[1] [2] But now touching the king, whilest he was thus abroad, and no man wist where he was become, pro|clamations were made in the queenes armie dailie, in the which he was summoned to returne, and to take the rule of the relme into his hands, if he would be conformable to the minds of his true liege men; but when he appeared not, the lords of the land assem|bled in councell at Hereford, whither the quéene was come from Bristow,A councell at Hereford. and there was the lord Edward prince of Wales and duke of Aquitaine made war|den of England, by common decrée,The prince of Wales made lord warden of the realme. vnto whome all men, as to the lord warden of the realme, made feal|tie, in receiuing an oth of allegiance to be faithfull and loiall to him. After this, they made the bishop of Norwich lord chancellor,A new chan|cellor and treasuror. and the bishop of Winche|ster lord treasuror.