[1] The king of England pas|seth into Scotland.King Edward to be reuenged herof, with a migh|tie armie brauelie furnished, and gorgiouslie apparel|led, more seemelie for a triumph, than méet to incoun|ter with the cruell enimie in the field, entred Scot|land, in purpose speciallie to rescue the castell of Sterling, as then besieged by the Scotishmen. But at his approching néere to the same, Robert Bruce was readie with his power to giue him battell. In the which king Edward nothing doubtfull of losse, had so vnwiselie ordered his people, and confounded their ranks, that euen at the first ioining, they were not onelie beaten downe and ouerthrowne, by those that coped with them at hand, but also were woun|ded with shot a farre off, by those their enimies which stood behind to succour their fellowes when need re|quired, so that in the end the Englishmen fled to saue their liues,The English+men chased. and were chased and slaine by the Scots in great number.