10.1. The tenor of the said sixt letter lack|ing a direction.

The tenor of the said sixt letter lack|ing a direction.

[1] _YOu shall vnderstand my lord, that the communication be|fore hand had, is now brought to effect. For the earle of Here|ford, the lords Roger Damorie, Hugh de Audelie the yoonger, Bartholo|mew de Badelesmer, Roger de Clifford, Iohn Gifford, Henrie Teis, Thomas Manduit, Iohn de Willington, and all o|ther are come to Pomfret, and are readie to make you good assurance, so that you will performe couenant with them, to wit for your comming to aid vs, and to go with vs into England and Wales, to liue and die with vs in our quarell. We therefore beseech you to assigne vs day and place, where we may meet, and we will be readie to accomplish fullie our businesse: and we beseech you to make vs a safe conduct for thirtie horsses, that we may in safetie come to your parts.