[1] [2] The king aduertised of their dooings, sent vnto them the archbishop of Canturburie,The king sendeth to the lords. and the lord Bartholomew de Badelismere lord steward of his house, to request them to desist and leaue off from such their outragious dooings, and comming to the parle|ment which he had alreadie summoned, they might put in their complaints and grieuances, & he would see that they should haue iustice, according as equitie should require. The lord Badelismere forsaking the king,The lord Ba|delismere re|uolt [...]h to the side of the [...]arons. became one of the confederacie with the ba|rons, and so the archbish. was glad to returne alone, leauing the L. Badelismere behind him, who sent the king word by the archbishop, that till they had expel|led the Spensers out of the realme, they would not giue ouer their enterprise. On saint Barnabies day they came to a manour of Hugh Spenser the father called Fasterne, in the countie of Wiltshire, and spoiled the same with diuerse and manie other manors, aswell in Wiltshire, as else where, to wit, in Glocestershire, Dorsetshire, Hamshire, Barkeshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Surrie, Cam|bridgeshire, Huntingtonshire, Leicestershire, Lin|colneshire, Chesshire, and Warwikeshire, making such hauocke of all such goods or cattell as belonged to the said Hugh Spenser the father, that he was thought to be indamaged to the value of thirtie thou|sand pounds, burning his houses, [...]eating, maiming and ransoming his men.