[1] [2] [3] The parlement being thus ended,The king go|eth to Can|turburie. the king and quéene went to Canturburie, there to visit the shrine of Thomas Becket somtime archbishop there. From thence he went to the Ile of Tenet, that he might meet with his deare & welbeloued councellour Hugh Spenser the yoonger, whome he had of late sent in ambassage vnto the French king,He commeth to talke with the lord cham|berlaine. and now being re|turned by sea into those parts, he was desirous to see him, that he might haue conference with him: and so comming togither, they spent certeine daies in com|moning of such matters as they thought good. The king calling to him the mariners of the cinque ports, committed to them the custodie of the said Hugh, who for a time kept him with them in their ships, and the king sailing alongst the coast to Por|chester, conferred with him of manie things.