[1] [2] [3] The quéene, the bishop, and others, that their tyran|nie might be hid, outlawed and banished the lord Ma|treuers, and Thomas Gourney, who flieng vnto Marcels, thrée yeares after being knowne, taken, [page 342] and brought toward England was beheaded on the sea, least he should accuse the chiefe dooers, as the bi|shop and other. Iohn Matreuers, repenting himselfe, laie long hidden in Germanie, and in the end died penitentlie. Thus was king Edward murthered, in the yeare 1327,The fond opi|nion of the ignorant peo|ple. on the 22 of September. The fame went that by this Edward the second, after his death manie miracles were wrought. So that the like opi|nion of him was conceiued as before had beene of earle Thomas of Lancaster, namelie amongst the common people. He was knowne to be of a good and courteous nature,The nature & disposition of king Edward the second. though not of most pregnant wit.