] with the Lordes againſt the King, came [...] ſubmitted themſelues vnto him, among [...] which, were ſir Gilbert de Elleſfield,The [...] ſir R [...] [...] king. and [...]+bert Holland Knightes. The K. yet had [...] Holland in ſome ſuſpition, bycauſe hee ha [...] [...]|miſed to haue come to him before. The [...] Lancaſter had ſent him at this time to ra [...] hys tenauntes in Lancaſter, and to bring them vnto him, but hee deceyued him, and came [...] to him at all, wherevpon, the Earles of Lancaſter and Hereford, with the other Barõs,The [...] Lan [...] He [...] to P [...] being come vnto Pomfret, they fell to counſell in the Friers there, and finally after much debating of ye mat|ter, and conſidering, how by the vntrue [...]ng of the ſaid Robert Holland, their ſide was muche weakened, it was concluded, that they ſhoulde goe to the Caſtel of Dunſtanbortough, and the [...] to remaine, till they might purchaſe the Kinges pardon, ſith their enterpriſe thus quailed vnder their hands: R. S [...] Sir A [...] H [...] and heerewith ſetting forwarde th [...] way forth, they came to Borrough bridge, whe [...] Sir Andrewe de Hercley with the power of the Counties of Cumberlande and Weſtw [...] had forelayde the paſſage, and there on a Tewſ|day being the ſixtenth of March, hee ſetting vpon the Barons, in the ende diſcomfited them, and chaſed their people.
[1] In this ſight was ſlayne, the Earle of Here|ford, the Lord William de Sulley,The [...] He [...] The [...] La [...] with ſir Ro|ger de Bourghfield, and diuers others. And t [...] were taken, Thomas Earle of Lancaſter, the Lorde Roger Clifford, ſonne to that Lord Ro|ger which dyed in ye battell of Bannockeſborne in Scotland, the Lord Gilbert Talbot, the Lord Iohn Moubray, the Lorde Hugh de Wi [...]|tõ, the Lord Thomas Manduit, [...] the Lord Wa|rine de Liſle, the Lorde Phillippe Dar [...], the Lorde Thomas Wither, the Lorde Henry de Willington, the Lorde Hugh de Knouill, the Lorde Phillippe de Beche, the Lorde Henry de Leiborne, the Lorde Henry de Bradborne,The b [...] of Bo [...] bridge. the Lord Iohn de Beckes, the Lorde Thomas Lo|uell, the Lorde William Fitz William, Robert de Wateuille, Iohn de Strikelande, Oduel He|ron, Walter Paueley of Stretton, and a greate number of other Eſquires, and Gentlemen.
[1] This battell was foughte the fifteenth daye of Marche, in the yeare 1322. after the accompt of them that beginne the yeare at the circumciſion, whiche was in the ſayde fifteenth yeare of thys Kings raigne.
[1] The body of the Earle of Hereforde was ſente to Yorke, two Friers of the order of Preachers, being appoynted to looke to it, till the King tooke order for the burying of it.
[1] The Lorde Clifforde alſo, bycauſe hee was [page 867] wounded with an arrowe, was ſente vnto Yorke.
[1] The ſame time, the Lorde Henry Percy tooke the Lorde Henry Tyeis, and Iohn de Golding|ton Knighte, with two Eſquires, and within a fewe dayes after, Donald de Mar tooke the Lord Bartholmewe de Badeliſmere, the Lorde Hugh Audeley the yonger, the Lorde Iohn Gifford, the Lord William Tuchet, and in manner, al thoſe which eſcaped by flighte from this battell, were taken in one place or other, by ſuche of the Kynges ſeruauntes and friendes as purſued them.
[1] The one and twentith of Marche, came Sir Andrew de Harkley vnto Põfret, bringing with him the Earle of Lancaſter and other priſoners. The Kyng was come thither a fewe dayes be|fore, [...]e Caſtell of [...]et is [...]dred to [...] King. and hadde the Caſtell yeelded to him by the Conneſtable, that not many dayes paſt was ap|pointed to the keeping thereof by the Earle, whi|che Earle nowe beeing brought thither captiue, was mocked, ſcorned, and in deriſion called king Arthur.
[1] On the morrowe after beeing Monday, the two and twentith of March, he was brought be|fore theſe noble men, Edmonde Earle of Kente, Iohn Earle of Richmond, Aymer Erle of Pem|broke, Iohn Earle of Surrey, Edmond Earle of Arundell, Dauid Earle of Atholl, Roberte Earle of Anegos, the Lorde Hugh Spencer the father, the Lord Robert de Malmeſthorp Iuſtice,The Earle of Lancaſter arreigned. and others with them aſſociate, before whom he was arreigned of high treaſon, for that he hadde reyſed warre againſt the king, and defended the paſſage of Burton bridge, for the ſpace of three dayes to|gither againſte him, and after when it was per|ceiued that the King had paſſed the riuer, he with Humfrey de Bohun Erle of Hereford, and other their complices like Traitors, ſet fire in the ſayde Towne, and cruelly brent part of the houſes, and men of the ſame Towne, and after, the ſaid Erle of Lancaſter with his complices, arraunged him ſelfe in fielde with his army and banners diſplaid ready to fight againſt the King, till that percey|uing the Kings power to be ouerſtrong for hym and his partakers to reſiſt, hee togither with thẽ fled, committing by the way diuers felonies and robberies, till they came to Burrough bridge, where finding certaine of the kings faithfull ſub|iects ready to reſiſt them, they aſſayled the ſayde faythfull ſubiectes with force of armes and ban|ners diſplayed, ſlaying diuers of them, till final|ly, [figure appears here on page 867] the ſaide Earle of Lancaſter was taken, and other of his complices, ſome taken, ſome ſlayne, and the reſidue put to flighte, ſo that there wan|ted no good will in the ſayde Earle of Lancaſter and others, why the Kyng ſhoulde not haue bin vanquiſhed, whiche treaſons, murthers, bren|ning of houſes, deſtroying of the Kings people, beeing playnely and manifeſtly knowen to the Earles, [...]e is found [...]ne. [...]th. Barons, Lords, and other people of the lande, the ſayde Earle of Lancaſter was there|vpon adiudged to die, according to the lawe in ſuche caſes prouided, that is, to bee drawen, han|ged, and headed: but bycauſe hee was the Queenes vncle, and ſonne to the Kinges v [...]cle, hee was pardoned of all but the heading,He is behea|ded. and ſo accordingly therevnto, hee ſuffered at Pountfret the two and twentith of Marche.
[1] Thus the King ſeemed to be reuenged of the diſpleaſure done to hym by the Earle of Lanca|ſter, for the beheading of Peeres de Gauaſton Earle of Cornewall, whome hee ſo deerely lo|ued, and bycauſe the Earle of Lancaſter was the Chiefe occaſioner of his deathe, the King ne|uer loued hym entierly after.
[1] [page 868] And ſo this mighty Earle of Lancaſter came to his end, being the greateſt Pere in the Realm, and one of the mightieſt Erles in Chriſtendome: for when he began to leuie warre againſt the K. he was poſſeſſed of fiue Earledomes, Lancaſter, Lincolne, Saliſburie, Leiceſter, and Derby, be|ſide other ſiegniories, lands, and poſſeſſiõs, great to his aduauncement in honor and puiſſance.
[1] The ſame day, the Lorde William Tuchet, the Lord William Fitz Willi. the Lord Ware de Liſle, the Lord Henry Bradborne, and the L. William Chenie Barons, with Iohn Page [...] Eſquire, were drawen and hanged at Pomfret aforeſaide, and then ſhortly after, Roger Lorde Clifford, Iohn Lord Moubray,Lordes exe|cuted. and Sir Goſe|in d' Eeuill Barons, were drawen and han|ged [figure appears here on page 868] at Yorke.
[1] And at Briſtowe in like manner were execu|ted, Henry de Wilington, and ſir Henry Mont|ford Baronets, and at Glouceſter, ye Lorde Iohn Gifford, and ſir William Elmebridge Knighte: and at London, the Lord Henry Tyes Baron, at Winchelſie, ſir Thomas Culpepper Knight, at Windſor, the Lord Francis de Aldham Ba|ron, and at Canterbury, the Lord Bartholmewe de Bad [...]hſmere, and the Lorde Bartholmewe de Aſhbornham Baros. Alſo at Cardeif in Wales, ſir William Fleming Knight was executed: di|uers wer executed in their countreys, as ſir Tho|mas Mandit and others.
[1] Auesburie. [...].But nowe touching the foreſayde Earle of Lancaſter, great ſtrife r [...]ſe afterwards amongſt the people, whether hee oughte to be reputed for a S [...]t or no. Some held, that he ought to be no leſſe eſteemed, for that he did many almes dedes in his life time, honored men of Religion, and maynteyned a true quarrell til his liues ende. Al|ſo, his enimies continued not long after, but came to euill ende.
[1] Others conceyued an other opinion of hym, alledging, that hee fauoured not his wife, but ly|ued in ſpouſe breache,S [...] S [...]t|like partes. defiling a greate number of damoſels & Gentlewomen. If any offended him, he ſlew him ſhortly after in his wrathfull moode. Apoſtataes and other euill doers he mainteyned, and would not ſuffer them to be puniſhed by due order of lawe. All his doings hee vſed to cõmitte vnto one of his Secretaries, and tooke no heede himſelfe thereof: and as for the manner of his death, he fledde ſhamefully in the fight, and was taken and put to death againſt his will, bycauſe he could not auoide it: yet by reaſon of certayne miracles whiche were ſaid to be done, neere to the place, both where he ſuffered, and where hee was buried, cauſed many to thinke he was a Sainct, howbeit, at length, by the Kings commaunde|ment, the Church dores of the Priory where hee was buried, were ſhut and cloſed, ſo that no man might be ſuffered to come to the tombe to bryng any offerings, or to do any other kinde of deuoti|on to the ſame.
[1] Alſo, the hill where hee ſuffered,Caxt [...]. was kept by certaine Gaſcoignes, appoynted by the L. Hugh Spencer the ſonne, as then lying at Pounfret, to the ende that no people ſhoulde come and make their prayers there in worſhip of the ſaid Earle, whome they tooke verily for a Martir.
[1] When the King had ſubdued the Barons, ſhortly after,A Parliament at Yorke. aboute the feaſt of the Aſcention of our Lord, he held a Parliamẽt at Yorke, in whi|che Parliament, the record and whole proceſſe of the decree or iudgement concerning the diſinheri|ting of the Spencers, ordeined by the Lordes in Parliament aſſembled at London,The r [...] touch [...] a [...] baniſhi [...] [...] the Spence [...] reuerſed. the laſt ſom|mer, was now throughly examined, and for their errors therein found, the ſame recorde and pro|ceſſe [page 869] was cleerely adnihillated and reuerſed, and the ſayd Spencers were reſtored to al their lands and offices, [...]eation of [...]rles. as before. And in the ſame Parliamẽt the Lorde Hugh Spencer the father was made Earle of Wincheſter, and the Lorde Andrew de Herkley Earle of Careleill.
