[1] After which letter thus published in the citie, a great number of artificers, Fabian. Thom. Walsi. and other that loued not to sit in rest vpon such occasion of discord offered, now that things were in bro [...]le in other parts of the realme, assembled in great numbers, & with weapon in hand came to the lord maior of the citie, whom they knew to fauor the kings part,The lord maior forc [...] to take [...] & therefore they forced him through feare of some iniurious violence, to re|ceiue an oth to stand to their ordinance, which was to put to death all those that were aduersaries to the quéene, or had by any meanes procured the hinde|rance of the cities liberties, vnder pretext of which oth they ran and tooke one of the citizens,Iohn Ma [...]|shall taken [...] beheaded called Iohn Marshall, who bicause he was verie familiar with the earle of Glocester, and therefore suspected to haue accused the citizens, they stroke off his head, and spoi|led all his goods.