[1] [2] From Porchester the king ment to returne vnto London, there to méet the quéene, who in hir returne from Canturburie would haue lodged one night in the castell of Léeds, which the lord Bartholomew de Badelismere late steward of the kings house had by exchange of the king for other lands, and now taking part with the barons, had left his wife and children with other of his fréends and treasure in the same castell.The quéene not suffered to lodge in the castell of Léeds. Those that were put in trust with keeping this castell, would neither permit quéene nor other to en|ter therein, without expresse commandement from their lord and maister, and so they signified not one|lie to the quéenes seruants that came before to make prouision for hir, but also declared the same to hir selfe comming thither in person.