[1] In this season vittels were so scant and déere,A pitifull famine. and wheat and other graine brought to so high a price, that the poore people were constreined thorough fa|mine to eat the flesh of horsses, dogs, and other vile beasts, which is woonderfull to beléeue, Tho. Wals. Fabian. and yet for de|fault there died a great multitude of people in di|uers places of the land. Foure pence in bread of the courser sort would not suffice one man a daie. Wheat was sold at London for foure marks the quarter and aboue. Then after this dearth and scarsitie of vittels insued a great death and mortalitie of people,A sore morta|litie of people. so that what by warre of the Scots, and what by this mortalitie and death, the people of the land were woonderfullie wasted and consumed. O pitifull depo|pulation!