[1] [2] [3] Re. Tu [...]  Lands belõg|ing to the templers.Moreouer, in this parlement, the lands and posses|sions that belonged sometime to the Templers, and had beene deliuered vnto the knights Hospitalers, otherwise called knights of the Rodes by the king in the seauenth yeare of his reigne (according to the de|crée of the councell of Uienna) were by authoritie of this parlement assured vnto the said knights, to en|ioy to them and their successors for euer. Also it was concluded, that the earle of Kent, and the archbishop of Dubline should go ouer as ambassadours into France, to excuse the king for his not comming in person to the French king, to doo his homage for the lands he held in France. Moreouer, in the same par|lement,Licence to [...] the bodies of the rebels. Reco [...]d. Tur. the king granted, that all the dead bodies of his enimies and rebels that had suffered and hanged still on the gallowes, should be taken downe, and buried in the churchyards next to the places where the same bodies were hanging, and not elsewhere, by such as would take paine to burie them, as by his writs directed vnto the shiriffes of London, and of the counties of Middlesex, Kent, Glocester, Yorke, and Buckingham it appeared. And not onelie this li|bertie was granted at that time for the taking down of those bodies, Polydor. but (as some write) it was decréed by authoritie in the same parlement, that the bodies of all those that from thenceforth should be hanged for felonies, should incontinentlie be buried, which ordi|nance hath béene euer since obserued.