[1] [2] But now to procéed with that which remaineth touching this infortunate prince. He had issue by his wife quéene Isabell two sonnes, Edward which was made king whilest he was yet aliue, and Iohn which died yoong: also two daughters, Elianor which died before she came to yeares able for mariage; and Ione which was after giuen in mariage vnto Dauid king of Scotland. He was indifferentlie tall of stature, strong of bodie, and healthfull, neither wanted there in him stoutnesse of stomach, if his euill councellors had béene remooued, that he might haue shewed it in honorable exploits, which being kept backe by them, he could not doo. So that thereby it appeareth of what importance it is to be trained vp in youth with good and honest companie. ¶ It is said that he was lear|ned, insomuch that there remaine verses, which (as some haue written) he made whilest he was in prison. Certeine it is he fauored lerning, as by the erection of Oriall colledge in Oxford, & S. Maries hall,Oriall & S. Maries hall in Oxford. which were of his foundation, it may well be gathered.