[1] Moreouer, in the ſame Parliamente, all ſuche were diſinherited as had taken part with ye Erles of Lancaſter & Hereford, [...]he Lorde [...]deley [...]doned. except the Lorde Hugh Audeley the yonger, and a few other, the whyche Lord Hugh was pardoned, bycauſe he had mar|ried the Kings neece, that was ſiſter to Gilberte de Clare Earle of Glouceſter, which was ſlayne in Scotlande, at the battell of Bannockeſborne as before is mentioned.
[1] Robert Bal|docke is ma [...]e [...] Chancellor. Polidor. Alſo, maſter Robert Baldocke, a man euil be|loued in the Realme, is made Lord Chancellour of England. This Robert Baldocke, and one Simon Reding were great fauourers of ye Spẽ|cers, and ſo likewiſe was the Earle of Arundell, and thereby it may be thought, that the Spencers did help to aduance them into the Kings fauour, ſo that they bare no ſmall rule in the Realme, during the time that the ſame Spencers continu|ed in proſperitie, which for ye tearme of fiue yeres after that the foreſaide Barons (as before is ex|preſſed) were brought to confuſion, did wonder|fully encreaſe,The Queene [...]iueth good [...]ouncell. and the Queene for that ſhe gaue good and faithfull counſaile, was nothing regar|ded, but by the Spencers meanes, cleerely worne out of the Kings fauour.
[1] The kings [...]deſt ſonne [...]eated prince [...] Wales.Moreouer, we finde, that in this Parliament holden at Yorke, the Kings eldeſt ſonne Edward was made Prince of Wales, and Duke of A|quitaine.
[1] Alſo, the King cauſed the ordinances made by the Earles and Barons to be examined by men of great knowledge and ſkill, and ſuche as were thought neceſſary to be eſtabliſhed, he commaun|ded that the ſame ſhoulde be called ſtatutes,Statutes. and not ordinances. Beſide a great ſubſedie graunted to the King by the Temporaltie,A ſubſedie. the Cleargie of the prouince of Caunterburie graunted fiue pẽce of euery marke, and they of ye prouince of Yorke four pence.
[1] Aymer Earle of Pembroke, beeing returned home from this Parliamente holden
at Yorke,
Addition to Triuet. The Earle of Pembroke arreſted.
[1] The occaſion of his empriſonmente came, for that he was accuſed and detected to bee a ſecrete fauourer of the Barons cauſe againſt the Spen|cers in time of the late troubles.
[1] Moreouer, ſhortly after,Fabian. the King gathered the ſixth peny of the temporall mens goodes tho|rough Englande, Irelande and Wales, whyche had bin graunted to him at the foreſaide Parlia|ment holden at Yorke, towards the defending of the Realme againſt the Scottes.
[1] This taxe was not gathered withoute greate murmure and grudge, the Realme beeing in ſuch euill and miſerable ſtate as it then was.
[1] This yeare alſo, the ſunne appeared to mans ſighte in coulour like to bloud, and ſo continu|ed ſixe houres, that is to witte, from ſeuen of the clocke in ye morning of ye laſt day of October, vn|to one of ye clocke in the after none of ye ſame day.
[1] Heere is to bee noted,Polidor. that during the tyme whileſt the ciuill warre was in hande betwixt K. Edward and his Barons, the Scottes & French|men were not idle,The Scottes inuade the Biſhopricks of Durham. for the Scottes waſted and deſtroyed the countrey of ye Biſhopricke of Dur|hã (as before ye haue partly heard) and ye Frẽch|mẽ made roades and incurſions into the borders [figure appears here on page 869] [page 870] of Guyenne, alledging, that they did it vpon good and ſufficiente occaſion, for that King Ed|warde had not done his homage vnto the Kyng of Fraunce, as he ought to haue done, for ye Du|chie of Aquitaine, and ye countie of Pontieu. But the true occaſiõ that moued them to attempt the warres at that preſent, was, for that they were in hope to recouer all the lands which the Kyng of Englande helde within Fraunce, cleerely out of his hands, for ſo much as they vnderſtood the diſ|cord betwixt him and his Barons, and how [...] fortunately hee had ſpedde againſt the Scottes, by reaſon whereof, they iudged the time to ſ [...] moſt fitly now for their purpoſe.
[1] In the octaues of the natiuitie of Saint Iohn Baptiſt, R. S [...] Rob [...] [...] Englande Roberte Bruce entring into Englande by Careleill, kept on his way through Cumber|land, Coupeland, Kendall, and ſo into Lance|ſhire till he came to Preſtõ in Andernes, whych Towne hee brente, as hee had done others in the [figure appears here on page 870] countreys through whiche he had paſſed.See more hereof in Scotlande page 323. and 324. There were ſome of the Scottes that forreyd the coun|trey fyue miles on this ſide Preſton South|wardes, and thus beeing foureſcore long myles within Englande, they returned homewardes, and entred againe into Scotlande without en|counter, after they had bin at this time within Englande the ſpace of three weekes and three dayes.
[1] Kyng Edwarde being thus beſette with two miſchiefes both at one time, thought good firſt to prouide remedie againſte the neerer daunger, whiche by the Scottes was ſtill at hande, and therefore he meant to goe againſt them hymſelfe, and to ſend his brother Edmond Earle of Kent into Guyenne, to defende that countrey from the Frenchmen.
An. reg. 16.
Heerevppon nowe in the ſixteenth yeare of hys raigne, after that ye
Scottes were returned home with a great bootie and rich ſpoyle,
The King goeth into Scotlande with an army.
Rich. South. Merimouth.
[1] Robert Bruce immediately after the Eng|liſh army was retired home, reyſed a power, and entring into England by Sulway ſands, lay at a place called Beaumond, not paſt three myles from Careleill, by the ſpace of fiue dayes, ſending in the meane time the moſt parte of his army a|broade to ſpoyle and harrie the countrey on euery ſide, and afterwardes remouing from thence, hee paſſeth towardes Blackamore, hauing know|ledge by diligente eſpials, that King Edwarde was in thoſe parties, giuing hymſelfe more to paſtime in hunting there within the woddes a|bout Blackamore, than to the good ordering of his people which he had then about him. Where|vppon, the Scottiſhe King Bruce, entring into that wilde and mooriſh countrey, where he hadde not bin afore, conueyed his enterprice ſo warely, and with ſuche diligente induſtrie, that on Saint Lukes day, comming vppon the Engliſh army at vnwares, he put the ſame to flight, ſo that the King himſelfe was in great daunger to haue bin taken priſoner. For as ſome authors write, the Scottes had almoſt taken him at dynner in the Abbey of Beighland.
[1] Sir Iohn Britaigne Earle of Richmonde was taidn at this battell, and the Kinges trea|ſor was ſpoyled and carried away, with the pro|uiſion and ordinance that belonged to the hoſt.
[page 871] The King eſcaping away; goe to Yorke, and the
Scottes hauing thus the vpper hande,R. S [...]. after they had ſpoyled the Monaſterie of Riuale, and taken
their pleaſure there,
Yorkeſwold [...]poiled by the Scottes.
[...]uerley ran| [...]med.
[1] The Earle of Carleil rey| [...]eth an army.The Earle of Cartleill beeing commaunded by the King to raiſe the powers of Camberland, Weſtmerland, & Lancaſhire, did ſo, & according to that hee hadde in commaundement, brin|ging them belowe the countreys vnto Yorke, found the Kyng there in no plighte to giue bat|tell to his enimies, all things beeing broughte a|bout him into great confuſion: wherevpon, he l [...]|cenſed his people to depart to their homes again, and ye Scottes ſo returned without battell home into their countreys, entring into Scotlande the morrow after Alhallowen day, after they hadde remayned in Englande at this time, one whole moneth and four dayes.
[1] [...]abian.Some write, that in their returne, they ſpoy|led Northallerton, and dyuers other Townes and places as they paſſed.
[1] [...] conſpiracie [...] ſet priſo+ [...] [...]end [...] liber| [...].The ſame yeare, there was a great conſpira|cie practiſed by certayne perſons that had taken part with the Barons in the late warre, purpo|ſing to ſet at libertie in one ſelfe nighte all thoſe noble men and other, that were by the King kept in priſon for that quarrell. Certayne therefore of thoſe conſpirators, came to the Caſtell of Wa|lingford, within the whiche, the Lorde Maurice Berkeley and the Lord Hugh Audeley remained as priſoners. The conſpirators found ſhift to en|ter the Caſtell by a poſterne gate inwardes the Tha [...]mes ſide, but yet, not ſo ſecretely, but that ye towneſmẽ hauing knowledge thereof, aſſembled togither, and beſieged them that were ſo entred the Caſtell, the Earles of Kent and Winche|ſter came with a great power to reenforſe ye ſiege; ſo that in the ende, they that had made this attẽpt fled into the Chappel of the Caſtel, in hope to bee ſaued through ſanctuarie of the place, but they were (againſt ye willes of ye Deane & Prieſts of ye colledge there that ſought to defende there) taken forthe by force, [...]ir Iohn Gol| [...]ngton. ſo that Sir Iohn de Goldington knight ſir Edmond of the Bech Chaplayne, and an Eſquire called Roger Walton, were ſent to Pomfret, & there put in priſon, the Eſquire was after ſent to Yorke, and there drawen and hãg [...] This enterpriſe cauſed all other priſoners to [...]e more ſtraightly loked to.
[1] This yeare, was begun a wicked procti [...] treaſon vpon this occaſion. Where K. Edwarde hauing aſſ [...]ed fortune ſo, froward towardes him in chance of war againſt the Scottes at ſundry times, was thereby taught to doubt the trial ther|of any further, and rather to ſeeke for peace, he ap|pointed Andrewe Herkley Earle of Cartleill, to ſeeke ſo [...]e meanes,Polidor. whereby a peace myghte bee concluded betwixt him and King Robert.
[1] The E [...] by the Kings cõmandement, going into Scotlãd, & cõming vnto K. Robert,R. Southwell. Polidor. whome he found at Loghmaban, entreated with hym of warre, and not of peace, for whether it were ſo that he deſpaired of ye ſtate of K. Edwards buſi|neſſe, the which proſpered neither at home nor a|broade, chiefly, by reaſon of his owne wilfull ne|gligence (as ſome write:) or whether of his owne nature, this Earle delited in nothing ſo muche, as in deceipt, craft, and treaſon: he concluded vp|pon pointes with the Scottiſh King, how, whẽ, and where Kyng Edwarde ſhoulde be betrayed, and to the ende that couenaunted faith on eyther ſide might be the more ſurely kept and obſerued, the ſiſter of King Robert was ſtaunced vnto the ſaid Earle of Careleill, a righte beautifull Lady and a comely as was any where to be founde.
