[1] [2] The quéene goeth to Glocester.These words spoken, the queene accompanied with a great power, departed from Oxenford, and went straight vnto Glocester, and sent before hir vn|to Bristow the earle of Kent, the kings brother, sir Iohn of Hennegew, with other, to take the earle of Winchester. They did their endeuour with such dili|gence, that the townesmen, compounding to be sa|ued harmlesse in bodie and goods, deliuered the towne and castell vnto the quéene, & to hir sonne the prince. In the meane time, there came to the quéene at Glo|cester, the lord Percie, the lord Wake, and diuerse o|ther, as well from the north parts, as foorth of the marches of Wales, so that hir armie hugelie increased.