[1] [2] [3] Rich. South. The king escaping awaie, got to Yorke, and the Scots hauing thus the vpper hand, after they had spoiled the monasterie of Rinale,

Yorkeswol [...] spoiled by the Scots.

Beuerlie ran| [...]omed.

and taken their pleasure there, they passed foorth into Yorkeswold, de|stroieng that countrie euen almost vnto Beuerlie, which towne they ransomed, receiuing a summe of monie for sparing it, least they should haue burnt it, as they did other.The earle of Carleill rai|seth an armie. The earle of Carleill being com|manded by the king to raise the powers of Cumber|land, Westmerland, and Lancashire, did so, and accor|ding to that he had in commandement, bringing them belowe the countries vnto Yorke, found the K. there in no plight to giue battell to his enimies, all things being brought about him into great con|fusion: wherevpon he licenced his people to depart to their homes againe, and the Scots so returned without battell home into their countries, entring into Scotland the morrow after All ballowes daie, after they had remained in England at this time, one whole moneth and foure daies. Fabian. Some write, that in their returne, they spoiled Northalerton, and diuerse other townes and places as they passed.