[1] [2] But quéene Isabell and hir sonne, with such others as were with hir in Heinault, staied not their iour|nie for doubt of all their aduersaries prouision, but immediatlie after that they had once made their purueiances, and were readie to depart, they tooke the sea, namelie the queene, hir sonne, Edmund of Wodstoke earle of Kent, sir Iohn de Heinault a|foresaid, and the lord Roger Mortimer of Wigmore, a man of good experience in the warres, and diuerse others, Tho. Walsin. The quéene with hir son land in Suf|folke. hauing with them a small companie of Eng|lishmen, with a crue of Heinewiers and Almains, to the number of 2757 armed men, the which sai|ling foorth towards England, landed at length in Suffolke, at an hauen called Orwell besides Har|wich, the 25 daie of September. Immediatlie after that the queene and hir sonne were come to land, it was woonder to sée how fast the people resorted vnto them; and first of all, the earle Marshall, in whose l [...]nds she first came on shore, repaired vnto hir, Tho. Walsi, so did the earle of Leicester, and diuerse barons & knights of those parts, with all the prelats in manner of the land, as the bishops of Lincolne, Hereford, Dubline, and Elie, the which being ioined with the queene, [page 338] made a great armie.The readi|nesse of the prelats to assist the quéene. The archbishop of Canturbu|rie and others aided hir with monie.