[1] This practiſe beeyng thus contriued, ſhortly after the Kyng got knowledge thereof, though by whom it was not certainely knowne, ſo [...] a thyng it is for manne to conceale and keepe ſe|cret that thing whyche hee goeth about, though hee ſt [...]die neuer ſo muche ſo to doe,Treaſon will euer come to light by one meane or o|ther. namely in matters of treaſon, whyche hathe a t [...]dofa [...]e feete to [...]pe, abroade, and whyche way ſoeuer it g [...]th, it leaueth a thouſand priuites of the fote|ſteppes behynde it, by the which it may be diſco|uered to the worlde.
[1] When therefore the Earle came backe a|gaynſte to Careleill, hee was arreſted
by com|maundeaunte from the Kyng,
1323 The Earle of Carleile put to death.
[1] [page 872] This was the ende of ſir Andrewe Herkeley, worthily ſuffering for his wickes offen [...]s, (as ſome haue recorded) but there vs that write other|wiſe (as it may well be) thus, That this Earle of Careleill, perceyuing the miſerie of his countrey, without conſent of the King of Englande, made peace with the king of Scottes, vnder this forme as by Richard Southwell we finde recorded.
[1] R. Southwell.Firſte, the Earle promiſed faithfully for hym and his heires, that they ſhuld with all their force and meanes poſſible, ſeeke to mainteyne the ſayde King of Scottes, his heires and ſucceſſors, in the peaceable poſſeſſion of the Kingdome of Scot|land, and that to their powers, they ſhould fighte againſt all thoſe that woulde not agree vnto that couenaunt, as againſt them that ſhould ſeeme to be enimies vnto the common wealth of both the Realmes of Englande and Scotlande. The King of Scottes promiſed faithfully for hys part, to defende the ſayde Earle, his heires, and adherents in the ſaid couenant or pactiõ, and not onely to keepe peace with Englande, but alſo to buyld a Monaſterie within Scotland, aſſigning reuenewes thereto, to the valewe of fiue hundred markes, to celebrate deuine ſeruice, and to pray cõtinually for the ſoules of them that were deade, by occaſion of the paſſed warres betwixte. Eng|land and Scotland, and further, that he ſhoulde giue to the Kyng of England within ten yeares, fortie thouſande poundes of ſiluer, and that the King of Englande ſhoulde haue the Kyng of Scottes eldeſt ſonne to marrie hym vnto ſome Lady of his bloud as he ſhould thinke expediente: To the performance of all whiche couenauntes well and truely to bee obſerued, Thomas Ran|dulfe Earle of Murrey ſware on the behalfe of the King of Scottes, and the Earle of Careleill ſware for himſelfe, and heerewith, certaine wri|tings indented were drawen and engroſſed, to the which interchangeably they ſet their ſeales.
[1] After that the Earle of Careleill was retur|ned home, he called to Careleill all the chiefe per|ſons of the countrey, as well ſpirituall as tem|porall, and there rather through feare than other|wiſe, he conſtreyned them to receyue an othe, that they ſhoulde ayde and aſſiſt him to their powers, to ſee all the couenauntes aboueſayde performed and kept. After that theſe things were knowen to the King and Realm, although ſome of the com|m [...]altie liked wel inough of the matter, bycauſe they hoped thereby to remayne in peace, ſpecial|ly thoſe of the North partes, the King yet & hys con [...]ll and not without cauſe were ſore offen|ded for that he whom the King had ſo lately ad|uaunced, ſhoulde confederate hymſelfe with the Scottes: to the pri [...]r of the King and hys Crowne concluding any couenauntes of peace without his conſente, wherevpon, reputing hym for a ranke Traytor the K. [...] vnto the [...] Antony Lucy, to apprehende the ſayde V [...] ſome meanes if he might, and for his pa [...] ſhould not faile to be well rewarded. [...]
[1] [2] The Lord Lucy watching his t [...]e [...] Earles men were gone ſome whither [...] and but few left about him, the morrow [...] feaſt of S. Mathew the Apoſtle, hee [...] [...]|ſtell of Careleil, as it were, to talke with the [...] of ſome buſines, as his maner was at other [...] to doe. He had with him ſir Hugh Low [...] Richard Dẽton, & ſir Hugh Mor [...]by [...] and four Eſquires, beſide other priuily [...] that leauing ſome at euery gate and dor [...] [...] entred, hee came into the hall, and there [...] Eaſt [...]diting letters, arreſted him. H [...] when certayne of the Earles ſeruauntes [...] wife, and cried treaſon, treaſon, the porter [...] inner gate would haue ſhut it vppon the [...] [...] were thus entred, but ſir Richard D [...] [...] that porter with his owne handes, and th [...] [...] not one more ſlaine by them in ye apprehẽ [...] of the Earle, for all other his ſeruants y [...] [...] ſelues and the houſe vnto the ſaide Lorde [...]y, withoute more reſiſtance: one of his ſitt [...] yet that ſawe theſe doings, got away [...] all ſpeede, ranne to the peele of Heyhead, and [...]|wed vnto the Earles brother Migh [...] Hu [...] by what was chanced to the Earle, [...] wh [...] [...] the ſay [...] Mighell forthwith fledde into Sco [...] and with him ſir William Blount Knigh [...], [...] Scottiſhman, and diuers other that wi [...] [...] Earles priuie counſell. The Lord Lucy [...] wayes ſent a meſſenger to ye King vnto [...] aduertiſing him how he had taken the Earle [...] therefore required to vnderſtande fu [...] of [...] Kings pleaſure. The King forthwith [...] Lorde Geffrey Seroobe Iuſtice, with a [...] of armed men vnto Careleill, the whiche [...] thither on Saint Chaddes day, and the [...] after, being the thirde of Marche, hee ſet in [...]+ment vpon the ſaid Earle, in ye Caſtell of C [...]|l [...]ll, and there (as out of the Kings [...] pronounced ſentence againſte him [...] fleſt, that he ſhould be diſgraded of his [...] by the taking away from him the ſworde [...] the King had gird him with, and likewi [...] Knighthood, by cutting off his ſpurres ſt [...] hys heeles, and that after this, hee ſhoulde bee [...] from the Caſtell through the Citie vnto ye [...] of execution, where felons were accuſtomed of ſuffer and there to bee hanged,The E [...] Ca [...] [...] an after h [...] [...] his head to be ſent vnto London, there [...] ſet aloft vppon one of the turre [...]s of the Towne, and his quartes to be deuided, one to be ſet vp at Ca [...]all, an other at New caſtell vpon Tyne, the third at Briſtow, and the fourth at [...].
[1] When he had heard this iudgement, he [...] [page 873] you haue deuided my body at your pleaſure, and I committe my ſoule to God, and being accor|ding to the iudgement drawen to the place where hee ſuffered, [...]conſtancie [...] death. hee neuer ſhranke at the matter, but boldly behaued himſelfe, declaring at the very houre of his deathe, that his intention in conclu|ding the agreement with the Scottes was good and proceeding not of any euill meaning, but tẽ|ding onely to the wealthe and quietneſſe of the Realme. Neyther coulde ſuch Friers as were permitted to come to him before his arreignemẽt to heare his confeſſiõ, get any thing more of him, but that his meaning was good, and that whych he had concluded with the K. of Scots was not, done vpon any euill purpoſe, whereby any hurte, mighte enſue, eyther to the K. or to the Realme.
[1] Thus haue wee thoughte good, to ſhewe the cauſe of this Earles death, as by ſome writers it hath bin regiſtred, [...]ian. [...]ton. although there bee that write, that the ouerthrowe at Beighland chaunced tho|rough his fault, by miſleading a great part of the Kings hoſt, and ther therefore the King beeyng, offended with him, cauſed him to be put to death, albeit as I thinke, no ſuche matter was alledged againſt him at the time of his arreignement.
[1] [...]dor.About this ſeaſon, was ye fundation begun of S. Michaels colledge in Cambridge, by one ſir Henry Stanton knight, Chãcellor of ye Eſcheker.
[...]e [...]thwel.
[...]ſsio| [...] meere to [...]e of peace
[1] And from the King of Scottes, there came ye B. of S. Andrewes, Thomas Randolfe Earle of Murrey, & other four of good credite to treate of peace, or at the leaſtwiſe of ſome long truce, & through ye good wil and pleſure of God, ye author of al peace and quietneſſe, they concluded vpon a truce, [...]uce con| [...]ded. to endure for thirtene yeres, and ſo about ye feaſt of S. Barnabe the Apoſtle, it was proclay|med in both Realmes, but ſo yet, that they might not traffike togither, bycauſe of the excommuni|cation, wherewith the Scottes were as yet en|tangled, although as ſome write, about the ſame time, the interdict wherein the Realme of Scot|lande ſtoode bounde, [...]idor. [...]c. Boetius. was by Pope Iohn releſſed.
[1] The Frenche King beeing lately come to the crowne,
[...]n. reg. 7.
[...]ſſengers [...]n the fren| [...] king.
[1] About the ſame time,The Lorde Mortimer bre|keth of out of the towes. the L. Roger Morti [...]er of Wignor giuing his kepers a drink ye brought thẽ into a ſound and heauie ſleepe, eſcaped out of the Tower of London where he was priſoner.
[2] This eſcape of the L. Mortimer, greatly trou|bled ye K. ſo ye immediately
vpon the firſt newes, he wrote to all the Sherifes of the Realm, that if hee
chanced to come within their roomthes, they ſhuld cauſe hue & crie
to be reiſed, ſo as hee mighte be ſtaied and arreſted, but he made ſuch
ſhift, that he gote ouer into France, where he was receyued by a L. of
Picardie, named Mounſier Iohn de Fieules, who had faire lands in England,
& ther|fore the K. wrote to him, reprouing him of vn|thankfulneſſe,
cõſidering he had bin euer ready to pleaſure him, and to aduance his
profites & com|modities, & yet notwithſtanding, he did
ſuccoure the ſaid Lord Mortimer, and other Rebels that were fled out of his
Realme. In Lent this yere,
1324 A parliament. The bishop of Hereforde ar|reſted.
[1] Within fewe dayes after, when the K. called him againe before his preſence to make aunſwere to the matters layde againſt him, the Archbiſhops of Cãterbury,The preſump|tuous demea|nor of Pre|lates. York, Dublin, and x. other biſhops came with their Croſſes afore them, and vnder a colour of the priuiledge & liberties of the Churche, tooke him away before he had made any anſwere, forbidding al men [...] p [...]e of excommunication, to lay any hands vpon him.
[1] The K. greatly offended with this bolde pro|ceeding of the Prelates, cauſed yet an inqueſt to be empanelled, to enquire of the B. of Herefordes treaſons, and vpon ye finding of him giltie, he ſea|ſed into his hands al the temporalties that belon|ged to his Biſhopricke, and ſpoyled his manors and houſes moſt violently, in reuenge of his diſ|loyall dealings.
