[1] [2] Hen. Marl. The lord Roger Mortimer returned againe into England, and Alexander Bicnor was made cheefe iu|stice of Ireland. ΒΆ Also Edward Bruce, with sir Walter and sir Hugh La [...]ie, bringing with them a great armie, returned out of Scotland; and arriued at Dundalke, on the day of saint Calix [...] the pope. But neere to the same place sir Iohn Belmingham, Th. Walsing. Continuation of Triuet. Richard Tute, and Miles of Ue [...]don, with a power of 1 [...]24 men incountred them, and slue the said Ed|ward le Bruce, and aboue the number of 8200 men, or (as other haue) but 5800. The said sir Iohn Bir|mingham brought the head of Edward le Bruce ouer into England, and presented it to the king. Wherevpon the king in recompense of his seruice, gaue vnto him the earledome of Louth, to hold to him and his heires males, and the baronie of Athird to him and his heires generall.