[1] After that the earle of Carleill was returned home, he called to Carleill all the cheefe persons of the countrie, as well spirituall as temporall, and there rather through feare, than otherwise, constrei|ned [page 334] them to receiue an oth, that they should aid & as|sist him to their powers, to see all the couenants a|bouesaid performed and kept. After that these things were knowne to the king and the realme, although some of the communaltie liked well inough of the matter, bicause they hoped thereby to remaine in peace, especiallie those of the north parts, the king yet and his councell (not without cause) were sore offended, for that he whom the king had so latelie ad|uanced, should confederate himselfe with the Scots, to the preiudice of the king and his crowne, conclu|ding any couenants of peace without his consent, wherevpon reputing him for a ranke traitor, the king sent vnto the lord Antonie Lucie,The lord Lucie. to apprehend the said earle by some meanes if he might, and for his paines he should not faile to be well rewarded.