[1] Record. Tur: Landes belon|ging to the Templers.Moreouer, in this Parliament, the landes and poſſeſſions that belonged ſometime to the Tem|plers, (and had bin deliuered vnto the Knightes Hoſpitalers, otherwiſe called knightes of ye Rodes by ye K. in the ſeuenth yeare of his raigne (accor|ding to the decree of the counſell of Vienna) were by authoritie of this Parliament, aſſured vnto the ſaide knightes, to enioy to them and their ſucceſ|ſors for euer.
[1] Alſo it was concluded, that the Earle of Kẽt, and the Archb. of Dublin ſhould goe ouer as Am|baſſadors into Fraunce, to excuſe the King for his not cõming in perſon to the French K. to do hys homage for the lands he held in Fraunce.
Licence to bu|rie the bodyes of the rebels.
Rec. Tur.
Ambaſſadors ſent into Fraunce.The Earle of Kente,
and the Archb. of Dublin going ouer into France, could not light vpon any
good concluſion for the matter about the whyche they were ſente, bycauſe the
ſame time or rather ſomewhat before,The [...]
the L. Raufe Baſſet of D [...] being the [...]ings Seneſhall in Guic [...]e, [...] throwen a certayne Towne, newly fortified [...] Frenchmen on the frontiers, for that the in [...]+tants, truſting on the Frenche kings fauour [...] maintenance, refuſed to obey the lawes and ordi|nances of the
coũtrey of Aquitaiue, and ſee [...]
[...] deſpiſe and ſet naught the authoritie of ye [...] L. Baſſet in that countrey, contrary to all right, good order or
reaſon. Neuertheleſſe, the Frenche K. tooke the matter ſo greeuouſly, that
except the L. Baſſet might de cõſtreyned to come vnto Pa|ris, &
there make aunſwer to his offence, he would not hearken to any other
ſatiſfactiõ. And thervpõ,
An. reg.
The E [...] Anie [...]
[...] into G [...]
The King of Engl [...] which [...] Duke of [...].
[2] Whileſt this ſiege remayned before ye Towne of the Ryoll, the K. of England
wrote his letters
[figure appears here on page 874] to the Duke of Britaine,Record. T [...]
as one of the Peeres of France, declaring ye iniurious dealing of
ye Frẽche K. who hadde ſente his vncle the Earle of Aniou with an army
againſte his people in Agenois, where he had taken many Townes, deſtroyed
his people, and now had beſieged his nephew Edmõd Erle of Kent, within the
town of the Ryolle, en|forſing his whole puiſſance wrongfully to beene him
of all the Duchie of Guyenne, and agaynſte all reaſon, and the prerogatiue
of the peeres of [page 875] France, to an euill preſidẽt or
enſample in time to come, of ye perpetuall ſeruitude of the ſaid Peeres,
and although ſaith the K. of Englande, that the Frẽch alledge that we haue
bin lawfully ſummo|ned to come & do homage, & haue refuſed
ſo to doe, that is not ſo, for wee were neuer in due order re|quired as was
cõuenient, neither could we do ho|mage, by reaſon of ye great iniuries and
hard dea|lings practiſed againſt vs, frõ the feaſt of Eaſter laſt, till ye
date of thoſe his preſent letters (whyche
was the ſixth of October, in this 18. yeare of hys raigne,) and yet ſaith
he, ther was neuer any law|full proceſſe had againſt vs before our peeres,
in ye great chamber at Paris, as had bin requiſit. Here|vpõ doth he
requeſt ye Duke of Britaine, that for ye preſeruation &
maintenance of the honorable e|ſtate of ye Peeres of France, & for
iuſtice ſake, hee wil help to aide him, either by way of requeſt, or other
cõuenient meanes ſo as the ſaid ſtraite dea|lings & iniurious
wrongs, may ceaſſe, & the eſtate
of ye peereſhip may be mainteined as was requi|ſite.The
lorde of Biskey. Hee wrote likewiſe to ye L. Iohn the infante,
ye L. of Biſkey, and to ye Lady Mary of Biſkey, gouernereſſe of ye K. of
Caſtile and Leon, and to Iames K. of Aragon, requeſting them to aid him with
men of warre, as well horſemẽ as footemen againſt his aduerſarie ye Frẽch
K. that moſt vn|iuſtly went about to depriue him of his inheritãce. But
howſoeuer ye matter went, no aide came to ye Erle of Kente from any parte,
till at length, the Frenchmen ſo
reenforced ye ſiege, that the Towne was deliuered to ye Erle of Aniou, and
a truce ta|ken vppon certaine conditions,
[...]ho VValſ.
[...] truce taken.
[1] The Lord de [...]lly ſent in| [...] Fraunce in [...]mbaſſade.Then were ſent ouer other Ambaſſadors, as ye Lorde Iohn de Sully a Frenchman borne, & one maſter Iohn de Shordich, but the L. Sully had ſo ſtrange entertainemente for ſome diſpleaſure which ye French K. conceiued againſt him, that if ye French Q. had not the better intreated for him, he had loſt his head, and as for the other, he had al|ſo returned home, withoute bringing any thyng to paſſe, of that for the which he was ſent.
[1] The Pope ſen| [...]th ambaſſa| [...]rs to the [...]ngs of Engl. [...] Fraunce.After this, the Pope ſent the Archb. of Vienne, and the B. of Orange, to the Princes of eyther Realme, to exhorte them to ſome agreement, but they could do no good, and ſo taking money of the Cleargie for their expenſes, they returned.
[1] [2] [3] 1325After this, about the twentith day after Chriſt|mas, there was a Parliament called at London, in the which, the K. required to haue the aduice of ye Lords, how he might worke for the ſauing of ye Duchie of Guienne, ſore moleſted by the French|men.Other ambaſ| [...]ors ſent o| [...] into Frãce. Herevppon it was concluded, that the By|ſhops of Wincheſter and Norwich, and Iohn de Britaine Earle of Richmonde, ſhoulde goe ouer as Ambaſſadors to ye French K. who cõming in|to France, after many argumentatiõs, allegatiõs, and excuſes, made on both parties, at length, re|ceyued a certaine forme of pacification at ye Frẽch kings hands, with the which, the B. of Winche|ſter was ſent backe into Englãd, the B. of Nor|wich, and the Erle of Richmond remaining there til it might be knowen, how the King of Englãd would like thereof. Finally it was thought good, that the Quene ſhould goe ouer to hir brother the Frẽch K. to confirme ye treatie of peace vpõ ſome reaſonable conditiõs.The Queene is ſent ouer into France to talke with hir brother the Frenche King. She willingly tooke vppon hir the charge, and ſo with ye L. Iohn Crumwell and other four knightes, without any other greate traine, taking the ſea, landed in France, where of ye K. hir brother ſhe was ioyfully receiued, and fi|nally, ſhee being the mediatrix, it was finally ac|corded,A peace and concorde a|greed vpon. that ye K. of England ſhuld giue to his el|deſt ſon ye Duchie of Aquitaine, and the Countie of Pontieu, & that ye Frẽch K. receyuing homage of him for the ſame, he ſhuld reſtore into his hands the ſayd Countie, and the lands in Guyenne, for the whiche they were at variance, and for thoſe countreys which had bin forrayed, and ſpoyled, the Earle of Aniou ſhoulde fully ſee him ſatiſfied, as right did require. Vpon all which couenauntes the French King wrote his letters patentes into Englande, and other letters alſo of ſafe conduite,An. reg. 19. as well for the ſonne, as for the Kyng hymſelfe, if it ſhoulde pleaſe hym to come ouer hymſelfe in perſon. Vpon whiche choiſe, greate deliberation was hadde, as well at Langdon, as at Douer, dy|uers thinkyng it beſt, that the Kyng ſhoulde goe ouer hymſelfe: but the Earle of Wincheſter and hys ſonne the Lord Chamberlayne, that neyther durſt goe ouer themſelues with the Kyng, nor abyde at home in his abſence, gaue contrary coũ|ſell, and at length, preuayled ſo, that it was ful|ly determined that the Kyngs eldeſt ſonne Ed|warde ſhoulde goe ouer, whiche turned to theyr deſtruction as it appeared afterward.
[1] Heerevpon, the Kyng made a charter of grant vnto his ſonne, of the Duchie of Guyenne, and Countie of Pontieu, to haue and hold to him and hys heires Kyngs of Englande, with condition, that if hee chaunced to depart this life whyleſt hys father lyued, thoſe landes ſhoulde returne vnto hys father agayne, ſo as the Frenche Kyng myghte not marrie the Kings ſonne at his plea|ſure, nor appoynte to him any gardians or go|uernoures.
[1] Thys ordinance was made at Douer by the Kyngs Charter,The Prince of Wales is ſent into France. with conſente of the Prelates and other noble men of the Realme there preſent, the morrowe after the Natiuitie of our Lady, and on the Thurſdaye following, the Kinges ſonne tooke the Sea, and with hym Walter Byſhoppe of Exceſter and others in competent number, and aboute the feaſt of Saint Ma|thewe the Apoſtle, hee did homage to hys Vncle [page 876] the French King, at Bois de Vincennes, vnder cer|taine proteſtations made, as well on the one part as the other.
[1] A drye Som|mer.The ſommer this yeare prooued exceeding hote and drie, ſo that ſprings and riuers failed to yeeld their accuſtomed courſe of waters, by reaſon whereof,Cattel dyed. greate number of cattell and beaſtes, both wilde and tame dyed through lacke of conue|nient licor to aſwage theyr vehemente thirſt.
[1] The king ſen|deth for his wyfe and ſon to retourne home.In the beginning of the nexte ſpring. Kyng Edwarde ſente into Fraunce vnto his wife and ſonne, commaunding them, now that they hadde made an ende of their buſineſſe, to returne home with all conuenient ſpeede.
[1] The Queene receyuing the meſſage from hir huſband, whether it was ſo that ſhe was ſtaied by hir brother, vnto whome belike ſhee had complay|ned after what in anner ſhee was vſed at hir huſ|bandes handes, being had in no regard with him: or for that ſhe had no minde to returne home, by|cauſe ſhee was loth to ſee all things ordred out of frame by the counſell of the Spencers, whereof to heare ſhe was weery: or whether as the manner of women is, ſhee was long about to prepare hir ſelfe forwarde, ſhee ſlacked all the Sommer, and ſente letters euer to excuſe hir tarriance. But yet bycauſe ſhee woulde not runne in any ſuſpition with hir huſbande,The womans diſsimulation ſhee ſente dyuers of hir folkes before hir into Englande by ſoft iorneys.
[1] King Edwarde not alittle offended with king Charles, by whoſe meanes hee knewe that the woman thus lingered abroade,
he procured Pope Iohn to write hys letters vnto the French king, admoniſhing
him to ſende home his ſiſter, and hir ſonne vnto hir huſbande. But when this
nothyng auayled,
A proclama|tion.
[1] Polidore.Heere authors varie, for ſome write, that vpon knowledged had of this proclamation, the Queene determined to returne into Englande forthwith, that ſhe myghte bee reconciled to hir huſbande a|gayne.
