[1] [2] Within few daies after, when the king called him againe before his presence, to make answere to the matters laid against him, the archbishops of Can|turburie, Yorke, Dublin, and ten other bishops came with their crosses afore them,The presam|tuous [...]enica|nor of prelats. and vnder a colour of the priuilege and liberties of the church, tooke him a|waie, before he had made anie answere, forbidding all men on paine of excommunication, to laie anie hands vpon him. The king greatlie offended with this bold procéeding of the prelats, caused yet an in|quest to be impauelled, to inquire of the bishop of Herefords treasons, and vpon the finding of him giltie, he seized into his hands all the temporalties that belonged to his bishoprike, and spoiled his ma|nours and houses most violentlie, in reuenge of his disloiall dealings.