[1] The king herevnto answered, that as concerning Hugh Spenser the father,The kings answer. he was abroad on his bu|sines beyond the seas, and that Hugh the sonne was on the sea for the safe kéeping of the cinque ports, as by his office he was bound, and that they ought not by any right or custome to be banished, before they haue made answere to the crimes obiected against them. He added further, that their request wanted foundation of law and reason. And if it might be proued that the Spensers had in any wise offended against the statutes and ordinances of the land, they were alwaies readie to make their answere as the lawes of the realme should require. Lastlie he added this with an oth, that he would not be forsworne con|trarie to that which at his coronation he had taken vpon him by oth, through granting letters of peace and pardon to such notorious offendors in contempt of his person, and to the trouble and disquieting of the whole realme.