[1] [2] But to the purpose. King Edward not a little of|fended with king Charles, by whole meanes he knew that the woman thus lingered abroad, he procured pope Iohn to write his letters vnto the French king, admonishing him to send home his sister and hir sonne vnto hir husband.A proclam [...]tion. Fabian. But when this nothing auai|led, a proclamation was made in the moneth of De|cember, the nineteenth yeare of this kings reigne, that if the quéene and hir sonne entred not the land by the octaues of the Epiphanie next insuing in peaceable wise, they should be taken for enimies to the realme and crowne of England. Polydor. ¶ Here authors varie, for some write, that vpon knowledge had of this proclamation, the queene determined to returne into England foorthwith, that she might be reconciled to hir husband.