[1] Other write, and that more truely, how ſhee being highly diſpleaſed, both with the Spencers, and the Kyng hir huſbande, that ſuffered himſelfe to be miſled by their counſels, did appoynt indeede to returne into Englande, not to be reconciled, but to ſtirre the people to ſome Rebellion, where|by ſhe might reuenge hir manifolde iniuries: whi|che as the proofe of the thing ſhewed, ſeemeth to bee moſt true, for ſhee being a wiſe woman, con|ſidering that ſith the Spencers had excluded, put out, and remoued all good men, from and beſide the Kyngs counſell, and placed in their roomthes ſuche of their clientes, ſeruauntes and friendes as pleaſed them, ſhee mighte well thinke, that there was ſmall hope to bee had in hir huſbande, who hearde no man but the ſayde Spencers, whyche ſhe knewe hated hir deadly. Wherevppon,1326 after that the tearme prefixed in the proclamation was expired, the King cauſed to bee ſeaſed into hys handes, all ſuche landes, as belonged eyther to his ſonne, or to his wife.
[1] About the ſame time,Sir Robert VValkfare. one Sir Robert Walke|fare Knight, a right hardy man of his handes, but craftie and ſubtill (who being taken in the warres whyche the Lords reyſed agaynſt the Kyng, had bin committed to priſon in the Caſtel of Corfe,) founde meanes nowe to kill the Conneſtable of that Caſtell moſt cruelly, and eſcaping away, gote ouer to the Queene into Fraunce, and ſo the number of them that ranne out of the Realm vn|to hir dayly encreaſed.
[1] This Sir Robert Walkfare was a great pro|curer of the diſcord betwixt ye King and ye Lords, and a chiefe leader, or rather ſeducer of that noble man Humfrey de Boun Earle of Hereford: and whileſt other gaue themſelues to ſeeke a reforma|tion in the decayed ſtate of the common wealthe, he ſet his minde vpon murders and robberies.
[1] Diuers other aboute the ſame time fledde out of the Realme vnto the Queene, and vnto hir ſonne the Earle of Cheſter.The bishop of E [...]ce [...] [...]+meth fr [...] the Queen. But in the meane tyme, Walter Stapleton Byſhoppe of Exceſter, whiche hitherto had remayned with the Queene in Fraunce, ſtale nowe from hir, and gote ouer into England, opening to the Kyng, all the coun|ſayle and whole mynde of the Queene: whyche thyng turned firſt of all vnto his owne deſtruction as ſhall after appeare.
[1] About the ſame time,Sir Oliuer [...] Ingham [...]+tenant of [...]+cong [...]. one Sir Oliuer de Ing|ham, a yong, luſty, and valiant Knighte, was by the Kinges ſonne the Duke of Aquitayne (not withoute his fathers conſente) eſtabliſhed Lorde Warden of the marches of Guyenne, the whiche ſir Oliuer gathering an army of hired Souldi|ers, Spanyardes, Aragonoys, and Gaſcoignes, inuaded the countrey of Agenoys (whyche the Frenche Kyng helde yet in his handes contrary to couenaunte) and recouering it from the Frẽch,Age [...] [...]+uered [...] of the French|mens [...] cleerely reduced it to the Engliſhe dominion.
[1] Moreouer, Sir Iohn Oturum, Sir Nicho|las Kiriell, and ſir Iohn Felton, Admirals by the Kyngs appoyntmente, with the fleetes of the Eaſt, South, and Weſt partes,Ships of N [...]+mandy ta [...] went to the Sea to apprehende ſuche Frenchmenne as they might meete with. They according to their commiſſi|on beſtirred themſelues ſo, that within few dayes they tooke ſixe ſcore ſaile of Normans, and broughte them into Englande, wherevppon, the diſpleaſure ſore encreſed betwixt ye two Realmes.
[1] [page 877] The King of Englande ſtoode not onely in doubt of the Frenchmen, but more of his [...]ne people that remayned in Fraunce, leaſt they tho|rough help of the French ſhould inuade the lande, and therefore hee commaunded the hauens and portes to be ſurely watched, leaſt ſome ſuddayne inuaſion might happely be, attempted, for it was will vnderſtoode, that the Queene meant not to [...]turne, till ſhee mighte bring with hir the Lorde Mortimer, and the other baniſhed men, who in no wiſe could obteyne any fauour at the Kynges handes, ſo long as the Spencers [...]ore rule.
[1] The Pope lamenting this matter, ſente two Byſhoppes into England, to reconcile the Kyng and Queene, and alſo to agree the two Kynges, Theſe Byſhoppes were reuerently receyued, but more than reuerence here they obteyned not, and ſo departed as they came.
An. reg 20.
King Edward vnderſtanding all the Quenes drift, at length ſought the
French Kings fauour, and did ſo much by
letters and promiſe of bribes with him and his counſaile, that Queene
Iſabell was deſtitute in manner of all helpe there, ſo that ſhe was glad to
withdraw into Haynault, by the comfort of Iohn the Lord Beaumont, the Earle
of Heynault his brother,The Lorde [...]mont [...] Hennault. who beeing then in the Court of Fraunce, and
lamenting Queene Iſa|bels caſe, imagined with himſelfe of ſome marri|age
that mighte be had betwixt the yong Prince of Wales, and ſome of the
daughters of his bro|ther the Earle of
Heynault, and therevpon requi|red hir to goe into Heynault, and hee would
bee glad to attende hir.
The Queene [...] Englande [...] hir ſonne [...]th into [...]
[1] The Spencer (ſome write) procured hir ba|niſhment out of Fraunce, and that ſhee was ad|uiſed by the Earle of Arthoys, chiefly to repaire into Heynault.
[1] [...]axt [...].Alſo I finde, that the Spencers deliuered f [...] barrels of ſiluer, the ſumme amounting vnto fiue thouſande markes, vnto one Arnold of Spaine a broker, appoynting him to conuey it ouer into Fraunce, to beſtowe it vpon ſuch friendes as they had there of the French Kings counſaile, by whoſe meanes, the King of Fraunce did baniſhe his ſi|ſter out of his Realme. But this money was met with vpon the Sea by certaine Zelanders, and taken, togither with the ſayd Arnold, and preſen|ted to the Earle of Heynaulte vnder whoſe do|minion, the Zelanders in thoſe dayes remayned, of which good happe, the Earle and Queene Iſa|bell greatly reioyced.
[...]rriage [...]cluded.
Prouiſion made in Eng|land to reſiſ [...] the Queene.
Tho. VValſ.
The Quene with hir ſonne land in Suf|folke.
[figure appears here on page 877]
[1] Immediately after that the O. and hir [...]e wer come to land, it was wonder to [...] faſt ye people reſorted vnto thẽ,Tho.
VValſ. and firſt of al [...]
[...]he Erle Marſhall, in whoſe lands ſhe firſt came on ſhore, repared to
hir, ſo did the Erle of Leiceſter, & d [...]lers [page 878] Barons and Knightes of thoſe parties,
The Earles Marſhall and of Leyceſter with others come to the
Queene. The redineſſe of the Prelates to aſſiſt the Queene.
[1] After that ſhe had refreſhed hir people a little ſpace at Sainte Edmondes bury, ſhe marched forthe to ſecke the aduerſaries of hir and of the Realme as ſhe bruted it, but they ſtill keepyng themſelues neere to the Kings perſon, that vnder the ſhadowe of the wings of his protection, they might remayne in more ſafegarde, durſt not de|part from his preſence. At the time of ye Queenes landing he was at London, and being [...]ore ama|ſed with the newes he required ayde of the Lon|doners.The aunſwere of the Londo|ners to the Kyng. They aunſwered, that they would do all the honor they might vnto the Kyng, ye Queene, and to their ſonne the lawfull heire of the lande: but as for Straungers and traitors to ye Realm, they woulde keepe them out of their gates, and reſiſt them with all their forces but to got foorthe of the Citie further than that they myghte re|turne before Sunne ſetting, they refuſed preten|ding certayne liberties in that behalfe to them graunted in times paſt as they alledged.
[1] The king for|ſaketh Lon|don, and goeth towardes the marches of Wales.The King not greatly liking of this aun|ſwere, fortified the Tower, and leauing within it his yonger ſonne Iohn of Eltham, and the wife of the Lorde Chamberlayne Hugh Spencer the yonger that was his neece, he departed towardes the marches of Wales, there to reyſe an army a|gainſt the Queene. Before his departure from London,A proclamati|on ſette forth by the Kyng. he ſet forth a Proclamation, that euery man vnder payne of forfeyting life and goodes, ſhould reſiſt them that were thus landed, aſſayle, and kill them, the Queene, his ſonne Edwarde, and his brother the Earle of Kent only excepted, and whoſoeuer could bring ye head or dead corps of the Lord Mortimer of Wigmore, ſhuld haue for his labor a thouſand markes.
[1] The Queenes proclamation.The Queenes proclamations on the other part, willed all men to hope for peace, the Spen|cers publike enimies of the Realme, and ye Lorde Chancellour Roberte Baldocke, with their aſſi|ſters onely excepted, through whoſe meanes, the preſent trouble was happened to the Realme.
[1] And it was forbidden, that no man ſhoulde take ought frõ any perſon, and who ſoeuer coulde bring to the Queene the head of Hugh Spencer the yonger, ſhould haue two thouſand pounds of the Queenes gift.
[1] The Byſhop of Exeter left in charge with the Citie of London.The K. at his departure from London, lefte maſter Walter Stapleton the B. of Greter be|hinde him to haue the rule of the Citie of Londõ. Then ſhortly after, the Q. with hir ſon, making towardes London, wrote a letter to the Maior, & to the Citizens, requiring to haue aſſiſtance for the putting downe of the Spencers, [...] knowen enimies of theirs, but alſo [...] to all the Realme of England.
[1] To this letter,Caxton. no aunſwere at the [...] made, wherfore an other was ſent, [...] do [...] the ſixth day of October, vnder the [...] of Iſabell by the grace of God Queene of [...] [...]ld, Lady of Irelande, and Counteſſe of [...] [...]ew, and of Edwarde eldeſt ſonne to the [...] of England; Duke of Guienne, Erle of C [...] of Pontiew and of Mu [...]er [...]. This letter [...] directed to the Mayor and communaltie [...]don, conteyning in [...], that the [...] landing and entring into the Realme of the time, was onely for the honor of the [...] wealth of the Realme, in [...]ng h [...] to [...]ner of perſon, but to the Spencers, was [...] vpon the Croſſe in Cheape, their called [...] Croſſe in Cheape; on the nighte before the [...]th day of October. Dyuers copies of the [...] were ſet vppe, and faſtned vppon wind [...] [...]res in other places of the Citie, and one of the ſalne copies was racked vpon the Lord [...] gates.
