[1] The earles of Richmond & Penbroke.The earles of Richmond and Penbroke were ap|pointed to passe by a foord, which they had got know|ledge of, with thrée hundred horssemen in complet armour, and the king with his brother the earle of Kent should follow them, with the residue of the ar|mie,Robert A|quarie. sauing that Robert Aquarie or Waters, with certeine bands of footmen was commanded to as|saile the bridge, which he did verie manfullie, causing the archers & crossebowes to annoie them that kept it, so as he might draw the whole power of the eni|mies that waie,The K. pas|seth by a foord. till the king and the earles were passed by the foord. But after that the earles of Lan|caster and Hereford with their complices, heard that the king was passed with his armie, they came foorth with their people into the fields,The earles of Lancaster & Hereford flée and set fire on the towne. and put them in or|der of battell: but perceiuing the great puissance which the king had there readie to encounter them, without more adoo they fled setting fire on the towne, and leauing all their vittels and other things behind them. The kings people comming spéedilie forward, and entring the towne, quenched the fire, and fell to the spoile of such things as the enimies for hast had left behind them. The king kept nothing to himselfe, but onelie a faire cup that belonged to the earle of Lancaster, a péece esteemed to be of some great value.