[1] [2] [3] About this season was the foundation begun of S. Michaels colledge in Cambridge, Polydor. by one sir Henrie Stanton knight, chancellour of the excheker. About the feast of the Ascension, Rich. Sou [...] Commissio|ners [...] intrea [...] of peace. there came as commissio|ners from the king of England vnto Newcastell, Aimerie earle of Penbroke, and the lord chamber|laine Hugh Spenser the yoonger, and other foure personages of good accompt. And from the king of Scots, there came the bishop of saint Andrews, Tho|mas Randulfe earle of Murrey, and other foure of good credit to treat of peace, or at the leastwise of some long truce, and through the good will and plea|sure of God, the author of all peace and quietnesse, they concluded vpon a truce, to indure for thirteene yeares,A tr [...]ce [...] claded. and so about the feast of saint Barnabe the a|postle, it was proclaimed in both realmes, but yet so, that they might not traffike togither, bicause of the excommunication wherewith the Scots were as yet intangled, although as some write, about the same time, the interdict wherein the realme of Scotland stood bound, was by pope Iohn released. Polydor Hect. [...] Anno Reg. 1 [...] Messengers from the French king.