[1] [2] After which letter thus publiſhed in the [...],Fabi [...]. Th [...]. [...] a greate number of artificers, and other [...] [...]ed not to ſit in reſt vppon ſuche occaſion of [...]+cord offered, nowe that things were in [...] other partes of the Realme, aſſemblid [...] in greate numbers, and with weapon in [...], came to the Lorde Maior of the Citie, [...] they knew to fauour the Kings parte, and there|fore they forced him through feare of ſome [...]|rious violence,The [...] to take [...] to receyue an oth to ſtand to there ordinance, whiche was to put to deathe all th [...] that were aduerſaries to the Queene, or had by any meanes procured the hinderance of the Ci|ties liberties, vnder pretext of whiche othe,Iohn Ma [...] taken a [...] healed. they ranne, and tooke one of the Citizens, called Iohn Marſhall, & bycauſe hee was very familiar with the Earle of Glouceſter, and therefore ſuſpected to haue accuſed the Citizens, they ſtro [...] [...] hys head, and ſpoyled all his goodes. The ſame daye, being the fourtenth of October, continuing their rage, they ranne to the houſe of the Byſhoppe of Exeter, Walter de Stapleton, and ſetting fire on the gates, they entred and ſpoyled him of all hys plate, iewels, money and goodes. And as it chanced in an infortunate houre for him, the Bi|ſhoppe beeing the ſame time returning from the fieldes, woulde not ſeeme to ſhrinke, although her was admoniſhed of theſe outrageous attemptes of the people, but ſitting on horſebacke, came to the North dore of Saint Paule, where forth|with the furious people layde violente handes [...] him, threw him downe, and drew him moſt out|rageouſly into Cheape ſide, where they proclay|med him an open traytor, a ſeducer of the Kyng, [page 879] and a deſtroyer of their liberties. The Byſhoppe had vpon him a certayne coate of defence, whiche was called an Aketon, the ſame therefore beeing plucked beſide his backe as all other his gar|ments,The Byſhopp: [...] Exeter be| [...]aded. they ſhore his head from his ſhoulders, and to the lyke deathe they put two of his ſer|uauntes, the one an Eſquire, and the other a yeoman.
[1] The Byſhoppes head was ſet on a pole for a ſpectacle, that the remembraunce of his deathe, and the cauſe thereof might continue.
[1] His body was buryed in an old Churchyarde of the pied Friers, withoute any manner of exe|quies or funerall ſeruice done for him.
[1] The chiefeſt cauſe of the enimitie whiche the Londoners bare toward this Biſhop, roſe hereof. He being Lord Treaſorer, procured that the Iu|ſtices itenerante, did ſit in the Citie of London, and where many of the Citizens were found [...]|fendors, and iuſtly puniſhed, as well, by loſing their freedomes, as paying their fines, and ſuffe|ring corporall puniſhmentes, they conceyued a great diſpleaſure towardes him.
[1] Moreouer it was ſayde, that hee had rayſed a greate multitude of armed menne againſte the Queene, and hir ſonne the Duke of Aquitayne, and therefore did the Londoners as they a [...]| [...]ed, ſeeke to preuent his proceedings.
[1] The morrow [...] after that they had thus be [...]| [...]d the Biſhop of Ex [...]ter, they tooke by chaunce Sir Iohn Weſton Conneſtat [...] of the Tower, [...]d from him they tooke the keyes of the ſame Tower, and [...]o entring the Tower, they ſet [...] the priſoners at libertie, and in like caſe, all thoſe [...]hat were impriſoned in manner through ye [...]a [...], [...]here peri [...]tted to goe at large, and all the bani| [...]ed men and [...]lawes were likewiſe reſfor [...] [...]a [...].
[1] The Londoners hauing the Tower thus at [...]here commaundemente, remoued all the officers herein placed by the King, and put other in their [...]thes, in the name of the Lorde Iohn de El|tham the Kings ſonne, whom they named war|den of ye Citie and land. And yet they [...]eaſſed not to committe many robberies, and other outragi|ous and moſt inſolent partes.
[1] In the meane time, the King being come [...] Briſtow, left that Citie in the keeping of ye Erle of Wincheſter. And with the Earles of Glouce|ſter and Arundell, and the Lord Chancellor, Sir Roberte Baldocke, [...]e king [...]i| [...] into [...]ales. hee ſailed ouer into Wales there to rayſe a power of Welchmen in defence of himſelfe againſt the Queene and hir adherẽts, whiche hee had good hope to finde amongeſt the Welchmen, [...]lidor. [...] fauour [...]wardes the Welchmen. bycauſe he had euer vſed them gent|ly, and ſhewed no rigor towards them for their riottous miſgouernance.
[1] Againe, he drew the rather into that part, that if there were no remedie, hee mighte eaſily eſcape ouer into Ireland, and get into ſome mountaine countrey, mariſhe ground, or other ſtreit, where his enimies ſhould not come at him.
[1] But nowe to ſpeake of the Queene, yet muſt vnderſtand, that after ſhee hadde receyued know|ledge from the Londoners, that they were whol|lye at hir deuotion, ſhee beeing glad thereof,The Queene following the King cõmeth to Oxforde. Tho. de la More. tur|ned hir iorney towarde Wales to followe the Kyng, and comming to Oxforde, ſtayed there a whyle, and ſtill came people to hir from all ſides.
[1] Heare Adam de Torſeton the Byſhoppe of Hereforde whych lately before had bin ſore fined by the King, [...] that he was accuſed to ſtirre the people to Rebellion,The Byſhoppe of Hereforde maketh an Oration to the Queenes army. and to ayde the Barons (as yee haue hearde,) made a pithie Oration to the army, declaring that the Queene and hir ſonne were returned only into England, to the intente to perſecute the Spencers, to reforme the ſtate of the Realme: and ſith then that they nowe were come in dinner to an ende of the titannie of moſt naughty men, and of the daunger that myghte growe dayly thereof, hee exhorted them with pa|t [...]ent mindes to beare the ſmall trauaile that re|mained in purfuſe of the enimies, and as for re|ward, they might looke for all things by the vic|tory, and the Queenes liberalitie, whoſe loue was ſuch towardes the common wealth, as ſhee onely applyed all hir endeuoures and doyngs to the aduauncement thereof.
[1] Theſe wordes ſpoken,The Queene goeth to Glouceſter. the Queene accompa|nyed with a greate power, departed from Ox|forde, and wente ſtraight vnto Glouceſter, and ſent before hir vnto Briſtow the Erle of Kent, the Kings brother, ſir Iohn of Hennegew, with other, to take the Earle of Wincheſter. They did theyr endeuour with ſuche diligence, that the Towneſmen compoundyng to be ſaued harme|leſſe in body and goodes, deliuered, the Towne and Caſtell vnto the Queene, and to hir ſonne the Prince.
[1] In [...] tyme, there came to the Quene and [...] [...]eſter, the Lorde Perey, the Lorde [...]ke, and dyuers other, as well from the North [...] forth of the marches of Wales, [...] his army hug [...]y encreaſſed.
[1] From Glouceſter ſhee paſſed by Berkley, and reſtores the Caſtell of Berkeley (whyche the Earle of Glouceſter,The Lorde Berkeley. Hugh Spencer the yonger hadde helde) vnto the Lorde Thomas Berkeley, heyre to the Lorde Maurice Berke|ley lately before deceaſſed in priſon, within the Caſtell of Walingforde, togither with all the appertenances to the honor of Berkeley be|longing.
[1] [page 880] The Queene commeth to Briſtow.From thence ſhe wente to Briſtowe, and the morrowe after hir thither comming, beeing the euen of the Apoſtles Simon and Iude, through the inſtant calling vppon of the people, the Earle of Wincheſter was drawen foorthe in his coate armoure vnto the common gallowes,The Earle of Wincheſter executed. and there hanged. His head was after cutte off, and ſent to Wincheſter, whereof he was Earle.
[1] The King in this meane time kept not in one place, but ſhifting hither and thither, remay|ned in great care.Sir Thomas Blunt, Lorde Steward to the Kyng, [...]u [...]t [...]th to the Queen. Wherevppon, Sir Thomas Blunt an auntient Knight, and Lord Steward of the Kinges houſe, tooke his ſeruauntes, with victuals, horſes, and armoure in greate plentie, and came to the Queene, of whome, and lyke|wiſe of hir ſonne hee was ioyfully receyued, and diuers of them which hee brought with him were reteyned, and the other had letters of protection, and were ſent away in louing manner.
[1] The King with the Earle of Glouceſter, and the Lord Chauncellor, taking the Sea, meante to haue gone eyther into the Ile of Lunday, or elſe into Irelande, but beyng toſſed with contra|ry windes for the ſpace of a weeks togither, [...] length, he landed in Glamorgan ſhire, and g [...]e him to the Abbey and Caſtell of N [...]th, there ſe|cretely remaining vppon truſt of the Welch [...] promiſes.
[1] Hugoline Spencer the ſonne of the Earle of Glouceſter, defended the Caſtell of K [...]ly a|gaynſt the power of the Queene and of hir ſonne till Eaſter following, and then compoundyng for the ſafetie of hys owne lyfe, and all they [...] within that Caſtell, and lykewiſe for the enioy|ing of their goodes, hee yeelded it to the handes of the menne of warre that helde ſiege aforeſt, in the Queenes name, and of hir ſonne.
[1] But nowe touching the Kyng, whyleſt hee was thus abroade, and no manne wife where hee was become, proclamations were made in the Queenes army dayly, in the why|che, he was ſummoned to returne, and to take the rule of the Realme into his handes, if hee woulde bee conformable to the myndes of hys tene liege men, but when hee appeared not,A [...] H [...] the Lordes of the lande aſſembled in counſell at He|reforde, [figure appears here on page 880] whether the Queene was come from Briſtowe,The Prince [...] Wa [...] [...]e Lorde [...]n of the Realme. and there was the Lorde Edwarde Prince of Wales and Duke of Aquitaine, made warden of Englande, by common [...], vnto whome, all men, as to the Lorde warden of the Realme, made fealtie, in receyuing an othe of allegiance, to bee faithfull and loyall to him.
[1] A newe chan|cellor and Treaſorer.After this, they made the Byſhoppe of Nor|wiche Lorde Chancellor, and the Biſhoppe of Wincheſter Lord Treaſorer.
[1] The Queene remayned aboute a monethes ſpace at Hereforde, and in the meane while, ſente the Lorde Henry Earle of Leyceſter, and the Lorde William la Zouche, and one Rice ap Howell, that was lately deliuered out of the Tower where hee was priſoner, into W [...] to ſee if they myghte finde meanes to apprehende the Kyng by helpe of their acquaintance in thoſe parties, all three of them hauing landes t [...] boutes where it was knowen the Kyng for the more parte kepte. They vſed ſuche diligence it that charge, that finally with large giftes beſto|wed on the Welchmenne, they came to vnder|ſtande where the King was, and ſo on the daye of Saint Edmonde the Archbyſhoppe, beeyng the ſixteenth of Nouember, they tooke hym in the Monaſterie of Neith, neere to the Caſtell of Laturſſan, togyther with Hugh Spencer the ſonne called Earle of Glouce|ſter, the Lorde Chauncellour Robert de Bal|docke, [page 881] and Simon de Reding the kings Mar|ſhall, not caring for other of the kings ſeruants, whom they ſuffred to eſcape.
