[1] [2] [3] Furthermore not contented to spoile those places which belonged to him, but hearing that in the abbeie of Stanlie he had laid vp monie and euidences, they brake into that abbeie, and tooke out thereof a thou|sand pounds in readie coine beside euidences and writings, to the indamaging of him to the value of six thousand pounds, and likewise entring into the ca|stell of Marleburgh, where the said Hugh Spenser the father had laid vp in wooll to the number of 36 sacks, they tooke the same and other of his goods, as well in plate as apparell, to the value in all of six thou|sand pounds. And they did not onelie spoile the pos|sessions, houses, goods, and cattels of the two Spen|sers, whersoeuer they could heare that the same were to be found, but also they vsed the like disorder a|gainst all such as were knowne to be fréends or well-willers, to either the father or sonne, sending com|missions vnto such as should see the same executed to the most extremitie, so that in this rage of enuie and hot reuenge there was no parcialitie, but that one with another, the innocent with the nocent, the guiltlesse with the guiltie went to wracke, and (as the old prouerbe saith concurring with common practise
Quòd sus peccauit succula saepe luit)finallie, after they had satisfied their desires in such riotous sort, they raised the people,The barons raise the peo|ple and came in armes to|wards the parlement. and constrei|ned them to sweare to be of their accord, and so came forward with the like force towards the parlement that was summoned to be holden at London thrée wéeks after Midsummer. At their comming to S. Albons, they sent the bishops of London, Salisburie, Elie, Hereford, and Chichester,They send to the king. to the king with their humble suit in outward apperance, though in effect and verie déed more presumptuous than was requi|site. Their cheefe request was that it might please his highnesse to put from him the Spensers, whose coun|sell they knew to be greatlie against his honour, and hereof not to faile if he tendered the quiet of his realme. They also required letters patents of him, conteining a generall pardon for the indemnitie of themselues,Their re|quests. and all those that had beene in armes with them, so as they should not be impeached by the king for any transgressions past or present, in time hereafter to come.