[1] Whilest this siege remained before the towne of the Rioll, Fabian. The king of England writeth to the duke of Bri|taine. Record. Tur. the king of England wrote his letters to the duke of Britaine, as one of the péeres of France, declaring the iniurious dealing of the French king, who had sent his vncle the earle of Aniou with an ar|mie against his people in Agenois, where he had ta|ken manie townes, destroied his people, and now had besieged his nephue Edmund earle of Kent, within the towne of the Rioll, inforsing his whole puissance wrongfullie to bereaue him of all the du|chie of Guien, and against all reason, and the prero|gatiue of the peeres of France, to an euill president or example in time to come of the perpetuall serui|tude of the said péeres.
And although saith the king of England, that the French alledge that we haue béen lawfullie summoned to come and doo homage, and haue refused so to doo, that is not so: for we were ne|uer in due order required as was conuenient, nei|ther could we doo homage, by reason of the great in|iuries and hard dealings practised against vs, from the feast of Easter last, till the date of those his pre|sent letters (which was the sixt of October, in this eighteenth yeare of his reigne) and yet, saith he, there was neuer anie lawfull processe had against vs be|fore our péeres, in the great chamber at Paris, as had béene requisite.