[1] [2] [3] These letters were read, heard, and allowed in the presence of all the Noble men of this land, the day and yeare abouesaid. ¶ The archbishop of Cantur|burie, being latelie returned from Rome, where he had remained in exile in the late deceassed kings daies for a certeine time, did pronounce the said Péers accursed, if he taried within the realme lon|ger than the appointed time, and likewise all those that should aid, helpe, or mainteine him, as also if he should at any time hereafter returne againe into the land. To conclude, this matter was so follow|ed, that at length he was constreined to withdraw himselfe to Bristow, Anno Reg. 2. The earle of Cornewall banished the realme. and so by sea as a banished man to saile into Ireland.