[1] The king was deliuered to the Earle of Ley|ceſter, who conueyed him by Monmouth and Ledeburie,The king is brought to Kentworth. vnto Kentworth caſtell, where he re|mayned the whole winter. The Earle of Glou|ceſter, the Lorde Chauncellour, and Simon de Reding, were brought to Hereforde, and there preſented to the Queene, where on the .xxiiij. of Nouember, the ſayde Earle was drawne and hanged on a payre of Gallowes of fiftie foote in heigth.Hugh Spencer the yonger executed. Then was his heade ſtriken off, his bo|wels taken out of his bodie and burnt, and hys bodie deuided in quarters. His head was ſent to London, and ſet vpon the bridge with other, and his quarters were ſent to foure ſeuerall partes of the Realme. and there pight vpon polles, to bee ſeene of the people. He was drawne in his owne coate armour, about the which there were letters embrodered plaine to bee read, conteyning a par|cell of the Pſalme, Pſal. 52. Quid gloriaris in ma [...], vnto the verſe, [...]go autem vt [...]liua. &c.
[1] Simon de Re|ding executed.The ſame day was Simõ de Reding drawne and hanged on the ſame Gallowes, but ten foote lower them the other.
[1] This Reding being Marſhall of the kings houſe, had vſed the Queene verie vncurteouſly, giuing hir many reprothfull wordes, which now were remembred, and therefore may ſerue for an example, how daungerous a thing it is to ſpeake euill of the higher powers.
[1] Caxton.The cõmon fame went that after this Hugh Spencer the ſonne was taken, he woulde receyue no ſ [...]ſnance, wherefore he was the ſente put to death, or elſe had he beene conueyed to London, there to haue ſuffred.
The Earle of Armdell takẽIohn Earle of Armdell
was taken on Saint Hughes day, in the parties about S [...]reweſ [...]e, and the ſame day ſ [...]oun [...]ght before the execution of the
Earle of Glouceſter Hugh Spencer the yonger, as well the ſayde Earle, who
had beene euer a great friend to both the Spencers;
Tho. VValſ.
[1] The Chancellor Robert de Baldocke being committed to the cuſtodie of Adam de Torleton Biſhop of Hereforde, remayned at Hereforde in ſafe keeping till Candlemaſſe next, and then the Biſhop being at London, appoynted him to bee brought vp, where not without the Biſhops con|ſent (as was thought) he was taken out of hys houſe by violence, and layde in Newgate, where ſhortly after through inward ſorow and extreme griefe of minde he ended his life.Robert Baldoe ended his life.
[1] Thus the Queene and hir companie hauing compaſſed their buſineſſe, in to happie maner as they could wiſh, ſhe with hir ſonne and a greate companie of Lordes and Gentlemen, repayred to Wallingford, where they kept Chriſtmaſſe togi|ther with great ioy and triumph, the king in the meane while remayning (as ye haue hearde) at Kenilwoorth, in a kinde of honourable eſtate, al|though he was priſoner.
[1] After Chriſtmaſſe,1327 the Queene with hir ſonne and ſuch Lordes as were then with them, remo|ued to London, where at their comming thither, which was before the feaſt of the Epiphanie, they were receyued with great ioy, triumph, and large giftes, and ſo brought to Weſtminſter, where the morrow after the ſame feaſt, the Parliament which before hand had bene ſumm [...]ned began, in which it was concluded and fully agreed by at the eſtates (for none durſt ſpeake to the contrarie) that for diuerſe artreſes which were put vp agaynſt the king, he was not worthie longer to raigne,A Parliament. and therefore ſhould be depoſed, and withall they wil|led to haue his ſonne Edwarde duke of Aquitan to raigne in his place.
[1] This ordinance was openly pronounces in the great hall at Weſtminſter by one of the lords,The king is depoſed by act of Parliament. on the feaſt day of S. Hillarie being Tueſday, to the which all the people conſented.The Archbi|ſhop of Can|terburie prea|cheth. The Archbi|ſhop of Canterburie taking his theme, Vox po|puli, vti [...]tes; made a Sermon, exhorting the peo|ple to pray to God to beſtow of his grace vppon the new king.
[figure appears here on page 881]
[1] And ſo when the Sermon was ended euery man departed to his lodging. But the Duke of Aquitaine when hee perceyued that his mother tooke the matter heauily in appearance, for that hir huſband ſhould be thus depriued of the crown, he proteſted that he would neuer take it vpõ him, [page 882] without his fathers conſent, and ſo therevpon it was concluded, that certaine ſolemne Meſſen|gers ſhould goe to Kenilworth to moue the king to make reſignation of his Crowne and tytle to the kingdome vnto his ſonne.
[1] [2] Thom. de la More. Tho. VValſ.There were ſent on this meſſage (as ſome write) three, (or as other haue) but two Biſhops, two Erles, two Abbots, two (or as de la More, & Walſingham haue) four Barons, and for euerie Countie, Citie, & Burrough, and likewiſe for the cinque portes, certain knights and burgeſſes. The Biſhops that were ſent were theſe, as de la More noteth, Iohn de Stratford Biſhop of Winche|ſter, Adam de Torleton Biſhop of Hereford, and Henrie Biſhop of Lyncolne. The two Earles (as Southwell hath) were Lancaſter and War|wike: the two Barons, Roſe and Courtney: be|ſide theſe as he ſayth there were two Abbots, two Priors, two Iuſtices, two Friers of the order of Preachers, two of the Carmelites, two knights, for the Commons on the North ſyde of Trent, and two for the other on the South ſyde of the ſame Ryuer: two Citizens for London, two Burgeſſes for the cinque Portes, ſo as in all there were that went of this meſſage (as South|well hath) xxiij. or rather .xxiiij. perſones of one degree and other. None of the Frier Minors went, bycauſe they woulde not, bee the bringers of ſo heauie tydings, ſithe he had euer borne them great good will.
[1] The Biſhoppes Wincheſter, and Lyncolne, went before, and comming to Kenilworth, aſſo|ciated with them the Earle of Leyceſter, of ſome called the Earle of Lancaſter, that had the King in keeping. And hauing ſecrete conference with the king, they ſought to frame his minde, ſo as be might be contented to reſigne the crowne to his ſonne, bearing hym in hande, that if he refuſed ſo to doe, the people in reſpect of the euil will whiche they had conceyued agaynſte hym, woulde not fayle but proceede to the election of ſome other that ſhoulde happely not touche hym in lynage. And ſithe this was the onely meane to bring the lande in quiet, they wylled hym to conſider how muche he was bounde in conſcience to take that way, that ſhoulde bee ſo beneficiall to the whole Realme.
[1] The King being ſore troubled to heare ſuche diſpleaſant newes, was brought into a maruey|lous agonie: but in the ende, for the quyet of the Realme and doubt of further daunger to hym|ſelfe, he determyned to follow theyr aduice, and ſo when the other Commiſſioners were come, and that the Biſhop of Hereford had declared the cauſe wherefore they were ſent, the King in pre|ſence of them all, (notwithſtanding his outward countenaunce diſcouered howe muche it inward|ly grieued him) yet after he was come to himſelf, he anſwered that he knew that he was [...] to this miſerie through hys owne offences,R. S [...] [...] therefore he was contented paciently to [...], but yet it coulde not (hee ſayde) but gri [...] hym, that he had in ſuch wife [...]ne into the hatred of all his people: notwithſtanding he gaue the [...]|moſte heartie thankes, that they had ſo [...]|ten theyr receyued iniuryes,The king anſwere. and ceaſſed [...] beare ſo muche good wyll towardes hys ſo [...] Edwarde, as to wiſhe that hee myght [...] ouer them. Therefore to ſatiſfie them, ſithe other|wiſe it might not be, hee vtterly renounced hys right to the Kingdome, and to the whole admi|niſtration thereof. And laſtlye beſought [...] Lordes nowe in his miſerie to forgiue [...] offences as he had committed agaynſt them.
[1] The Ambaſſadours wyth this anſwere re|turning to London,Polidor. declared the ſame vnto all the eſtates, in order as they had receyued [...] vpon great ioy was made of all men, to [...] that they myght nowe by courſe of lawe proce [...] to the chooſing of a newe King. And ſo therevp|pon the .xxix. day of Ianuarie in Seſſion of Par|liament then at Weſtminſter aſſembled, was the thirde king Edward, ſonne to king Ed [...] the ſeconde choſen and elected king of Eng [...], by the authoritie of the ſame Parliament [...] as before is ſayde, confyrmed by hys fathers, [...] nation: and the firſt day of his raigne they [...] to be the .xxv. of Ianuarie, in the yeare .1 [...]. [...] the account of the Church of Englande, [...]|ning the yeare the .xxv. day of Marche, but [...] the common account of wryters,M [...] it was in the yeare, 13 [...]7.
