[1] Learned men we find recorded by Bale, to liue in this kings time these as follow. Ex centuria 4. Bale. Iohn Duns that sub|till logician, borne (as Leland hath gathered) in a vil|lage in Northumberland called Emildune, thrée miles distant from Alnwike, although other hold the contrarie, the Scots claiming him for their coun|trieman, and the Irishmen for theirs; Robert Wal|singham a Carmelite frier that writ diuerse treati|ses, Iohn Wilton an Augustine frier, Walter Win|terborne, Rafe Locksley, Nicholas Stanford, Wil|liam Whitley, Thomas Ioice, Walter Ioice, Wil|liam Gainesburgh, Robert Baston borne not farre from Notingham a Carmelite frier of Scarburgh, the same whome king Edward tooke with him into Scotland to write some remembrances of his victo|ries, although being taken by the Scots, he was con|streined by Robert Bruce to frame a dittie to a con|trarie tune;Sée in Scot|land. Iohn Horminger a Suffolke man borne, William Rishanger a moonke of S. Albons an historiographer, Rafe Baldocke bishop of Lon|don wrote also an historie, which was intituled Histo|riae Anglica; Richard Bliton a Lincolnshire man borne a Carmelite frier, Iohn Walsingham borne either in Walsingham or Brunham (as Bale suppo|seth) a Carmelite frier also, and wrote diuerse trea|tises; Thomas Chabham a canon of Salisburie and a doctor of diuinitie, Robert Plimpton borne in De|uonshire a regular canon, Thomas Castleford a moonke of Pomfret, William Mansfield, Iohn Ca|non, Robert Grime, William Askettle of Beuer|ley, Geffrey of Cornewall, Iohn Gatisdene, Theo|bald Anglicus, Stephan Eiton or Edon, Iohn Gold|stone borne in Yorkeshire, Iohn Winchelsey, Nicho|las de Lyra a Iew by birth of those that had their habitations in England, who wrote verie manie treatises, to his great commendation for his singu|lar knowledge and zeale, which he shewed in dispro|uing the Rabines that still sought to kéepe the Iew|ish nation in blindnesse and vaine hope, in looking for another Messias; Rafe Acton an excellent di|uine, Iohn Dumbleton a logician, Thomas Lang|ford borne in Maldon in Essex a logician, Osbert Pickenam a Carmelite frier of Lin in Norffolke, Nicholas Okeham a graie frier, William Ockam a frier minor that wrote diuerse treatises, and namelie against Iohn Duns, and likewise against Iohn the three and twentith pope of that name in fa|uour of the emperour Lewes of Bauier, Richard Walingford, Thomas Haselwood a canon of Léeds in Kent wrote a chronicle called Chronicon compendia|rium, Robert Karew, Robert Perscrutator borne in Yorkeshire a blacke frier and a philosopher or rather a magician, Richard Belgraue a Carmelite, Brink|ley a minorite; and others.
Thus far infortunat Edward the second.