[1] The ſame day Sir William Tru [...] Pro|curator for the whole Parliament did tru [...] the old king in name of the whole Parlia [...], [...] all homages and fealties due to him, ſo that the ſame .xxv. daye of Ianuarie hath beene [...] and taken for the fyrſt daye of the begyning of King Edwarde the thirde hys raigne, ſo [...] whatſoeuer chaunced before that daye to the crybed to bee done duryng the raygne of hys father.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] But now to make an ende of the life, [...] of the raigne of K. Edward the ſecõd, [...] after he was depoſed of his kingly ha [...] [...] [...]|tle, bee remayned for a tyme at Kenilwoorth, [...] M [...] [...] cuſtodye of the Earle of Leyceſter. But [...] a while the Queene was informed by the [...] of Hereforde, (whoſe hatred towardes [...] had no ende) that the Earle of Leyceſter fauoured [...] huſband too much, and more than ſtood w [...] [...] ſuretie of hir ſonnes eſtate, whervpon he was ap|pointed to the keping of two other lords; [...] Berkcley, and Iohn Matreuers, who recey [...] him of the Earle of Leyceſter the third of [...] conueyed him from Kenilworth vnto the caſtell [page 883] of Berkley, [...] from the Seue [...]; almoſt in the midway betwixt Glouceſter and Briſtow. But forſomuch as the Lord Berkeley [...]ſed [...] more curte [...] man his aduerſaries wiſhed him to doe, [...] was diſcharged o [...] that of|fice, and ſir Thomas Gourney appoynted in h [...] ſtead,Thomas [...]ey. who togither with the Lorde Ma [...]reue [...] io [...]ueyed him ſecretly for feare leaſt he ſhould be taken frõ them by force, from our ſtrong place to another, as to the caſtell of Corfe, and ſuche like, ſtill remouing vnto him in the might ſeaſon, till at length they thought it ſhould not be known [...]+ther they had co [...]yed him. And ſo at length they [...]ought him [...] againe in ſe [...] [...] the Caſtell of Berkley, where [...] [...]+ned (as ſome write) the Queene woulde ſend [...]+ [...]o him courteous and [...]ouing [...] appa| [...] and other ſuch things [...] [...]he would not once come nere to [...] him, hea [...]ing [...] hand that ſhee durſt not, for feare of the peoples diſpleaſure, who hated him ſo extremely. But as he thus [...]o| [...]inu [...] in priſon, cloſely [...] hys friends might haue acceſſe vnto him, as in ſuche caſes it often happeneth, when men be in maſerie, ſome will caſt pitie their ſtate, [...] Earle of [...] conſpi| [...] to deliuer [...]to her. there were diuerſe of the nobilitie of whom the Earle of Kent was chiefe) began to deuiſe meanes by ſt [...] [...]fe|rence had togithers, how they might reſtore hym to libertie, diſcommending [...] Queene Iſabell, and ſuch other [...] [...]pointed gouer|nours to the yong king, or his fathers ſtray [...] im|priſonment. The Queene [...] [...]her the gouernours vnderſtãding this cõſpi [...] of the erle of Kent, & of his brother, durſt not yet in that [...] greene world go about to [...]niſh [...] it, but rather thought good to take away frõ thẽ [...]aſion of accom|pliſhing their purpoſe. And here vpon the Queene and the Biſhop of Hereforde, wrote ſharpe let|ters vnto his keepers, blaming [...]hem greatly, for that they bealt ſo gently with him, and kept him no ſtrayther, but ſuffred [...] haue ſuch libertie, that he aduertiſed ſome of his friends abrode how and in what maner he was vſed, and withall the Biſhop of Hereforde vnder a ſophiſticall forme of wordes ſignified to them by his letters, that they ſhoulde diſpatch him out of the way, as thus: Ed|wardum occidere nolite cimere bonum eſt: To kill Edwarde will not to feare it is good. Whiche riddle or doubtfull kinde of ſpeech, as it might bee taken in two contrarie ſenſes, onely by placing the poynt in Ortographie called comma, they in|terpreted it in ye worſe ſenſe, putting ye cõma after [...]mere, and ſo preſuming of this cõmaundement as they tooke it, frõ the B. they lodge the miſerable priſoner in a chãber ouer a foule filthie dũgeon, ful of deade carion, truſting ſo to make an ende of him, wyth the abhominable ſtinche thereof: but he bearing it out ſtrongly, as a man of a tough nature, cõtinued ſtill in life, ſo as it ſeemed he was verie like to ſcape that daunger, as he had by pur|ging eyther vp or downe, auoyded the force of ſuch poyſon as had beene miniſtred to him ſun|drie tymes before, of purpoſe ſo to ridde him. Wherevpon when they ſawe that ſilth practiſes woulde not ſerue their turne, they came ſodenly one night into the chamber where hee lay in bed faſt aſleepe, and with heauie feather beddes, (or a table as ſome write) being caſt vpon him, they kept him downe,Tho. VValſ. and withall put into his funda|ment an horne, and through the ſame they thruſt vp into his bodie a [...]te ſpirit, (or as other haue through the pype of a Trumpet,Tho. de la More. a Plumbers in|ſtrument of yron made bene [...]ote) the which paſ|ſing vp into his intrayles,King Edwarde the ſeconde murthered. and being rolled to and f [...]o, [...] the ſaint, but ſo as [...] appearãce of any wounde or hurt outwardly might bee once per|ceyued. His [...]e did moue many within the ca|ſtell and towne of Berkley to compaſſion, plainly hearing him vtter a whilefull noyſe, as the tor|mentors were about to murther him, ſo that dy|uerſe being awakened therwith (as they themſel|ues confiſted) prayed heartily to God to receyue his ſoule, when they vnderſtoode by his er [...]e what the matter ment.
[1] The Queene, the Biſhop, and other, that then tyrannie might be hid, outlawed and bani|ſhed the Lorde Matreners, and Thomas Gour|ney, who [...]ing [...] Marcels, three yeares after [...]g known, [...] and brought toward Eng|lande, was deheaded on the ſea, leaſt hee ſhoulde [...]ſe the [...], as the Biſhop and other. Iohn Muttinees, repenting himſelfe, lay long hidden [...] manie, and in the ende died peni|tently.
[1] Thus was king Edwarde [...]thered, in the yeare 13 [...]7. on the .xxij. of September.
[1] [2] [3] The [...]e [...] that by this Edwarde the ſeconde,The fond opi|nion of the ignorãt people after his death manye my [...]ſes were wrought. So that the like opinion of him was [...]ery [...]s as before had beene of Earle Thomas of Lancaſter namely amongſt the common peo|ple. He was knowne to bee of a good and [...]te|ons nature, though not of moſte pregnant [...].The nature & diſpoſition of king Edwarde the ſeconde. And al [...]e [...] [...] youth [...] into certaine light [...]rymes [...] by the companie and counſa [...]e of euill [...]on, was [...]nd [...]ed vnto more hey [...] [...] thought that he purged the [...] by repentance, and paciently ſuffered many re|pro [...]s, and finally death it ſelfe (as before yee haue hearde) after a moſt cruell maner. Hee had ſurely good cauſe to repent his former trade of ſy|uing, for by his indiſcreete and wanton [...]|uernance, there were headed and put to death du|ring his raigne (by iudgement of law) to the nũ|ber of .xxviij. barons and knights, ouer and beſide ſuch as were ſlaine in Scotlande by hys infor|tunate [page 884] conduct. And all theſe miſchiefes and ma|ny mor happened not only to him, but alſo to the whole ſtate of the realm, in that he wanted iudge|ment and prudent diſcretion to make choyſe of ſage and diſcrete counſaylers, receyuing thoſe in|to his fauour, that abuſed the ſame to their pry|uate gaine and aduantage, not reſpecting the ad|uancement of the common wealth ſo they them|ſelues might attaine to riches and honour, for which they onely ſought, inſomuch that by theyr couetous rapine, ſpoyle and immoderate ambiti|on, the heartes of the common people and nobili|tie were quite eſtraunged from the dutifull loue and obedience which they ought to haue ſhewed to their ſoueraigne going about by force to wraſ [...] him to follow theyr willes, and to ſeeke the de|ſtruction of them whom he commonly fauoured, wherein ſurely they were worthie of blame, and to taſte (as manye of them did) the deſerued pu|niſhment for theyr diſobedient and diſloyall de|meanors. For it was not the way whiche they tooke to helpe the diſfigured ſtate of the common wealth, but rather the readie meane to ouerthrow all, as if Gods goodneſſe had not beene the greater it muſt needs haue come to paſſe, as to thoſe that ſhall well conſider the pitifull tragedie, of this kings tyme it may well appeare.
[1] But now to proceed with that which remai|neth touching this infortunate Prince Hee had iſſue by his wife Queene Iſabell,His iſſue. two ſonnes, Edward which was made king whileſt he was yet aliue, and Iohn whiche dyed yong alſo two daughters, Eleanore, which died before ſhe came to yeares able for mariage, and Ioan which was after giuẽ in mariage vnto Dauid king of Scot|lande. He was indifferently tall of ſtature, ſtrong of bodie, and healthfull, neither wanted there in him ſtoutneſſe of ſtomake, if his euill counſaylers had bene remoued, that he might haue ſhewed it in honourable exploytes, which being kept backe by them he coulde not doe: ſo that thereby it ap|peareth of what importance it is to be trayned vp in youth with good and honeſt companie.
[1] It is ſayd that he was learned, inſomuch that there remaine verſes, which (as ſome haue writ|ten) he made whileſt he was in priſon. Certaine it is he fauoured learning, as by the erection of O|riall Colledge in Oxford,Oryall and S. Marie hall in Oxford. and S. Maries Hall, which were of his foundation, it may well bee gathered.
[1] Ex centuria 4. Bale.Learned men we finde recorded by Bale, to liue in this kings time theſe as follow. Iohn D [...]ns, that ſubtill Logitian, borne (as Lelande hath gathered) in a village in Northumberlande called Emyldun, three myles diſtant from [...] wike, although other hold the cõtrarie, [...] clayming him for theyr countreymen, [...] Iriſhe men for theirs: Robert Wa [...] [...] E [...]lite Frier that w [...]i [...] diuerſe [...] Wilton an Auguſtine Friers [...] borne: Ra [...]fe Lockſley; Nicholas [...] William Whitley: Thomas Ioy [...] [...] Ioyce [...] William Gayneſburg Robert B [...] borne not farre from Notingham, [...] Frier of Scarbourgh, the ſame whome king [...]+warde tooke with him into Scotlande to [...] ſome remẽbrances of his victories, although be|ing taken by the Scottes,So [...] in S [...]+lande. P [...] he was conſtr [...] [...] Robert Br [...] to frame a dittie to [...] time: Iohn Horminger a Suffolke was [...] William Riſhanger a Monke of S. [...] Hiſtoriographer Ranfe Baldocke [...] London wrote alſo an Hiſtorie, which was [...] [...]+tuled, Hiſtoria Anglica? Richard B [...] [...] [...]+colnſhire man borne, a Carmelite Frier [...] Walſingham, borne either in Walſingham [...] Brunham (as Bale ſuppoſeth) a Carmelite [...] alſo, and wrote diuerſe treatiſes, Thomas [...]|ham a Cauo [...] Saliſburie, and a [...] [...]initio: Robert Plunpton, borne in [...] a regular Chanon [...] Thomas Ca [...] [...] of Pontfret: William Manſfield: Iohn [...] Robert [...] William Aſkattle of Be [...] Gaffrey of [...] Iohn Gatiſdene T [...] Angliens Stephẽ [...]ton or Ed [...] Iohn [...]+ſtone borne in Yorkeſhire: Iohn W [...]: Nicholas de Lira, Iewe by byrth of thoſe [...] had their habitatiõs in England, who [...] [...]|ree many treatiſes to his great commẽdation for his ſinguler knowlege and zeale, which [...] in diſprouing the Rabines that ſtyll ſought to keepe the Iewiſh nation in blindneſſe and [...] hope, in looking for another Meſſias: Ra [...] [...]|ton an excellent diuine: Iohn Dumbleton a [...]|gitian: Thomas Langford borne in M [...] Eſſex; Oſbert Pyckertam a Carmelite Frier of Lyn in Norffolke: Nicholas Ohe [...] [...] Frier: William Ocham a Frier Minor, [...] wrote diuerſe treatiſes, & namely againſt Iohn Duns, and likewiſe againſt Iohn the [...] of that name, in fauour of the Emperour Lewes of Bauier: Richard Walingford: Thomas [...]|wood a Canõ of Leedes in Kent; wrote a Chro|nicle called Chronicon Campendiariũ Robert [...]+rew: Robert Perſerutator borne in Yorkeſhire a black Frier, & a Philoſopher or rather a Mag [...] Richarde Belgrane a Carmelite: Brinkley a minorite, and others.